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Feels really good, kinda like an orgasm. Is this the deal?

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Within a minute i get a really great feeling in my prostate, kinda like the build up to an orgasm, no throbbing though. It moves to a a good feeling around the anus, and anal channel,as it starts to suck in and release, completely seperate muscle movement. I can feel it work my prostate, but it seems I have to concentrate on one or the other, the feeling in the anus or the feeling on my prostate, for the feeling to intensify in either, not both. If I try to do both it kills it for both. Just wondering is this the deal for some, it feels so good but nothing like a traditional orgasm, no pulsing or throbbing, just a really 3/4 of the way there to orgasm feeling. I hope I explained this well enough.


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I would say don't worry if it is an orgasm or not.  What is important is you are getting a ton of pleasure, seemingly right off the bat.  Keep following that pleasure and see where it takes you.  One day that pleasure will be so intense that you won't question whether to call it an orgasm or not.  Seeing as you are getting physical sensations, are you also doing what it takes to get aroused?  Nipple/body caresses, self-hypnosis, fantasizing, listening to binaural beats, etc?  Much of what an orgasm is is in the mind.

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Posted by: @tbob

It moves to a a good feeling around the anus, and anal channel,as it starts to suck in and release, completely seperate muscle movement. I can feel it work my prostate, but it seems I have to concentrate on one or the other, the feeling in the anus or the feeling on my prostate, for the feeling to intensify in either, not both.

Sounds like involuntaries. Try not to concentrate on them both,or control them,relax,ease off a little,and let them move on autopilot. 
Don’t be discouraged,progress will come when you least expect it. Just enjoy what’s happening.   

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Posted by: @tbob

I can feel it work my prostate, but it seems I have to concentrate on one or the other, the feeling in the anus or the feeling on my prostate, for the feeling to intensify in either, not both.

I'd recommend you focus on the sensations from the prostate. The anal sensations will still be with you and reinforce the prostate sensations but your focus should be on the prostate.

Posted by: @tbob

Just wondering is this the deal for some, it feels so good but nothing like a traditional orgasm, no pulsing or throbbing, just a really 3/4 of the way there to orgasm feeling.

Prostate based orgasms are qualitatively different from penile based ejaculatory orgasms. This requires a paradigm shift in thinking to recognize. Most men who haven't really experienced prostate orgasms before have only their ejaculatory penile orgasms to compare with, this can often leave them thinking they haven't gotten to a full orgasm because they don't ejaculate and trigger the prolactin release which normally accompanies an ejaculation. That prolactin hormone is what triggers the refractory period, counteracts the dopamine release and creates the feeling of satiation. Prostate based dry-O's usually don't cause this trigger release of prolactin, thus, multiple orgasms become attainable and the feeling of satiation is not necessarily induced and you may remain in elevated levels of arousal for an extended period of time. Satiation may set in after a number of these orgasms as the body experiences fatigue from all the involuntary muscle contraction activity but this will vary from individual to individual.

I agree with all that @divine_o said above, arousal is key (please see Are you "aroused"?). Generating prostate based orgasms is very much a mental process, please see @rook 's thread Whole Body/Whole Mind - the mental side & @SteelColdiron 's thread Aneros: The Essential Mind State for a little insight.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @tbob

If I try to do both it kills it for both.

Focus on the most pleasurable one, but don't shut your mind to the possibility that the other feeling might be growing in the background while your concentration is on the first, so just take a peek from time to time and don't be afraid to move your focus around, always concentrating on the better feeling, one at a time. At some point this could mean concentrating on a third spot, or on a feeling that covers several spots at the same time, or all you body, then you won't have to choose where to concentrate as everything will feel good. Just a little strategy to try, congratulations on your early results!  

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Posted by: @zentai

don't be afraid to move your focus around

@tbob, I myself sometimes love to jump from spot to spot, even without touching, just only envisioning I would tease all my sensitive spots one by one and only for seconds until it feels like being in a rollercoaster and often I then find myself in an uncontrolled multi-orgasmic state, where my gland seems to continue and control my envision and let me orgasm bodywide.

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@divine_oAlthough I have a great response from nipple manipulation and body caressing, these things interfere and don't enhance the sensations. Its as if I've come full circle, and the good feelings are the graduation from all the other stimulation. I will monitor to see where this goes.


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Hi @Tbob, thanks for your post and thanks to your always-informative respondents.  Yes, you described it well.  This thread helps me better understand my experience at today's post in Helical's beginnings.  Perhaps take a look over there and see if you agree we may be describing a similar experience.  I look forward to hearing how you do.  Best!

Edit: I like that this post leveled me up to "Eminent" 🙂

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@tbob on a side note, have you tried nipple caressing all alone, with the goal of following pleasure ever higher? Or various aless techniques such as the vagus nerve orgasm technique?


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@helical I will look into this. I really am enjoying the sensations I am having, I am biginning to beleave that the aneros experience is more than just sexual. As the sensations happen after the involutaries, like a small electric charge which comes withh no throbbing or contractions, aless and a-in, and lasts for minutes and builds very slowly. My original query was " is this the deal" for some people or is there more, hands free. Aneros has changed my whole sex life, when I do use my hands, I can edge with out edging, just by changing my stroke, my orgasms take minutes to build to there crescendo, with that just about to cum feeling. 


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I am happy for you on really enjoying your sensations.  Posts by you on June 7 and me on June 8, 11 and 12- we seemed to have crossed paths in our respective journeys.

To your initial question: yes, there is more to this deal, hands-free.  Paraphrasing @divine_o, for your continued progress just gently set that thought aside.  I too want you to continue to enjoy your feelings, one thing can lead to the next:

In sessions 7-9 I had found more Aneros pleasure.  I sensed I might be on the cusp of “something”, but didn’t want to want or squeeze so hard as to scatter these few glowing embers.  I let the feeling intrigue me so to as to want future sessions.  And, to be content that feelings evaporate from whence they came and I call a session done.

Not much after those sessions / that mindset, something “clicked” and I made my breakthrough.  Wishing you “a time of your life” and I want to encourage you that it sounds like you’re doing great, already.  Just enjoy.

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Nipple play spurs you on rather than interferes,play with them sporadically,not constant. When you feel your on the cusp of something,go to the nipples and they can tip you over the edge.


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@helghast Unfortunetly that is not experience. It seems I have a linear progression, I let my body do what it likes, and it seems its on its own time line, of pleasure, in stages. Nipple play use to feel like a finger lightly stroking my prostate, that has ended, I use to thrust violently, that has changed, now it seems I want to thrust, but my body subdues it,after a few thrusts. The sensations I'm feeling stronger and stronger, each session. Especially when I take a day off. Which is hard because, my aless kicks in all on its own at roughly the same time every night. And it has nothing to do with arousel. I will end here and start a new forum as I wish to know how many other people this happens to.



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I think for me trying to catagorize btwn O's si not possible,what I feel now is a most pleasurable light electric finger on my prostate, which starts within 2 minutes of me inserting my aneros, no throbbing or contractions accompany this. Its like a light constant contraction of my pc muscle.It varies in duration from 3-5 minutes, gradually getting stronger and stronger each session. Nothing like an orgasm, not as strong but continuos pleasure, can't get enough, Wow! 

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Posted by: @tbob

Nothing like an orgasm, not as strong but continuos pleasure, can't get enough, Wow!

I think you have found the trick!

I have the best results when I say to myself « this light pleasure is soooo good! If there is only this sensation, this session can be labeled as successful ». Usually, the light pleasure grow until it becomes the best sexual pleasure of my life!

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I just wish I could figure out the timing, taking days off, which I rarely do. Doesn't seem to matter, theres no rythme nor reason. I try 3 sessions in a day and hit on the 3rd one. Porn seems to help get things started, but only sometimes, other times it gets in the way. I think I really have to work on taking days off, I have little control, as I seem to get horny like a 15yr old, since I started this journey. I enjoy the duds, as it seems my body is advancing, even when I don't feel it.  For instance my hips started to swing very gently, in one session, I felt nothing internal at the time. Next session, when my prostate is doing its electric thing, and the hip swing started it was like the electric fingers was moving gently from side, like a swing. Again Wow! I truly beleave No session is a dud .

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Posted by: @tbob

I enjoy the duds, as it seems my body is advancing, even when I don't feel it.

Posted by: @tbob

I truly beleave No session is a dud .

Yes, belief!  I have felt "electric finger".  I ever so slightly translate one thigh back towards center, pause, and do same with the other.  Repeat.  It is much more a tiny internal muscle actuation deep in the pelvis than any externally-observed motion.  Inside it feels like Aneros is so lightly sliding laterally across my prostate or I imagine it so- whatever- it works.  It is one trick I can use to amplify arousal.

Posted by: @tbob

gradually getting stronger and stronger each session. Nothing like an orgasm, not as strong but continuos pleasure, can't get enough, Wow! 

Oh, reading that I received a pleasurable chill in my spine recalling how it was in the sessions immediately preceding my first dry-O session.  How you described it was how it was for me- and that "can't get enough"- which I termed "intriguing"- was my fodder to anticipate and wonder for the future session.  Excellent progress!

Posted by: @morexp

I think you have found the trick!

I agree with @morexp.  And I'll have to try what he says about how to regard light pleasure.

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Thanks for your input guys, it helps to get me horned up in anticipation. Funny thing I'm typing this to try to abstain, not working, deep a-less contractions have started, as I sit here. I'm watching a Christmas in July movie on W channel, some of the most wholesome stuff on tv, and I'm still getting horny. lol, I'm scared to lay down  


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