Feeling vibrations
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Feeling vibrations

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Is it only my imagination or are there other people that can feel vibrations more since starting aneros use? I don't mean vibrations during sessions but ones you encounter in evrryday life.

For example while driving I used to feel the vibration from the gas pedal in my foot. Now it travels all the way up to my hip. Also music. I feel the vibrations a lot more. The other day I put in some earplugs and could barely hear the music but I could feel the song in my body so to speak at the volume I normally listen to it.

I'm guessing it's due to a lot of tension bring freed from my body and not being so 'tight' all the time.

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I feel them too, often in my hands. It started with periodic vibration pulses in one finger and now is in all my fingers. I think you're right @Quiett42, it has something to do with freeing up tension and opening up to body energies. Music affects me like that too, especially the deep registers and moving pieces affect my body and emotions. This is all so new and strange but wonderful.

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@Quiett42, I've been thinking of your original question and this whole topic for some time and have some additional thoughts. Riding Aneros devices as advised in the wiki is actually training us in meditating on our sensations. For those of us with little or no experience in meditation it can give us a glimpse into the workings of our bodies, of our more subtle sensations, of our mental and emotional states, of our conscious and subconscious minds. For me this was more or less terra incognito. The pursuit of bigger and better orgasms, something most men want if they're honest, can apparently set off a kind of chain reaction for some of us in new frontier experiences. There's butt buzz which IMO is a form of energy around my root chakra. I think of orgasms as a kind of sexual energy centered in the chakras. My qigong teacher taught me how to cultivate energy and direct it, first to my heart, then to my hands.

Lying quietly with the device massaging my prostate I notice things that I've never noticed before and learn things about myself. It's confusing and scary at first, making me doubt my assumptions about reality. It's tempting to get an inflated ego with these new abilities. I found that I became more open to consider new ideas. I felt emotions more physically and intensely. Vibrations permeated me on many levels.

This is only my metaphor for how I understand my experience. We all create metaphors or narratives to organize our ineffable experiences in a coherent way for our conscious mind. This is the metaphor that suits me today but may change tomorrow. I find I don't learn anything from the very few men and women here who present their metaphor as the best or most advanced and want others to adopt it. Don't accept my metaphor either. I'm merely putting it out in public with the idea that maybe we can learn something from each other's metaphors.

Now I have to learn how to manage how I present myself with integrity and modesty and empathy. All the changes I've been through have forced me to look at myself and try to improve on me. That's what I mean by the chain reaction. A simple pursuit of pleasure can have many unforeseen consequences. As someone here often says "Good Vibes to You" 🙂

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@euphemistic I think I have a similar experience with this vibration energy. In my teenage years I started to have sleep paralysis a few times a month. It was very scary at first and one time I heard thousands of voices which was absolute terror, but after a few years I started to embrace it. One particular experience was absolutely beautiful because I heard the most complex and beautiful music. Anyways after a few years of having these sleep paralysis events that would last between 20-60 seconds I noticed that I could direct my body's energy. It was a kind of vibration like what you were talking about. I would direct this energy into my crotch area and it would cause an orgasm within a few seconds. At first it was ejaculator orgasms but after awhile it became non-ejaculatory orgasms. I could also direct this energy elsewhere in my body. When I directed this energy into my hands it felt like they would heat up like they were on fire (but without any pain) and vibrate. I also directed it into my head and a similar heat and vibration feeling. However once I started to get the hang of this energy (I didn't realize at first that I could direct it anywhere other than my crotch), the ability to direct it started to disappear, and then once that ability faded I started to have fewer and fewer sleep paralysis events. I haven't had sleep paralysis in over 5 years and I miss that ability to direct that energy.

Your comment gives me hope that I might one day have that ability back again. euphemistic do you have any more experiences with this energy that you could share? I am very curious because it sounds very similar to what I experienced.

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ok saw this thread and have to share. So the past few sessions I have been getting the most intense vibrating sensation in my prostate and up a little into the abdomen. Im talking vibrations as if I had the vice in me turned on. Literally the first time it happened I started feeling this vibrating and I was like hey who turned on my vice? LOL I had the progasm jr in!!! Then I laughed because I couldnt believe this was happening with the progasm jr in. Then it kept on going not full blast though, and I forgot about it and then when it got intense again the saaaame thing..."what the heck? I dont remember putting my vice in??!" and I laughed again because I again realized it was the progasm jr causing this! Crazy stuff. And now the vibrations have been present in the last 3 sessions I've had. Interesting stuff!

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@euphemistic Your post is inspirational, especially to a clodhopper like me. The recent experiences I had with Chuckjo's exercises and this thread (thanks to you Quiet42, kodexsendless and Kandink69) have made me into more of a believer in the immensity that lies in some of what we are doing here. I am in awe of your experience, kodexsendless, and am trying to maturely avoid saying, "I wish I had that ability" like I might have said even two weeks ago. Sharing your experiences is such a powerful thing.

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@kotexsendless, sounds like a wonderful experience, I can see why you'd want to relearn how to do it. I can only tell you what I've been taught and what works for me. To move energy to my hands I put one hand just below my navel not touching my body but close. I move my open hand up my torso to the opposite shoulder and then down my arm to my other hand. My other hand is extended and facing upward. I never touch my body but I can feel the energy following the movement to my other hand. Then I repeat this same technique with the other hand. After doing this several times I rub my hands together and feel the energy in them. This is a traditional chigong technique.

I'm not an expert in any of this stuff. I've made some mistakes. I was lucky to find a teacher who has a lot of experience in qigong. But I started it all here in Aneros practice with @chuckjo2000 and his exercises. He showed me what my energy feels like and how to move it. There's a good introduction to his exercises compiled by @Armon-Neat in his blog: https://community.aneros.com/blogs/when-im-6364/a-less-energy-moving-with-chuckjo2000/. @Qaws has also compiled a collection of techniques in his forum topic: "Using the force, a new way to rewire".

I know a little about sleep parasomnias. Sleep paralysis can happen at sleep onset or awakening, can be accompanied by images and sounds (hallucinations) and sensations of electrical current. It's associated with REM sleep which is why we are unable to move. It's unusual for REM sleep to occur that early in the sleep cycle and intrude on wakefulness. I can only guess what was going on when you were in that state. I don't see why you can't access your energy again with these other techniques and without the sleep paralysis 🙂

@Armon-Neat, thank you. It's exciting for me too. And thanks for transcribing and editing Chuck's exercises in your blog 🙂

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