Finally achieved A-...
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Finally achieved A-Less.

Member Adventurer
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I was riding my Progasm on Friday night.  The progasm is definitely one of my favorite toys, but it has never made me orgasm.  Only the Helix and Eupho have been able to do that for me.  So it was a pretty big surprise when I was swept into a Progasm Super-O that really blew my mind.  I had several successive orgasms before removing the Progasm out of sheer exhaustion.

Slept like a baby and work up Sat. morning with a very strong butt-buzz.  I focused on the buzz and tried to coax it out of my pelvic area.  I didn't have to do that very long before it just washed over my entire body with breathtaking force.  I had several orgasms that left me alternating between laughing and crying.  The experience was as cathartic as it was ecstatic.

After breakfast, I decided to go for a swim, and the butt-buzz resumed its strength.  With just a touch of concentration and relaxation, I was able to convert that into a few more orgasms.  By this point, I was crying like a baby in the pool and at the same time I felt like a brand new man; like everything inside was cleaned out and realigned properly.  

I feel very lucky that I found this community and cultivated the patience required to get to this point.  The improvement in my quality of life is most profound.

I feel like I should also state that I have been practicing SR, and the last traditional orgasm I had was more than a month ago.  SR used to feel like a real frustrating 'feat', and I would go as long as I could before I just surrendered and unloaded one to regain my sanity (usually one week).   Today, however, I don't think of SR this way.  I no longer feel the immense pull to ejaculate as I can fully satisfy myself through Aneros and A-less practices.  Intuitively I sense that this was a key precursor to finally achieving A-less orgasm.

Thanks to all the teachers on this site that have been so patient in guiding the learners!

Bill Bately, Regal13, Morexp and 18 people reacted
Famed Member Customer
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 1422

Congratulations on your A-Less success. It’s a great sense of achievement isn’t it? 😉

Its a shame it takes most of us so long to find out what we are actually capable of.

There should be prostate-Ed in schools hahahahaha!

Morexp, SeekingPelican, Morexp and 3 people reacted
Honorable Member Customer
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 273

Congrats!  Your first A-less additionally sounded “Super”.  And your day-after: perfection!  See: evolutionarily, life began in the water.  When we’re born, we emerge from an amniotic sea.  Welcome to your rebirth in the pool and life anew!

Morexp, SeekingPelican, Morexp and 3 people reacted
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