Enima : do you real...
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Enima : do you really need to?

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Do you really need an enima before you use the Aneros? What if you just pooped before?
It's gross and all, but it just seems like a lot of work, and I have NO idea how to do that!

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Do you really need an enima before you use the Aneros? What if you just pooped before?
It's gross and all, but it just seems like a lot of work, and I have NO idea how to do that!

I find that doing this keeps the tool cleaner so it's easier afterwards and doesn't pick up a smell. Once you get the hang of it, it's very quick.
All I do for this is shoot about 10ml of warm water up there, let it sit for 30 seconds or so, then push it out. I use a little syringe meant for giving children liquid medicine. You can find this at most drug stores, I think. I lube my ass so that it slides in easily.

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Hi Coolshit,

Welcome to the Aneros Forums.

While you are awaiting arrival of your new Aneros massager, I invite you to do some reasearch/reading in the Aneors WIKI. In response to your specific question, if you will read through the Cleaning your rectum section of the WIKI, I think you will find most of your answers.

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sometime I do, sometimes I don't
I can tell if I need to clean house just by how I feel. If you are already clean, then I would say you wouldn't have to, but it's gross to pull out the aneros to find hunks of shit bonded to it!
I enjoy the enema process and consider it a form of foreplay. If I have the time for an extended session, I will always do one. I need all the help I can get

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sometime I do, sometimes I don't
I can tell if I need to clean house just by how I feel. If you are already clean, then I would say you wouldn't have to, but it's gross to pull out the aneros to find hunks of shit bonded to it!
I enjoy the enema process and consider it a form of foreplay. If I have the time for an extended session, I will always do one. I need all the help I can get

I agree. I have no problem with the enema if I am planning on a longer session and have the proper time to prepare. I find that there is sometimes a subtle difference in my session when I am really cleaned out. Do I always enema? No, but I did when I first started.

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There was some polling on this topic that might interest you. Approximately 60% of responding users indicated that they use an enema at some time. Check out Do You Enema First?

BF Mayfield

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You could always put a condom over the Aneros, if you are worried about getting it dirty. I always put one over the Aneros and always will.

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Do you really need an enima before you use the Aneros? What if you just pooped before?
It's gross and all, but it just seems like a lot of work, and I have NO idea how to do that!

coolshit (love yer handle!) -

the answer is no

... see my post (number 16) to the thread "Do you enema first?" [which follows]:

- rip

i'm new to all things anal butt have been experimenting with the progasm and have overcome the difficulties of insertion/penetration - and never enema ...

we are very fortunate to have a bidet in our bathroom next to the commode - this was definitely the [COLOR="blue"]very best investment we made 15 years ago when we remodeled our house - it was a boon to our already active and fulfilling sex life ... just hearing the familiar sound of the bidet faucet flowing upstairs gets my lubricating male fluid oozing in addition to giving me an instant boner knowing my wife's expecting a lengthy romp

... at the time the bidet and its installation cost us only a couple hundred bucks and it paid itself off in the first month (assuming only a ten dollar charge per lay with oral foreplay - far cheaper than a pizza!)

a year ago the only experience my anus had had other than defecation was an annual quick probe (DRE) by my doc which was tolerable butt by no means arousing - however as a medical imaging tech i've had plenty of experience opening anal sphincters both female and male and know that it can always be done without pain butt with patience ...

early in our marriage at about age 19 we had experimented with mutual anal play and penetration butt neither of us found it gratifying although both of us enjoy a little external sphincter stimulation during sex - my wife doesn't mind a saliva or sex juice lubed middle finger in her backdoor during intercouse (she likes it) and it turns [COLOR="blue"]me on feeling my erection through the thin tissue wall that separates anterior rectum from posterior vagina

as a med imaging tech i know an anema or laxative cleanout is generally in order however the [COLOR="blue"]normal healthy anua and rectum are generally empty unless it's Number 2 time ...

so if i've eaten i wait until i empty my bowels ... before aneros time (or even conjugal sex) i'll shower and then clean my junk and anus/perianal area on the bidet with warm water and a foam soap (i use a foamer with about one part ivory to ten or fifteen parts H2O)

... for progasm self abuse (joking) i'll spend about fifteen minutes on the bidet initially spraying and washing with plenty of anal/perianal/perineal massage (also some attention to my penis as this process only works when there is arousal/horniness and in my case a boner) and then filling the bidet with very very warm water - full enough so that my junk including scrotum and balls, perineum and hole are submerged - and contnue to gently massage everything with a slick finger ...

with each circle of my long finger i penetrate slightly stretching the sphincter initially to the left then the right then back toward my tailbone then forward against the root/bulb of my erection with each stretch i work my slick finger a few more millimeters into the hole continuing to do the serial 4 way stretch until i'm in an inch or two which is shy of the prostate but allows me to massage the cowper's periurethral glands enhancing the leakage of precum - which is god's favored male lube for all erotic activity

... i can then reach the prostate with my entire finger inside me exploring the rectal walls and rarely encounter [COLOR="blue"]anything other than moist velvety smooth mucosa and its clean mucous secretion - on the rare occasion that my finger finds a fleck of fecal residue i'll gently scrape it out and then drain the bidet and refill with clean water - this hole process has become pleasurable (the teasing tickling stretching and manipulation) except for the prostate manipulation which is tolerable but nor real arousing

massaging the root/bulb of the erect penis and the cowper's glands has become pleasurable and the aneros penetrating is likewise something now look forward to - based on the response of my already erect penis which tends to swell, ooze and pulsate even more than at baseline ...

in the absence of a bidet i would imagine i could do it all in a deep sitz bath or shallow bathtub (although i'd want to shower again before i crawl in bed)

now back to a practice session ...

- rip

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I also find the enema process to be quite enjoyable and highly recommend it. Cleanup after a seesion is a lot easier, and if the Progasm unexpectedly pops out there are no nasty surprises!


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I enema before using the Progasm - I've had a couple of times when it didn't feel comfortable if I skipped the enema. But for any of the other models (including the Maximus) I've found no need to clean out beyond a normal BM.

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I never use an enema beforehand and almost never have a mess to clean up on the Aneros when I'm done.

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In the earlier days I did but I found myself giving a session a miss because an enema was just too much trouble. Haven't used an enema in 2 years and have never had a problem/mess

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I don't bother with any rectal clean out besides just thoroughly washing my crack and anus in the shower when doing any solo anal play. With the Aneros toys I've never had much issue at all.

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in the shower too, gets you more into the mood also!

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i have to be in the mood - horny and aroused (in my case generally rockhard as well) - in order to comfortably get my progasm through the gate
- rip

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I usually work mine in after an hour or so with my sgx, nice hot shower, maybe shaving my pubes and balls, and getting comfortable on my back, nude on the couch, and all my lubes nearby, and pulling the sgx out and sliding the big progasm in after a lube shoot and greasing the pro.....very nice!

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Has anyone else had a situation where the Aneros actually created a need to poop. I think the contractions that are the core of getting the most enjoyment from the Aneros causes a need to poop even if the rectum was empty when I began the session. I've tried the condom method but it creates a totally different experience. Not necessarily "bad" but different. Some lubes seem to cause this to occur.

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yes, i have had that and just deal with it...not sure what lubes cause it....i take it out and clean it and take care of bizness and get back into it most times

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Has anyone else had a situation where the Aneros actually created a need to poop...

Yes. When I first started using the Aneros, after a little while, I'd get the need to BM. Not sure if it was lube related or just part of getting used to the Aneros. Still, today, if stand up or walk around long enough, it tends to stimulate a BM.

I don't use an enema. I'm usually fairly clear back there. If I feel discomfort in the first 15 minutes, that's usually when I need to sit, go BM, clean off the Aneros, and try again. I always go and sit the toilet when I remove the Aneros at the end of a session.

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Yes Jakt, thats exactly what i do, but sometimes I just clean it off and in goes again....and not too worry anymore too!

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Guys! This is a no-brainer! Gawd.

Personally, I cannot imagine having an Aneros session without first cleaning my rectum. Ewww. Even after a good BM there's lots of little stinky floaters in there to muck things up.

Just a simple Fleet's Enema bottle from the drugstore (dump out the stuff when you first get it) and warm water! Two bottles in, blow it out. Makes all the difference in the world. No smell, no danger of explosive messes, and clean toys. You can re-use it hundreds of times, and it costs about a buck.

Take the time...not only is a warm water enema very pleasant, remember that fecal material is ALL bacteria, and some of it can cause serious illness, like e.coli not to mention other unpleasant and dangerous material. So, be careful, be smart. Wash up and then enjoy.

These minor protections are good for you and all you come in contact with. If you involve your partner in anal play, cleanliness should be an absolute must.


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i agree with thhn you can tell if you need a clean for me it is usually if i have been for a bm and it still feels a bit dirty in there but i only do now and again you just get to know after a while if you do have anything in there and dont enema it can put the kybosh on a session as it impedes movement of the toy and can feel uncomfortable

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I let my wife clean me up

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For me, a small anal douche is just a part of basic grooming and hygiene. I brush and floss my teeth a couple of times a day -- far more time consuming and complicated than a quick douche. I've only met two women who liked my armpit stench so use deodorant after a shower. If I'm planning on foreplay and want a tongue in my ear, I wash my ears before retiring. I wash my genitals and were I not circed I'd probably clean inside my foreskin. If my mate is nice enough to slide her finger (always inside a condom -- she's shy) into my canal, I'd like it to come out neither dirty or smelly -- neither of us are fascinated by fecal material.

I keep this 'douche' simple. No need to lie down or use more than a few ounces of warm water. I do it standing in the shower or over the toilet to avoid triggering some major colon action. I've adopted Cockadoodle's approach to douche before retiring for the night -- that leaves me ready for any action that might come my way and avoids a 'chilling affair' with enema gear if I wake up at 3 a.m. and want some Anal action -- just lube-and-go !

When do I skip a douche? When the action is strictly casual anal play with Peridise or Tempo rather than further up the canal for serious work with my prostate. I don't bother before tai chi with Peridise. The action isn't all that fast and the contractions at major meditation points are gentle.

However, some guys are getting some cool vibes with Tempo so I might undertake some Tempo anal sessions that are more along the lines of what I do with my prostate -- for those sessions I'll clean out beforehand..

Oh yeah, if you're into anal play -- and your mate knows it, it's also smart to pay close heed to the quality of your manicure. :0 🙂

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Over nearly 15 years of having anal sex I've stopped worrying about this altogether. Sometimes, but not often at all, there's a tiny bit of messiness, but if you're not freaked out about it then things are easily cleaned up. As this thread makes clear it's a "to each his own" situation, but I never bother cleaning before aneros sessions or sex. Go with what you feel like you need to do! If knowing you're absolutely clean helps you relax then go for it. Personally I'm so impatient to get the aneros in me when I get the chance to use it that I add lube and go for it. If I had trouble getting cleanliness off my mind then I probably wouldn't enjoy things much, but that hasn't been a problem for me! All bodies are different, but I've rarely had to do any unpleasant cleanups.

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How about if you feel the urge to urinate ? must yu remove the aneros or just keep it inside the rectum ?

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@ Cockadoodle

The rectum is used to having crap and bacteria in there so what's the difference if you use the aneros without first cleaning up? What's supposed to happen then? Or when you get your ass examined by a proctologist then he also doesn't clean up before and sticks his instruments in. :confused:

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If you can change a diaper without flinching, then the aneros line of toys isn't even going to make you blink. Even in the worst case, it is far less messy than that.

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Even if there's some crap chunks attached to the device when you pull it out who cares?
I'd only worry about infections but why should the bacteria which are in there anyway cause problems when you use the aneros?

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For us older guys.. And i use the term loosely . I find cleaning out a turnon... take your time... enjoy the feeling of the water... slow down. This shouldn't be a race. And another thing. My GI doctor told me about Kellog's Bran Buds with psyllium. He started me on them about 10 years ago... a half cup a day eaten like cereal with fruit. mixed in yogurt, whipped into a smoothie.... what ever you want to do. He laughed as he handed me a box... he said here's something to keep me Clean and Fuckable. Damned if it doesn't work. So take it easy and clean out a little.. just my 2 cents..

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