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Emotional blocks and the heart chakra?

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Last night's session got a little strange. I was considering the circulation of sexual energy around my body (eg. the micro-cosmic orbit), and as I focused on what might be my heart chakra, an unclear desire to express emotion felt like a natural next step. I'm not sure if this was some internal wisdom rising from within me, or whether it was just an expectation I was imposing on the situation, because that's what I thought I should do.

It seemed to "work" when I did focus on being more emotionally expressive, but I don't know if I can separate that from the placebo effect, since I've found belief itself is a powerful enhancer.

Sensations in my belly soon followed, so I'm inclined to think I hit on an interesting roadblock (if you put credence in the direction micro-cosmic orbit follows). It also makes sense to me, since I'm a very emotionally-guarded person in day to day life. I go through life poker-facing everything as it happens, then processing it later in private (in what ever form that takes).

Am I being too metaphorical about the "heart chakra", or does it actually manifest as emotional expression? I always considered it a purely physical thing, but now I'm not so sure.

I'd also like to throw the discussion open to emotions in general, since I'm interested in what other people's experiences are.

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Posted by: @clenchy

I'd also like to throw the discussion open to emotions in general, since I'm interested in what other people's experiences are.

I experience emotional release orgasms from time to time, where I will laugh or cry. So it's easy for me to imagine it would happen to others. But they don't feel like they are centered on specific chakras, so I don't know if there is a direct link between heart chakra and emotions. 

To me chakras are a roadmap "the ancients" used to locate nerve bundles, or areas where we feel things happening during meditation, including sexual meditation, or at other times.  Such sensations as "head rush" or "gut feeling" could then be located or described using these "technical terms".  

But I really don't know if the other associations, like the Heart Chakra deals with Love and is blocked by Grief, can really be taken as face value or if they are just symbolic.

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I've also had emotional release orgasms, both laughing and crying. Sometimes uncontrollable sobbing or hysterical laughter that can go on for 20 minutes or more. When it does happen that becomes the destination of a session. I don't know about the chakras.

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