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Feeling Stupid

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Does anyone else feel kind of stupid when using the Aneros? Not necessarily when only laying around with the Aneros inside, but trying to rub your nipples, thighs, stomach/whatever. I listen to one of the Aneros hypnosis tapes and the girl tells me to rub my nipples and whatnot and it keeps me from becoming immersed. To me, it's just too much to ask and sounds incredibly corny, especially since touching my nipples and the rest of my body brings me little to no pleasure at all.

Maybe I'm just too skeptical by nature. I strongly believe in the Aneros' effectiveness and the prostate orgasms, but it's very close to a lot of sexual new age stuff that I just can't bring myself to even begin to believe. Is there anyone else who feels the same? How can people like us get immersed in the Aneros and leave our skepticism at the door?

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IMO, anything that takes focus away from the prostate stimulation is a distraction and should be avoided, at least until such time as one has become completely rewired. Focus on the main event; leave all that other stuff at the door.

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There is no such thing as 'Sexual New Age Sex Stuff'. There is nothing new under the sun. Only you can cast away your doubt. If nipple stimulation, etc, and hypno tracks work for you not, why continue to use them?

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If something doesn't feel good no need to force yourself. Most do it because it is very pleasurable.

I completely disagree.

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@Justfortonight, listen to @Oldiebutgoodie. He gave good advice. As for scepticism aneros only asks that you keep an open mind, be receptive to new experiences IMO. Your journey is your journey to discover. If you don't feel anything special with your nipples and such, look for other erogenous places on your body. As you rewire perhaps you'll find these other places will become awakened just as your prostate awakens. Nothing is required. Just keep to the basics at first: eliminate distractions and expectations, relax, breathe into your belly, be aware of even the slightest pleasure and savor it. Read the wikis if you haven't already. Best wishes.

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You know i do feel stupid but only after around 15 mins of nipple play, when they get too sensitive, i get this sort of highly self aware feeling, its embarrassing.

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I agree... Except when you say that you agree with @OldieButGoodie... Because you don't.

He says "anything that takes focus away from the prostate stimulation is a distraction and should be avoided". And you (just like me) think looking for "other erogenous places on your body" is helping... Which is the opposite of what he said.

Just saying... 😉

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@canacan, I stand by what I said.

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I too used to feel silly playing with my nipples BUT not anymore, they have become one of my most erogenous zones. They can make me orgasm over and over! I suggest that you try not to over do them at first, allow your prostate to provide great feelings and then use the lightest touch, almost not touching them to further push you onward.

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@justfortonight --- If you stick to following the basics outlined quite well in the Wiki, and don't "over-think it", the pleasure will come to you! The journey is anything but instant for most of us! Rather, your awareness and understanding evolves with time and experience! Please be patient with yourself, and trust in the wisdom of the experienced users and the Wiki! I NEVER could have imagined the wonderful pleasure I've received by sticking to the basics and being patient!


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@justfortonight. Doubts and inhibitions tend to disappear when you've spent an hour or more in a state of orgasmic bliss.
I myself went from "wtf am I doing?" To wanting to shout it from the rooftops.

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@justfortonight. Doubts and inhibitions tend to disappear when you've spent an hour or more in a state of orgasmic bliss.
I myself went from "wtf am I doing?" To wanting to shout it from the rooftops.


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^:)^ Hallelujah indeed TG.

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You're spot on IMHO!

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@justfortonight maybe you should try theses tracks rather than the aneros audio. I could not use the aneros ones they were hopeless but music is universal. Its the beat that helps.

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Feeling uncertain about Aneros use is not uncommon if you are unaccustomed to anal play. Prostate stimulation is not new and has been around for a very long time. You should not feel stupid. You should not be judging yourself harshly. You have taken a first, very healthy step in unlocking the amazing orgasmic potential you may not have realized existed.

As you continue to use the Aneros, you may find that areas of your body develop heightened sensitivity. Nipples are one of those areas. They can become oh-so delightful. If you have a partner, when they discover these sensitive areas, you are in for a treat! Embrace and welcome these changes in your body caused by the rewiring.

In the beginning, you may want to forgo audio tracks and porn. These are distractions that can prevent you from relaxing and tuning into the subtle sensations your body is generating. Each of those sensations is worth exploring and savoring. During your journey, some of the sensations you enjoy early in your experience, will change or disappear later. Your response to the Aneros will constantly change. Progression to a Super-O depends on relaxing and getting to know and develop these sensations. As you progress and get to know your body better, you will want to begin experimenting with audio tracks and other internal and external stimuli.

Good luck and relax. You are on to a very good thing.


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@justfortonight You could do a lot worse than digest every word that @Xileh has just written. It's almost a compendium of all the good advice I adhered to when I started out.

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@justfortonight - Yeah, especially if you watch some of the videos of guys flopping around like fish. Might be legit, but seen in a different light could look silly.

For anyone who wonders if the flopping around is a real reaction to an awakened Prostate...I'm here to tell you that, in my case, when I reach that part of a session, nearly EVERY major muscle in my body is triggering successive p-waves throughout my body. I'm in a totally blissful state where my body feels so alive it writhes in ecstasy!

Prior to getting to that state, I'm awash in at least 60-90 minutes of blissfull p-waves and I'm fully relaxed!

My first perceived Super O occurred when my body literally slammed me into full-body contractions accompanied by an orgasm that washed up and down my body for several seconds and it was amazing!

So, that type of orgasm is part of my experience, and it's awesome!


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@Theme_Gasm - Good God, yeah I'll say I suppose that it's only a a natural reaction considering what you've experienced! And I've shaken and rattled myself a bit too, but always think that if I taped it and watched it "sober" I'd probably delete the file and shred the SD card:}

I can see why you might feel that way!

Let me put it another way!

Put your self talk aside and consider the sheer beauty and overall awe of your ability to create such powerful long-lasting orgasms!

I see these orgasms as such incredible gifts, and I feel so privileged to have learned how to tap into this little-known skill that I walk around most days basking in my own secretive orgasmic ability, and even feeling a bit super human at times! way! Gifted and skilled at understanding something about myself that so few will ever understand...most definitely!


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Yup...This is one of those things that you need to experience to understand!


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Thank you all for the wonderful replies! I've read them all and I've discarded any "routine" I previously had. I find that having to think about light, medium and hard contractions, timing and all that takes away from the sensations. I've had the Aneros and used it on-and-off since late 2013. I now live alone and have much more freetime and privacy, so I'll hopefully achieve some solid progress.

I've resorted to putting on an album I've never heard before, and enjoy the music while using the aneros. I don't really do any contractions, I just feel the "crawling" on the surface of the prostate and on rare occasions a nice, deep itch or a soft buzz. It's not much but I think I need to have focus on what goes on down there. Usually towards the end of the sessions I feel ready to experiment with contractions. For now I'll just keep going my own way and do what I feel like doing. I've read all the stickied threads and the wiki articles, but in the end I find it's a very personal journey.

One time I even used weed. Immediately after I inserted it I got a solid image of my prostate as a red-hot sun that only got hotter as the pleasure increased. It got drawn in further and further until I realized that it was the exact same feeling as just before an orgasm, then it started cooling down and I lost all pleasure. It was weird and I haven't been able to reproduce it since.

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