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Felt something for the first time today...

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So I got my Helix Syn Christmas 2014. I used it every other day for the first month or so. No results. I read and researched and read some more. Had more sessions. No luck. It's 8 months later now and although it certainly doesn't feel bad, I have had nothing resembling what I have read about. I tried again last week. Nothing. I thought, I'm going to try again, but if nothing happens I'm going to post on the Aneros forum saying how frustrated and disappointed I'm getting.

Well, in todays session, I felt it. At least now I know what it feels like and what I'm going for. I was kind of using the "do nothing" approach. Just lying in bed, on my back with my knees up. And I started to feel good. "Oh! That feels nice!" Zero in on the feeling. Close your eyes and concentrate. The feeling intensifies and then starts to feel REALLY good and I feel this surge of electricity from my groin area radiating out slowly. This is IT! This is what I've been reading about! The surge reaches as high as my abs maybe but then it died down. But 30 seconds later it came back. Same as before. Died down again. Maybe I got too excited, maybe the actual feeling distracted me from concentrating on it. I don't know. But I feel relieved. Now I know that it's possible for me and possible with the model toy that I have. I'm excited to try again and see if I can take it further and get all the way to a super-o.

Has anyone else experienced this "started to feel it but then I lost it" sensation? What did you do? How do you coax it beyond that point? What might I have done to make it go away?

Please advise, and thanks for all your help so far!

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That is very normal. Usually the excitement generated from a surprise attack of pleasure kills the sensation. Your brain and nervous system cannot remain calm - the heartbeat picks up and so does the breathing. This reduces relaxation and the brain focuses on the "this is it" moment instead of maintaining arousal which leads to the feelings subsiding. But now you have had a taste, the next time will last longer and your involuntary bodily response will be less allowing deeper exploration and amplification. It's a two steps forward, one step back process though. The path to success is not a straight line but a squiggly that overlaps and loops around. Give it time, continue your sessions. The do nothing technique will yield the best results over time.

Often after a breakthrough there is a let down when the next session fails to yield the same. Do not disappoint or let your mind become the obstacle. Enter the session with a clear mind and without expectation. Often our body/mind/prostate need a period to process this new breakthrough at which point your old high point will become a new baseline. I am two years in now and the process is ongoing, reaching new heights still - breakthrough sessions every so often.

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You are so close and now you just have to learn to build the arousal. superoh3 observations are very close to what I believe as well. I think you are at the point were you do not have to read about others and what they do. When ever you feel anything pleasurable just relax and let it take over....the deeper you relax the greater the pleasure. Good luck and tell soon about your 1st super O/

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Thanks superoh3 and thanks brucemarkland! Good advice.We'll see what happens.

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