I felt waves in both hands...
this sort of electricity... It was like pulsating vibrations....
This was happening while I was doing traditional penile masturbation watching a porn video.
It felt good... different but nonetheless relaxing & a bit like being on euphoria
Only lasted for 10 seconds approximately.
I haven't ejaculated in a long time nor have ejaculated during this masturbation session today and I have been using the aneros....
I also have a good overall grasp on mediation.
Do you think I'm on the right track?
While the euphoria sounds very nice, given that you were watching porn, and masturbating with your penis at the time, it's hard to say what was going on. Penile stimulation has the tendency to short-circuit the Super O, (particularly with newer users) as it is a predominate arousal pathway leading to ejaculation. My suggestion would be to take it out of the equation and use the porn as a warm-up only. See if you can focus on generating sensations without penile stimulation, that is, with the Aneros only.
BF Mayfield
Sure I can try that!
Thanks for the suggestion.
Hi ansub and BFM!! 😀 😀
Agree completely with BFM! Your description of those feelings AS says to me that you are clearly feeling mobile Jing and generalized Chi energies however briefly and distracted by masturbation. I suggest, since you seem to be very well naturally inclined to this energetic path in your journey here, that you read Cockadoodle's posts starting with Penis NOT! I have bumped a thread by esfenoides here for you and All to further the mapping of this energetics path, to whatever degree it may or may not prove to resonate with you and your body/mind.
all the most electric personal explorations all