feeling a bit fatig...
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feeling a bit fatigued

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Hey guys,

Im using the Aneros for a few months now and only been able to use it once every two weeks.
I'm using the "do nothing" approach and I got to the point where during my session i get one or two p-waves and one, very pleasurable, strong involuntary contractions that give some kind of an adrenaline rush .
after the contractions subdue I feel like the prostate is tired and wont respond to any stimulation from the aneros.
I tried to change positions give some minor muscle contractions for at least another hour but I'm not getting back to the "zone"

did any of you have experienced something similar and how did you manage to overcome that situation?

thanks for your help.

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Hey Redil; I'm feeling the same way; I was going to start a new thread asking advice too; I've used the progasm Ice a few times; It feels good, no problems there, and I contract muscles like the direction say to; I have been watching porn while I contract; as I say, it feels good, but that's about it. I don't even get the involuntary contractions or any rush at all. Any advice from experienced users would be appreciated.... Thanks

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Hi guys, I'm not an expert on Aneros using but I've been using my Progasm Ice for some months now, not in a continuous way though. If I adopt the "do nothing" approach usually nothing happens besides some mild sensations in my perineum. I do have to use breathing and contractions together. As I breath in I contract my perineum muscles and I relaxe them when breathing out. That way the device is moving inside me and is massaging more intensely. I start with slow breath cycles and contractions and increase the pace to the contractions after lets say 5 minutes to very fast. Then I stop and wait for a while to see if there is any response. In generally there is some sensation, tingling and involuntary contractions of my body. I do this for about 40 minutes or so. I don't watch porn or touch myself too much because it distracts myself from the sensations in the prostate and the perineum that are not so known to me... Give it a try

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I think Nuno's approach will be helpful. Also consider this:

While it's best to not 'over-think' a seemingly slow Aneros Journey...

Divide your sessions into two categories:

--Sessions aimed at building up your PC muscle groups. Kegels to buik and more refined maneuvers to delineate each subgroup starting with your Cremasters and working aft to your anus. This workout can be done anywhere, anytime and in most any social or business situation. As you gain strength and agility you can convert these sessions to a-less activities to focus and delineate the sub-groups of your pelvic floor.

--More 'integrated' sessions aimed at expanding the physical map of your body activities. Insert, relax and meditate as you employ more widespread points of stimulation into your game. Co-ordinate Nipple stim, Male Deer exercise, Soft pallet sucking and Testicle tickling with your meditative breathing.

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