Aneros Blue Helix Syn V

Elusive Milestone
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Elusive Milestone

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I think I have pretty much experienced most of the milestones in my long Journey, no mind blowing Super O's as described by some others, but over all very satisfied with how things are going and continue to expand on my experience. Only one thing I have not had happen is the auto fuck response as described by some. Plenty of great feelings and can get some movement on my own, definitly movement with anal contractions during all types of orgasm, but no involuntary aneros taking over and auto fucking as described. i guess its not a big deal I am still having fun. Anyone else have the same experience?

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I have been riding for a little over a year.....Only experienced involuntaries once, as well as p-waves......still enjoy great pleasure from each and every session. As someone else said to me "it only gets better" with every ride.

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Only one thing I have not had happen is the auto fuck response as described by some. Anyone else have the same experience?

You and I have been enjoying these wonderful devices for many years now and I can recall only about a half dozen times in my twelve years of usage when I have experienced brief episodes of the "" phenomenon so please don't feel you are missing some important Milestone. Remember, as the WIKI notes...

Milestones are progress indicators in ones journey with the Aneros. It is important to note that each journey is a unique and personal experience. All of these milestones may not apply to everyone. Some men may whip right through them without realizing what they are, while others will skip many of them altogether. Every man’s pace with this is different; some will accelerate and then plateau, while others will move slowly through them savoring each achievement.

The important thing is to enjoy ALL the pleasurable sensations you DO experience and not worry about sensations you don't have, those may or may not come in the future but isn't that also part of the mystery which adds an element of excitement? The future always has multiple possibilities!
Good Vibes to You !

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I've only experienced the "auto fuck" phenomenon once in more than 10 years of use, and that was in one of my very early sessions before I was aware of all of the recommended procedures

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