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Hi guys. I've had to join up to post something as I have - after a few weeks of trying had a mind-blowingly intense experience and feel like there is much more to come. My first big question is...HOW did I not know about this?!!

Until a few weeks back when I stumbled across Mr Racy I had no idea of the potential pleasure of the prostate. I'm honestly not overstating it to say this will change my life.

Also, I just want to thank these forums for guiding me through it. Im not sure I'd have discovered the importance of my nipples in achieving prostate orgasm without the forum posts here. I have slight gynecomastia - puffy, swollen nipples. I hate them - such a source of mockery and low self worth for me. However,they are EXTREMELY sensitive. This can be pleasurable,but more often painful. BUT I have now discovered my small amount of glandular breast tissue is hardwired to my prostate - and so I am rethinking getting it cut out! Wonder if anyone else has similar experiences?

Anyway. Hope this forum is discrete and my email isn't plastered everywhere.

Take care


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Welcome to the family. There is no end.

How did you not know? the same way any of us didn't know till we stumbled upon it or had a partner introduce us to it (I wish I knew than what I know now, I would have given it a try when she offered). The big thing is you took the leap to explore your sexuality/sensuality beyond the normal.

I'm sorry to hear about the past trauma you experienced concerning your medical issue. Don't hate them, embrace them (I know easier said than done to let go of past torment, just say to yourself this does not serve me and I let it go. after a while you will) as as a new found part of your being. As time goes on now that you have found a pleasurable response to nipple stimulation the more you explore and enjoy those sensations the pleasure will overshadow the pain and fade away.

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Thanks for your reply.

I genuinely feel a bit emotional about it - and I am a very Non-spiritual person...but it feels like nature has planted this secret gift for pleasure in me. It's a total game changer and wondering if going forward it will be able to help me manage anxiety symptoms and rediscover self-pleasure.

At the moment I am not in any way ready to invite my partner to know about this - so going to work hard to avoid any feelings of guilt or shame and tell myself that there is nothing wrong with a delicious secret.

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Your welcome.

You will find the body holds onto emotions and trauma internally, even ones you forgot about years ago. There are going to be lots of emotions that are going to come up. Acknowledge them and let them go, like a leaf in the wind, if less than happy and revel in the good ones. Don't try to suppress them let them flow out and away.

First thing I want to say is take any feelings of guilt or shame and eliminate them now. There is nothing about self pleasuring in any form that should make you feel these, It's your body, enjoy any and all pleasure you experience with it.

I was going to mention this in my first post but decided to hold off. I don't know if you are aware of this or not but men and women are more alike than different. I have no real personal experience with this other than my shirts chaffing on my nipples and find it to really hurt sometimes but, I have read from and in talking to women that the issue you have with tender breast tissue is not uncommon. Do you have a trusted, open minded female friend you can confide in? If so talk to them about it, you might be surprised at the conversation that follows. From my findings it is a stumbling block most females have and takes time to turn the pain into pleasure.

Most of all enjoy yourself.

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Hi guys. I've had to join up to post something as I have - after a few weeks of trying had a mind-blowingly intense experience and feel like there is much more to come. My first big question is...HOW did I not know about this?!!

We are born naive to everything in the physical world, worldly knowledge is something we acquire over time if we are fortunate enough to be exposed to it. Fortunately, your body has built in knowledge about many things encoded in your DNA. It is incumbent upon you to learn to augment that knowledge through conscious effort when you encounter it, so congratulations for encountering the Aneros Forum.

... I had no idea of the potential pleasure of the prostate. I'm honestly not overstating it to say this will change my life.

Amen, brother. This knowledge can indeed change your life just as it has done for many others.

I have slight gynecomastia - puffy, swollen nipples. I hate them - such a source of mockery and low self worth for me.

I am saddened you have such a negative attitude about your own body and do hope you will find a way to dismiss the effects of exterior validation for a condition over which you have no control. I intuit your knowledge of your nipples hyper sensitivity will be able to turn the negativity into positivity now that you are aware of the connectedness of your body. This sensitivity is certainly not something you will want to lose just to conform to some artificial body image ideal.

Hope this forum is discrete and my email isn't plastered everywhere.

Yes this Forum is quite discreet, I don't think you need be concerned about your email being openly disclosed.

I would also advise you to heed @somebody 's wise counsel.
Good Vibes to You !

P.S. I sent you an introductory Private Message (Newbie's Notebook) with some additional hints and tips to get you started here. Click on your 'Messages' button in the Forums to retrieve it.
