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erection all the time aneros is inserted

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Hi, new ti the forums so i dont know if there is already a thread posing this question. My question is should one always be in erect state when using Aneros. If i am not erect am i just not using it correctly or does one also need other sexual stimulation to become erect such as videos or photos? Might be a silly question but I really would like some feedback.thanks all

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Hi Gws! You may or may not be erect during your sessions. For most guys, it seems that they can have pleasurable sessions in either state. The key is to be mentally aroused by the sensations you experience, and your physical arousal may fluctuate throughout one session and may react differently as you progress with your aneros use. No need to overthink whether you are erect or not. If you are experiencing pleasurable sensations, just go with them, relax, breathe, and see where it takes you. If you're new to using the Aneros, I would also suggest not using it in positions where your penis comes into contact with bedding since that can cause distractions.

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Gws9898,My question is should one always be in erect state when using Aneros. The quick & simple answer to you question is NO. Penile erections (sans Aneros) are most often an indication of general sexual arousal and further stimulation of the penis (especially the glans) leads to orgasm and ejaculation (separate events).

When you begin using devices (such as the Aneros) for prostate massage purposes the traditional dynamics leading to orgasms can become quite varied with equally varied bodily responses. Many men find that upon insertion of these devices their erectile state changes, some men find their penis goes flaccid, some find it starts to cycle from flaccid to erect and back again, some find their penis may become unusually engorged even to the point of painful hardness. Whether flaccid or erect, ones penile state has little effect on the pleasure being generated from the prostate massage action as long as one does not focus on their penis as the source of the pleasure.

Please read 'cockadoodle’s thread Penis, NOT to begin to understand the importance of separating penile centered focus from prostate centered focus. When you break free from the penis-centric thought paradigm and embrace a prostate focused paradigm, you will enter into an expanded world of sensual pleasures.
Good Vibes to You !

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@Gws9899 --- As your focus moves from penis to prostate centric, the state of your penis becomes less of a factor in the pleasure you can obtain from prostate stimulation!

To aid in separating penis and prostate pleasure, it's also recommended that you wait about an hour after having an Aneros session before ejaculating to help create more persistent synapse connections to reinforce the prostate pleasure path you are exploring!

Personally, I'm now a once a week ejaculation kind of guy instead of many times each week, and it's because I see the difference in my Aneros sessions and the increase in the amount of pleasure I experience!


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Wow, such great responses and loads of information. I thank you all for your answers/opinions. I am enjoying my Aneros sessions very much but I will now try not to focus so much on erections. I just ordered an Aneros Vice and can't wait to try it out. Thanks again,

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Vice is not one I've tried! The only reason I've not tried it is because of the great results I've gotten without a vibrating model! I'll be curious to hear what you think of it! I was advised that sticking with a single model during the initial rewiring period is a good idea! Have fun!


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I have two. Eupho and Helis Syn. Both have different affects. When I'm primed up, the Helix is the preferred choice. For me, an erection is very desirable. Having inserted the Aneros, I begin to feel the tickling sensation that begins the erection . As it progresses, I begin to sense the orgasm feeling stirring inside. Then the full erection reaches a point when the orgasm pleasure induces the involuntary pumping reflex but without the semen. The pulses are slow, about 3sec. and very intense. This can continue for about 5/10 minutes. Then the erection goes down. Sometimes a little tweak of contraction starts the process again.
I get little or no pleasure without the erection.
Some people may suggest that I'm missing the point and am putting off the S-orgasm. Maybe but I am satisfied with my status. Orgasms mean so many things to different people. Please don't be anxious. Just enjoy any degree of extra pleasure that comes your way. Wishing you the best!

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Well said and aptly put, in regard to orgasms. =D>

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Welcome GWS...I am always flaccid during the entire session. As others...I get the same tickling feeling in the pelvic area that leads to building pleasure and ultimately to dry orgasms...several in fact during a 1.5 hr session 2-3 times a week. Orgasms for me last anywhere from 10 seconds or so to as much as what feels like 1 full minute and link together like a chain over the entire session. I wish you the best on your journey!

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Again, thank you all so much for your responses. A very educated and well versed group here.

Thank you, gws9898

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