Hi All well last night went some what well,
I started my session at around 12:00. I gave my self a small enema, Which I like feels great to have a super clean hole.
I then got my self setup by pre lubing my hole with an Aneros Marks man. i saved a small amount to lub the Helix I then inseted it and lyed on my back with a small pellow under my hind quaters.
I then inserted some in-ear had phones which I played the Hyperanerosession (SP) CD trough.
After about 30mins I felt a quiver at my anus and my cock went hard I kinda acenently contracted and I felt the aneros shoot up my anus quite agressivly for a very small contraction at this point I did not hold the contraction as I taught it was the wrong time for the next 10 mins I kinda felt all happy like I knew something was about to happen.
about 40 mins Alana started promoting me to contract which I did but I now felt a little soreness around my sphincter I taught this strange but kept going I did not feel involuntary but I did feel a kinda quivering followed by some pleasurable sensations. The longer the session went on the more I started to notice the small discomfort around my anus.
Knowing at this point the session would most probably not get anywhere I turned to a traditional penal Ejaculation but just before I got to the point of orgasm I felt the helix start throbbing wildly and shooting in and out of my hole drive me completely over the edge spewing out loads of cum and feeling like I had three orgasm in a row Did I have a super T ???
When I then removed the Helix I noticed it was dry as a bone and when I went to finger my hole it to felt dry Is it passable that the Anaros Marks man is just not capable of going the two hour session and thats why my anus got sore should I be looking towards the shea Butter instead ??
I would really appreciate some feed back on all this. I kinda feel like I am making progress and that there is light at the end of the tunnel for me,
Best regards,