I Feel Like A Newbie!
In the last several years, I've been very successful in developing the ‘link of pleasure‘ from my nipples to my prostate. I'm able to just sit anywhere, anytime, flick my nipples and, BANG, my prostate is in full action! The same goes for my full sessions; rocket to the stars as soon as I touch them buttons!
It's great to be instantly transported to the edge of orgasms on command even if I'm still short of getting the golf ball in the cup rather than forever rolling around the edge. Hey, I'm happy to be in a world of pleasure I've only discovered almost 7 years ago.
But, in revisiting Mindgasm in early November, I've come to realize that without involving my love buttons, I don't get much prostate area pleasure at all. Since then, I've stayed away from stimulating my nipples during my Aneros sessions in an attempt to rectify the situation. I want my prostate to react to my massager the way it used to (and the way it should).
In early November, my ‘nipplesless' sessions were absolutely of the dud category regardless of the tool selected. I don't know of many members purposely are going out of their way to avoid instant pleasures (except perhaps the ones trying to achieve THC sobriety in their sessions) but I'm determined to retrain my body and mind to recognize and reward direct prostate stimulation. I don't know how long that will take but until then, I feel like a mature newbie. I've been down the newbie road before and it was a long and frustrating one for me.
On the good side of this story, I do continue to have all my Aless sessions fully charged with all hands on nips!
The same goes for my full sessions; rocket to the stars as soon as I touch them buttons!
Thats fantastic !
Since then, I've stayed away from stimulating my nipples during my Aneros sessions in an attempt to rectify the situation. I want my prostate to react to my massager the way it used to (and the way it should).
In the most respectful way, I have to ask, why ? and also, why ?
Why do you think you should avoid touching your nipples if you have such a great response from them ? Nipple stim is a cornerstone of my sessions and I can hardly see myself going without...
Why do you think your prostate "should" react more form the Aneros-prostate connection than from nipple-prostate connection ? Prostate pleasure is prostate pleasure, no matter how you manifest it. It's also a pretty "arcane" thing so who knows what the best approach truly is...
I no longer use nipples. For me they created a certain dependency .
"If it doesn't work I'll use the nipples" was simply the first thing that came to mind during the session. It was hard for me not to use the nipples. I proposed a regime:
1 . If I am going to use aneros, it will only be for stimulation of the prostate (with nothing additional)
2 . Regardless of the result (consciously noticeable or not, we will always learn something, it is always possible to feel something with aneros)
3 . I did not allow myself to use nipples during the session (during that period), if I wanted to use them I would have to end the session (remove the aneros) and then use the nipples and cum.
4 . Gradually I realized that the small pleasure and comfort generated spasms and micro sensations in the prostate and that they did not last long. It was expanding.
Today after inserting it is automatic, it starts with comfort and progresses to intense pleasures.
Nipples are very pleasurable. We must remember that stimulation through them follows our rhythm, which is different from the prostate, which has its own pleasurable responses and levels of intensity.
Nipple stimulation is incredibly delicious but mechanical, following our desire to satisfy. You know you can use your nipples to come, only do it when you decide you want to do just that.
Try to propose this discipline, you won't lose anything and you won't forget to enjoy the nipple. If you need to relieve the horny then just enjoy it but when you decide to stimulate the prostate just do that and don't mix it up.
For me it worked. I hope to see your success with no hands too. We are all different so for some it might work. To remove doubts we have to try. Report any progress.
An earth-shattering dry Mega O for your prostate .
Why do you think you should avoid touching your nipples if you have such a great response from them ? Nipple stim is a cornerstone of my sessions and I can hardly see myself going without...
Why do you think your prostate "should" react more form the Aneros-prostate connection than from nipple-prostate connection ? Prostate pleasure is prostate pleasure, no matter how you manifest it. It's also a pretty "arcane" thing so who knows what the best approach truly is...
Here's my thought; before I ever cultivated the so pleasurable nipple effects, I seem to remember some pleasures derived from dedicated prostate stimulation even if it was just a fraction of what I get with the whole parade.
It makes me think that, perhaps, the pleasures felt through nipple stimulation are from nerves surrounding the prostate and not the gland itself (I've always wondered about that). In testing the theory, I figure that if I'm able to revive my prostate’s sensation by itself and then add nipple pleasures, then I'm on another dimension.
Try to propose this discipline, you won't lose anything and you won't forget to enjoy the nipple. If you need to relieve the horny then just enjoy it but when you decide to stimulate the prostate just do that and don't mix it up.
For me it worked. I hope to see your success with no hands too. We are all different so for some it might work. To remove doubts we have to try. Report any progress.
In reading your response, it seems to me that my thinking might not be unique. I like your proposal and will most likely adopt it. The last thing I want is to lose some of the pleasures I've been enjoying for quite a while.
@zentai, @soul-pleasure, thank you both for your wisdom, I really appreciate it!
This is what makes this forum so unique and special where the most inner and private thoughts can be shared and discussed without judgment.
The problem with nipple play is that it can become a dependency. If the nipples get over stimulated,then a guy has no where left to go on a session.
The way I live means discipline comes easily to me. I trained myself off flat out nipple stim too. If I were having a solo session now,I’d only go to the nips every minute or so,I go,and come back later lol
Ggringo,sounds like you’re putting yourself on hard mode. Don’t give them up completely,get your pleasure. You could try to just back off them a bit. Treat them as a………treat!
I wonder if the “end game” of all of this for we men is to proficiently integrate the relatively more numerous pleasure inputs women seem to have, and learn to get off by them, or with assistance of them. Under the “male nipple catch & release program”, we first capture the nips, lovingly rehabilitate them back to life, and release them to live full happy lives. One nipple at a time! lol.
So integrate, don’t separate, is my thought, but please do as you think best.
But more seriously I think the (ok maybe just my) other male end-game is to proficiently redirect sexual energy in intercourse Alessly, in order to have as many multiple dry orgasms as cared-for until choosing the final wet one.
If I were having a solo session now,I’d only go to the nips every minute or so,I go,and come back later lol
Ggringo,sounds like you’re putting yourself on hard mode. Don’t give them up completely,get your pleasure. You could try to just back off them a bit. Treat them as a………treat!
That's good advice; I'll try it again. I've been through this before; curbing my nip stimulation but then I inadvertently use them more and more due to the extreme pleasure they yield me. I need to be more disciplined.
Before I do thought, I need to continue to cultivate dedicated prostate pleasures which is currently non-existent without nips. Thanks brother.
@Gringo. Prostate play without my nipples would leave me with no pleasure at all. My nipples are catalysts to everything good that happens for me in prostate play.
Are you still pursuing this nippleless journey?
I wonder if the “end game” of all of this for we men is to proficiently integrate the relatively more numerous pleasure inputs women seem to have, and learn to get off by them, or with assistance of them. Under the “male nipple catch & release program”, we first capture the nips, lovingly rehabilitate them back to life, and release them to live full happy lives. One nipple at a time! lol.
So integrate, don’t separate, is my thought, but please do as you think best.
But more seriously I think the (ok maybe just my) other male end-game is to proficiently redirect sexual energy in intercourse Alessly, in order to have as many multiple dry orgasms as cared-for until choosing the final wet one.
Wow, that would be a great accomplishment! I would think it would take some serious Zen like focus to achieve it. I'll call you Shifu if you pull it off, haha.
Are you still pursuing this nippleless journey?
Thanks for asking;
Yes, I'm still on my quest to wake my prostate by pure direct stimulation and I really feel I'm getting closer to the results I'm seeking.
Prostate play without my nipples would leave me with no pleasure at all. My nipples are catalysts to everything good that happens for me in prostate play.
Just like you, without engaging my nipples, I had zero pleasures and it's for this reason that I've taken the ‘dull' way to change that. Now, I'm getting some pleasure waves and some of them are getting stronger with every session. I'll continue on this path for a while longer.
I've never stopped stimulating my nipples during all of my Aless and edging sessions so they continue to play a major role in my pleasure chest.
I am glad to have found this thread. I have previously started down the path of not stimulating nipples during a session since they are so strong of an influence. I want to return to the nuances of prostate stimulation. My nipple sessions produce nearly non-stop orgasms so intense I can barely breath. They totally overwhelm everything else.
For just Aneros sessions, I am focusing on extreme relaxation and directing energy flow to the tip of the Aneros. I am getting some strong sensations and energy flows, and a sense of another intense feeling that actually caused me to back off. I’m interested in the techniques people are using.