"Energy" and the Pr...
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"Energy" and the Prostate

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I have been meditating for not too many years, but ever since I really got going I have had a "knack" for locating this strange sensation in my pelvis, that sometimes can radiate out into my whole body. I have always considered this to be a "life force" or "energy" for lack of a better word, as the feeling is brought on by a slight internal focus (more focusing = more sensations). To briefly describe the feeling, its a tingling, tickling, warming buzz that is located in my pelvis region (can grow as I mentioned).Now, I recently purchased my first Aneros - a Helix - and as I have been (bit by bit) becoming more sensitive to the movements/pressure of the Helix this "energy" has made itself known a number of times (I think I've had ten sessions to date) and whats more is that if I do my focus exercise while contracting the "energy" changes into a (slightly) pleasurable feeling traveling up my spine to the back of my head and in my mind.

So... the bottom line - have I awakened (at least somewhat) my prostate through meditation prior to using the Aneros toy? Or is this just an entirely different sensation that works well with the Aneros sensations? Either way I feel like this "energy" has been helping me quite a lot.

Also... every time I attempt a focusing/contraction (tug-of-war technique) exercise I always loose focus and nearly loose all of the pleasure I think I'm feeling generate. Is this just because I cant focus enough? I think perhaps its my internal dialogue taking over? "Oh this is gonna be great when I let go!". I don't know, this last part is just asking for any tips anyone may have for me as I attempt this method of reaching super-O. I have never had any kind of "O" from the Aneros, however I have had what I think are P-waves and occasional quivers other than that slightly pleasurable feelings from the pressure inside, also had super-Ts.

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I'm not a practitioner of meditation yet, however, your experiences do sound like you have awakened your prostate. That's pretty much what it feels like. Going a bit further, as you progress, you may be able to have Aneros-less or "less" super orgasms without the Aneros inserted just by thinking about it! You can really improve boring meetings at work with this skill.

Your description sounds like you are making good progress and trying different techniques. You have already discovered the importance of a positive and uncluttered frame of mind. I might suggest using your meditation skills to allow the sensations to happen and to follow the feelings rather than cause them.

It sounds like you may be reading in the forums. Keep at it, there are a lot of answers. You've also found one of the best groups of men and women on the Internet. They are very experienced and accepting.

Glad to have you here!


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I think having prior experience with body awareness and learning to spread energy or sensations throughout your body gives you a good start to this whole process. I've been practicing chi-gung/meditation as well and learning to feel & move energetic sensations in the body can be helpful, but be careful what you do when directing these sensations. It can set you up with the mindset of trying to "make it happen" instead of having more of an internal exploration. Personally every time I try to draw the buzzing sensations to a specific area of the body, it feels nice but I have never been able to induce a super-o with this method (although that doesn't mean its impossible!).

What helps me is relaxing and going inside/creating space within the pleasurable buzzing of the aneros, which takes me even deeper into pleasure (it sounds weird, but does anyone else feel like they are falling into an orgasm, or your orgasm has an orgasm inside of itself?) Instead of trying to direct the sensations, try being passive and watch what they do. Learning to let go of control & the need to reach a goal is a big part of your journey too. It won't happen overnight, but eventually it should evolve and the involuntary movements will cascade & grow into something amazing. Be present to what is currently happening, not what happened 10 minutes ago or where it might go.

Also, without knowing your meditation background, I just want to add caution to drawing energy up to the head if you aren't doing anything to bring it safely down or grounding it. A few years ago I was exploring other methods for multiple orgasms and found some success drawing pleasure up the back to the top of the head, but I did little to create a safe downward flow & had energy or this annoying buzzing/flicking develop in my head which made it difficult to sleep. No matter what I did, the energy would return there even if I directed it down because I had focused so hard on bring it up. I eventually gave up my retention exercises (ie had to ejaculate) and focused on developing a more balanced internal system. Take home message? Don't try to force it & be gentle with yourself. Good luck with your self-discovery, this forum helped me a lot & I'm sure it will benefit you as well!


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@sandmann: "What helps me is relaxing and going inside/creating space within the pleasurable buzzing of the aneros, which takes me even deeper into pleasure (it sounds weird, but does anyone else feel like they are falling into an orgasm, or your orgasm has an orgasm inside of itself?)"

Just recently in another post, I described "entering the center of my pleasure and being surrounded by energy." The energy (tingling) surrounded my entire body, not just below the waist as it had in the past.
it was a most interesting and intense experience. I was able to repeat it several more times. I need to be very quiet inside and have plenty of time to do it. Thanks for the post!


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2 good posts already. If i can throw my 2 cents in I'm going to go against the grain and say that I don't think you have awakened your prostate. I think you have learnt to amplify your arousal/energy. I think when you awaken your prostate you will know that you have. I too learnt to amplify my arousal via meditation which I can bring into my aneros sessions. I think although its a change in the mind, awakening the prostate is more so to do with the physical contact (producing more pleasurable sensations than previously) and arousal generated from the idea of this. For example I could (can't now due to not using my aneros for a while) get such strong arousal and desire for my aneros in my anus without getting an erection. This is the seperation of sensation created via the penis and via the prostate. When your mind realises more pleasure can come from the prostate and truelly desires prostate stimulation, I think then you have awakened the prostate. I think you learnt to amplify arousal before awakening your prostate. Which might speed up the process for you. I also think Sandman put in a great post and i noticed a lot of similarities in his experiences to my own. Welcome!

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Before I found the aneros I used to build energy like that. I could lie there and focus on orgasming, and get some orgasmic rushes. I even combined it with a little tensing in the right places and ejaculated hands-free a few times. (that's why I came into this aneros thing without any scepticism, I knew something way better was possible)

As for whether it helps with the aneros, I think it can help in a way because you're aware of what focusing inward is like. But it's also confusing, because aneros sessions (in my experience) aren't driven by the same process. You have to extend the mental loop to include the aneros, and you have to remember to do that, which is hard.

As others have said, there's a physical element to it. There's no getting around that. Your prostate has to learn (over time) to respond with pleasure to the strokes of the aneros. You also have to learn physical control of the aneros, contractions, etc.
My theory (I don't know if anyone would agree) is that you have to teach yourself these contractions manually at first, become aware of the muscles, how to control them and when, then eventually these contractions will be learned by your body.

Then there's a merging of mind and body, where these contractions are integrated into your focusing/energy routine. ie. the physical movements of the aneros are able to drive your energy, instead of you driving them with focus alone. Getting to that stage might involve unlearning some habits or preconceptions you've learned. There's a temptation when things are getting good, to take over with the techniques that are familiar to you (but wrong for the aneros). And this is a trap I've found myself in many times. You have to keep the aneros in the loop, and not just as a jumping-off point.

That's my experience of it. And sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if I hadn't practised that kind of meditation.

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Wow! I'm so glad to see such great responses in such little time, for some reason I felt like my post might go unnoticed for quite a while and get maybe one or two responses (going on past experience with other forums) but I'm pleasantly surprised! Anyways in response: my meditation past hasn't been very structured and I have not done grounding exercises (which I will further research now) also I have to agree with Wired on his belief that I can amplify arousal, because this feeling has a distinct "maximum" and never seems to build orgasm (based on the traditional understanding of orgasm). I will keep looking through the forum and try to continue this journey with much more excitement knowing that there's an entire open community to help cheer me on!

I think my biggest obstacle will be "letting" the orgasm come to me, as this is an entirely a new concept and it throws me off a bit to think about "OK I'm clean, prepared, relaxed, aroused and now its time to contract" while not trying to do anything to force the orgasm. Its going to be tough but I'll keep at it for certain.

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Well, well men all, and thanks EyBoi for asking this central question!! 😀 😀

I began solo prostate massage at age 13, and soon developed amazing highly energetic after effects (not during prostate massage session) that I called "Intellectual Orgasms".
See early posts in my blog: http://www.aneros.com/display-blog/?id=30936

Age 66 currently, and highly Chi/Qi energetic!!! 😀 Did a few years of Taoist sexual kung fu and qigong in early 1990s, including with my wife.

Started with Aneros over 6 years ago, again including my wife, and soon added complementary practices and have a mixed practice of Aneros/KSMO/Tao. Adept in all three for past 3 years or more. Other complementary practices added in occasionally too. The Taoist mapping is the most accurate, in my experience and opinion, for understanding the full energies spectrum we are dealing with here.

In addition, another Anerosian, with Tantric background, and I decided to try experimenting with sending these energies to each other at-a-distance via texting here. It worked. He is no longer here, butt we have spread, and I continue to spread this technique here and in similar forums. I can direct you to thread and happy to chat about all this with anyone interested. No pressure.
You will also see much of this in the later posts in my blog.

Ask me about any of this anytime here in EyBoi's great themed thread or PM/Conversation me here!! Oh!! When circulating energies and having any energies in the head, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth behind your front teeth and visualize the energies descending through your tongue, throat, down around your heart, then down around your stomach, then into your lower abs where much energy may settle, and the rest down into your perineum and inner thighs!! That is the safety route since too many or congested energies in the head can get serious health-wise.
It is also how to store energies cumulatively in your body safely: Yang Chi in the lower abs, and Yin Chi in the perineum and inner thighs.

all the very best energies sensing and cultivation in harmony with full prostate awakening through aneros prostate massage all


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@Artform, im interested in your tao knowledge. Could i ask you for suggestions on books that you would recommend? Im currently reading Light on Pranayama by B.K.S Iyengar which has more of a buddhist (i suppose taoist buddhism) background but he does well to keep it Pranayama neutral (for lack of better words). Although somewhat a difficult read (im certainly no scholar) there is good information about meditation preperation which i had completely overlooked and jumped straight into meditation. When i have the cash i will buy all of Dr. Stephen T Chang's taoism books, and im also looking for the best translation of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tze/Tzu (perhaps you know of a good one?).

Also have you ever Heard the resonance from a particular chakra? I havent yet looked into this, But i had a aneros session last night, and afterwards i did some meditation for relaxation and found my prostate still fairly buzzing (normal considering i didnt ejaculate) and i focused on it. Normally when i do this arousal builds and i can lead to ejac, or cycle below PONR. Last night however i found that after about 5 minutes i heard a very distinct tone. a fairly low/deep resonating sound. It lasted for about 3-4 seconds until i kinda snapped out of my meditation with conscious thought "Was that the sound of my Chakra". Now that question remains for me, It was loud and very distinct. Did i "hear" my chakra. I also noticed it much louder in my right ear. I have noticed in a couple of other sessions that i was beggining to see colours when focusing on certain chakra. I have alot of questions, i hope you dont mind if i send you some pm's?

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Wired, most welcome!! 😀 😀

The Tao Te Ching version I like best is the Arthur Whaley translation and commentaries and appendices all very helpful. First published in 1934 as The Way and Its Power: A Study of the Tao Té Ching and Its Place in Chinese Thought, English translation in 1958. I have a beautiful great new hardback edition published in 2010 by The Folio Society. I have another translation that is more abstract, and acnnot locate that book right now, butt will add it later... Read on Zen Buddhism: that is the fusion of Tao and Buddhism.

The Tao of Health, Sex, & Longevity by Daniel P. Reid may help you cover your broad interests in these energies in full spectrum. Mantak Chia's MultiOrgasmic Man, and his companion MultiOrgasmic Couple are good basic practice guides and he has a wealth of specialized practices books at many levels.

All things in this are vibrations and resonance is a key sensitivity to find as a gift!!~~!!~~!! Key Sound Multiple Orgasms (KSMO www.multiples.com/orgasmforum ) is a Sumerian sound-based practice that many Anerosians have taken up as a complementary practice that enhances their Aneros journey significantly. I have been sensitive to sounds, frequencies and resonance since before beginning Aneros/KSMO/Tao and have a frequency I sound, either aloud or mentally/silently, that vibrates my prostate directly into all sorts of levels.

Key Sound is my Core Practice and the key to having the gentle intent (as opposed to any sense of "control") work amazingly in all these energies levels and experiences. In this area I also like the Pythagorean tradition of musical tunings, and its philosophy. The Golden Verses of Pythagoras translated by Fabre D'Olivet, and The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library are my refs for all that.

Another fascinating level is the work and books of Ernest G. McClean: The Pythagorean Plato: Prelude to the Song Itself, and Meditations Through the Quran. All very esoteric musical and fascinating and does resonate for/with me. My practice included explorations in the Mystical traditions of all three Peoples of the Book; the Jewish Kabbalah, Christian Mystics, and Islam through the Sufi tradition: all extraordinarily rich and challenging and possibly SO rewarding. Read and energize with Rumi's poetry!!

The best encyclopaedia on energies introductions is: David and Ellen Ramsdale's Sexual Energy Ecstasy: A Practical Guide To Lovemaking Secrets of the East and West. The chapter on Dr. von Urban's Bio-Electric Sex captures what mrs. a and I discovered intuitively: penile/vaginal direct contact pure energies orgasmic (slow, gentle, electric indeed) exchanging/sharing non-ejac. This knowledge leads to sharing energies for all sorts of purposes non-physically or remotely at-a-distance with all people who connect resonantly energetically.

How's that for a start?? :):) Please feel free to ask any questions all!!!

all the very best gifts and access to these astounding energies of universal love/healing ecstasies all


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Thank you for taking the time to post all of them.! I will save this page and do my best to get my hands on these resources when im paid. I have heard a few times on this site recommendations of Mantak Chia's Multiorgasmic Man, however i did not hear about Multiorgasmic couple. I was also unaware there was so much to KSMO, clearly i have to do some research here to get a proper understanding of this. Also i cannot wait to get a copy of the Tao Té Ching by the folio society i might just ask my mother to buy it for me haha 😀 (She will). Again thanks alot for your reply

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I experience similar frustration after having had a mini-O once that I might have pleasure from using the syn but nothing spectacular going on. I guess a relaxed attitude and practice will eventually do it! 🙂

For Taoist exercises, I can recommend Eric Yudelove's Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy, which is very concisely written and offers great instructions and illustrations for all exercises which are organised as a self-study course. I do it along my usual Yoga exercises and while I'm not as "fast" as the course could go, it's certainly interesting as it really helps to increase body awareness in its totality.

Best wishes!

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Thanks alot for that reference openguy89. I have heard of that book, and i think it was from this forum somewhere. Im currently taking a kundalini yoga class (im really new to yoga) and i was planning on buying B.K.S Iyengar's book on yoga called Light on Yoga, as the predecessor to the pranayama book im reading by him, Light on pranayama. However i will check some reviews out on that book, as his books arent the easiest for me to read.

I think its important to remain excited about what your doing. Its easy to become desensitised to the idea of having super-o's. Perhaps trying to relight that excitement you had (atleast i did) when you first read about them, and remember that you now have the knowledge that will let you have the best orgasms possible! thats exciting in its self. It sounds like your making good progress with the right attitude.

Welcome to the forums 😀

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My post count seems to have gotten re-set as I had posted before! Anyhow, Yudelove's book is very easy to read, straight-forward and practical.

Also, what I think helps is doing exercises without the aneros. When I'm horny (especially after not having ejaculated for some days), I can trigger semi-involuntary localized muscle contractions while not even using it. 🙂

Yes, I think it's about remembering what you can achieve and just come back again and again. I haven't been using it more often than once a week the past two months but I want to practice more again... it's pleasurable for sure - and being really open to the experience seems to make everything further easier...

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UpdateMaybe the Egyptian technique of "Ankhing" could be incorporated into Aneros use? Just a random metaphysical thing I learned about lol. I think it's really interesting how adding an Ankh shape like a "pommel" to a tuning fork will make it reverberate up to 3 times as long, hence the physical proof of Anking being a possible pleasure increaser.
Google how to Ankh and one of the links will describe how to do this practice with traditional orgasm

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This is the most interesting thread I have read in a while! I have been searching for links such as these for a while. @artform I will probably be grilling you with questions as well. 🙂

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I have been sensitive to sounds, frequencies and resonance since before beginning Aneros/KSMO/Tao and have a frequency I sound, either aloud or mentally/silently, that vibrates my prostate directly into all sorts of levels.

Wait,,, are you telling me that you make a mental/silent sound that actually makes your prostate vibrate into a "level"?

What you`re talking about is not possible in the real world. A thought can`t make things move, unless you`re proposing that the prostate is a muscle and you`re saying that you contract it a little bit on and off so fast that it actually vibrates.

PS. this site has taught me that it`s ok to take things out of context when scrutinizing.

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Hi again Eyboi!, AnnieRico!! (great you got to this thread indeed), MMO_RPGlol (do ask in PM Conversation here or via Skype ( artformed ), Alex_xxx, and all men here!!!

Thanks openguy89!! I like

Eric Yudelove's Taoist Yoga and Sexual Energy very much too.

Alex_xxx said: "Wait,,, are you telling me that you make a mental/silent sound that actually makes your prostate vibrate into a "level"?

What you`re talking about is not possible in the real world. A thought can`t make things move, unless you`re proposing that the prostate is a muscle and you`re saying that you contract it a little bit on and off so fast that it actually vibrates.

PS. this site has taught me that it`s ok to take things out of context when scrutinizing."

Thanks Alex for this challenge!! 😀

Two things; first, I do have an exercise that I developed in my first year of aneros journey, even while primarily doing the Do Nothing method. I recently posted about it in my blog after a Chat Guest asked about things to do using an MGX, which was my only model while I developed this approach I called "Polishing the Knob". Here is the recent post in my blog describing it: http://www.aneros.com/display-entry/?id=1592

Now just the slightest "gentle intent" can trigger the muscle memories system for the muscles involved and I get the same prostate arousal, energies excitation, p-waves and dry-Os!! Our muscle memories system is documented and a great part of everyday life.

Second: As one with a science-based approach, even while a spiritual explorer and experienced successful meditator and energies practitioner, I have experienced a mental/physical connection with many parts of my body, and I think I know how and why. I get a type of whole body, yet individual sites very small, that randomly erupt into singing and dancing around campfires, multilevel orgasms that I attribute to my mitochondria, as the only suspects who can marshal such orders of biological energies in such time sequences!! See this blog post: http://www.aneros.com/display-entry/?id=261 where I initially called these MicroCosmic Orgasms, I have since called Mitochondrial Orgasms.

Mitochondria are capable of self-organizing into group synchronized energy bursts. They power all our cells. They function as Coupled Oscillators in giving heart muscle the unique endless pumping power! I believe that these symbionts, for they live with their own DNA and reproduction processes in our cells, have their own intraspecies communication system, which does intersect with our mental activities: Artform's Hypothesis of the Mitochondrial Hive Mind is where I am adding research exploring this mind/body linkage.

Thanks ALL!!! Happy to chat to explore any and all of this with you Alex and all here!!

all the very best intellectual webbing and peace in the Whole Male Health, Whole Male Being nature of living with an awakening and then fully awakened prostate all


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Mitochondria? Isnt that what Jedi's have? LOL Oh wait thats midi-chlorians :P.


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Thanks ineverknew!! 😀

Indeed, in my blog post at the link in the "Second" paragraph above, you'll see this paragraph making the Midi-Chlorians connection to my first Mitochondrial Orgasm!!!:


George Lucas has midichlorians as the cellular symbionts and a Force-source in StarWars. I felt like I was the forest planet (or moon) Endor, with a vast planetary Ewok festival lighting up, surging and singing for a whole evening their time!


Thanks for raising that here, and for articles in your link!!

brine and I have "campfire sessions" in video chat and during one of them a couple of months or more ago, I was having a lovely Mito-O whole body, and suddenly he was too for the first time ever!!

See both of our blogs for the details!!

brine: https://community.aneros.com/display-entry/?id=1298

and then

artform: https://community.aneros.com/display-entry/?id=1300

and then

brine: https://community.aneros.com/display-entry/?id=1311

You too can develop, or "catch", the Mito-Os with/from your millions and millions of mitochondria, on top of all your other orgasmic styles. Actually they are our powerhouses for all cellular life level energies and therefore all levels above.

all the most excellent energies for all experiencing the fully awakened prostate all


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@artform, so.....i guess george Lucas was a genius then? Well I guess we already knew that! 😀

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Good answer 🙂
And an interesting theory!

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This thread is getting better. 🙂

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Thanks Alex_xxx !! and glad you enjoy forum_jedi!!

Like all ambitious epic storytellers, JRR Tolkien comes to mind, or Isaac Azimov (Foundation Trillogy+) Lucas recognized they have to anchor their new world in enough familiar human-on-Earth frame of reference for the reader to be able to "be there". Adding detailed research about our own reference world, even if at the fringes of knowledge, to their new worlds is a great way for them to explore their own interests, share them, and possibly tickle the readers' curiosity and even a sense of personal quest!!!

From my youth I have had a great deep curiosity about the nature of time and internal time consciousness: time in the mind. I have also been ill a lot, have an encyclopaedic inquisitive mind, and researched anything that seemed to be a lead to my many interests down the many many Rabbit Holes of wider total reality. I found mitochondria and all their wonders in just such an exploration, since they are our time-keepers at the life and death cellular level, as well as our energy transforming powerhouses!!

On the basic physiology of reproductive wet orgasms, and all their sensory stimuli and rewards, mitochondria are playing a major role in all forms of orgasms. As I have pointed out above in these posts, they also gang together in synchronized energy burst driving cells into cellular synchronized action patterns, such as regular heart beats, other muscles co-ordination and the timing of these events.

So, what is their role in the generation and animation of consciousness? That is one of my quests and field of explorations. What is their role in body-mind connections? And I began with how they communicate in order to do all this synchronizing.

Scientific work on quantum bio-physics is a major push on now in biology and two leaders in that field at the conceptual, theoretical and experimentation levels at Roger Penrose and Stuart Hammeroff. Penrose's books The Emperor's New Mind, and Shadows of the Mind are seminal works in this field, as are the many scientific articles by both.

Lab results are now confirming that many functions in our neurology and those of other living creatures, are in fact including quantum levels actions and effects. Bird and insect global navigation for example. Penrose/Hammeroff theory and investigations are focused on the quantum computing potential and probabilities of the microtubules, the rigid struts elements of our cells' internal structure.

EO Wilson's work, and others, on insect hive minds, where the living creatures are like the neuron sensors feeding information into a central processor(s) that senses patterns, map meanings and make decisions is also relevant to my theory. Interestingly mitochondria often clump together near or around the microtubules in the cells.

I believe that eventually we will find that mitochondria use quantum entanglement as a level of communication among themselves in their extraordinary synchrony and exquisite timing. As such they operate as a hive mind overall in our body, as well as regionally within, as at the heart.

There is nothing even close to a complete explanation of consciousness yet. I believe that it is wider and more general than just our skull brain, central as that obviously is in many ways, and that our mitochondria hive mind at all levels up to and including whole body, is an integral part of the integrated, integrating phenomena of our consciousness.

Our orgasms of all types require synchronized energies building, sensing, rebalancing, and explosive bursts. What biological mechanisms make that happen? Which cellular organelle/player is the most likely energizer/animator/coordinator???

We like to think part of it is our intention and we are making it happen by pumping.... and we are of course in part at least, butt what is/are the mechanism(s) of that? Hormonal chemistry for sure in triggering some essentials of this, butt who/how does the action get created physiologically and then unfold in these familiar, yet highly variable patterns??

When one does the research of all the research in biology now in this current global scientific revolution, the most likely suspects: our mitochondria!!

Rupert Sheldrake is another theorist and his perspective and my experiences strongly suggest inter-consciousness connections and ergo sharing between our mitochondrial hive minds!!

And orgasmic energies are also our life-force energies, and our spiritual and healing energies in both the Taoist tradition of 5000 years, and my personal experience, not that either of these is lab science.

So here I/you/we have the good basis for a good science fiction adventure, as well as the scientific explanatory hypothesis for orgasmic functionality, as we know it here at Aneros... and other planetary systems as well.

I think George Lucas might agree.

Let's chat men if you have further questions and ideas from your orgasmic life experiences!!!


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@artform you have absolutely captured my imagination with that last post. I am extremely impressed.

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Believe it or not, this makes complete sense and confirms my experiences, as limited as they are.

Thanks, art.


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