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Ejaculating without orgasm / feelings of regular penile orgasm

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@sonictron wrote in this thread:

Other thing I was trying before Aneros was edging, and trying to separate ejaculation from orgasm, but with me somehow it works the other way around, I ejaculate without the orgasm and then go flaccid. Kind of a ruined orgasm.

I recently listened to a podcast and the guy said the exact same thing: “ejaculation without orgasm”. He talks about it at around 8:20:


I also found similar statements mentioned somewhere on reddit, but I can’t find these anymore. They write that they stopped having an orgasm using some techniques.

I am wondering if I have been stuck in this state from the beginning, because I don’t find ejaculation or the build-up to an ejaculation very pleasurable. Maybe I always ejaculate without an orgasm? How would you know how an orgasm feels if you never had one?

In this thread I would like to go deeper into the feelings of a traditional penile ejaculatory orgasm. I have a few questions and I would appreciate if forum members could chime in:

  • I know it is difficult to describe sensations or feelings, but could you give a general description of how a regular penile orgasm and the buildup to the orgasm feels for you?
  • Do you feel those orgasmic sensations of an ejaculation also during the buildup, just less intense?
  • Are there similar sensations in other situations?
  • Since starting with Aneros, I actually had something I would call a “calm seas prostate orgasm”. I’ll expand on that later, but does your regular penile orgasm have similar aspects to it, just located in the penis?
  • Do you feel any “electricity” / “energy” / “vibration” / “tingling” / “buzzing” in your penis when it is stimulated?
  • Did the penile orgasm change in nature after you started with prostate play / super O?
  • Bonus question if there are any women reading this: I’d also be interested in your clitoral pleasure. Could you describe this if possible?


I will explain my own sensations and experiences in the following sections in order to give a bit of context but above are my main questions.


My usual sensations during ejaculation and the buildup.

Let’s start with my one-dimensional (for simplicity) arousal scale from 1 to 10:

  • [1] No arousal. Regular state of the day
  • [2] Mentally aroused. But no physical sensations
  • [3] Erection, but no particular physical sensations
  • [4-7] I don’t really have distinctive in-between states
  • [8] Feeling of the “Point Of No Return” (PONR) approaching. The erection becomes firmer. Strong mental arousal with an urge to go faster and harder, but I wouldn’t really say that there is much physical pleasure or sensations
  • [9] PONR
  • [10] Contractions, ejaculation, release and refractory period. I can’t really describe the feelings associated with an ejaculation. It is somewhat pleasurable, but not a peak pleasure like I have read about in other places.

For me it would usually go like this: [1] [2 2] and then [3 3 … 3] for most of the time and eventually [8] [9] [10] in short succession. Sometimes I manage to back off when I’m at [8], but I really need to slow down or even stop completely to get away from that feeling again. If I don’t back off, then I quickly reach the PONR. It’s also really difficult to keep away from the PONR after backing off once or a few times.

Do you feel any distinct in-between states [4-7]?


Prostate Orgasm, Aneros

During one of my first Aneros sessions (Helix Trident, beginning of 2020), I did practice some basic PC muscle contractions like they are recommended in the beginner threads and mindgasm lessons. At some point I fell asleep and woke up again not long after that. My pelvic floor was tingling very strongly and the sensations were expanding like waves and reaching up until my belly. The tingling felt like electricity, like my ass was plugged into a power outlet (just a description and not a recommendation 😀). I also felt warm and very content, like floating in space while being embraced by coziness. I had strong involuntary contractions with the device moving very responsively. Much more responsive compared to the beginning of the session, where I was doing voluntary contractions. I noticed that the tingling sensation was starting to fade, so I added some nipple stimulation (which is sometimes recommended here and on the aneros / prostateplay subreddits). This worked in the beginning and induced some more tingling sensation in the nipples and prostate (like a connection). Eventually everything started fading away, probably because I was too active and excited. Or because I was leaving the sleeping-state / near-sleep state. I ended the session by traditional masturbation and one of the strongest ejaculations I ever had.

For me it is difficult to replicate this early session, because falling asleep and waking up at the right time was pure chance (and yes, I slept with the massager in multiple times, during different times of the day and night). The coming-in and coming-out of sleep states seem promising and most of my best sensations are during that time. However, I don’t feel much pleasure from the massager during normal wakefulness. Later, I had extended states of strong and responsive involuntary contractions without any noticeable pleasure. I also tried nipple stimulation again, but to me it seems that I need to get prostate pleasure first before the nipples get sensitive enough and the nipple stimulation approach is too active for my preferences.

I know that it’s not possible to force things with prostate play and it is important to have no expectations. My hope is that pleasure will come with more practice. I recently started feeling pressure on the prostate and some light tingling sensations in the pelvic floor without the device inserted. I manage to sustain it for some time but eventually it fades away. Once, I even had a few very strong p-waves randomly while sitting at my desk, so I am sure the re-wiring works (slowly but steadily). My other hope is that — once I actually learn to prostate-orgasm more consistently — it might spill over into generating pleasure for penile orgasms.

I’m writing this mainly, because I think that I have some kind of understanding of what people around here are talking about ("p-waves" / "energy" / "electricity" / etc). Now, my traditional orgasm doesn’t feel like this at all and I would like to know if other people’s ejaculation feels like this in any way? For example, @rumel recently posted this:

They may not be any more intense than a traditional ejaculatory orgasm and may, in fact , be less intense, though longer lasting.

I think this implies that an ejaculation would feel very intense or sometimes even stronger than a prostate orgasm, just not as spread out or long lasting. I know that prostate orgasms can get even more intense than a traditional orgasm, but I think for me that bar is very low 🙂

So the question is (if possible): Could you describe your traditional orgasms in references to prostate orgasms?


Stimulating the muco-cutaneous junction of the frenulum

Thanks to this forum, I found a great technique. This post by @sowithoutaneros links to this external website:



There are pictures describing the muco-cutaneous junction of the frenulum and a video of a guy stimulating this area. The website has a few more pages describing different techniques, with explicit videos.


I remember that I actually tried frenulum stimulation already before knowing about that website (and before Aneros and prostate-play), but I don’t think it was much more pleasurable compared to regular masturbation. Earlier this year, I saw that website and tried it again. I immediately felt the same tingling sensation of the prostate-waves in my penis. First, at the point of stimulation (below frenulum) and later the sensation would move up into the glans penis. Then I felt only pleasure in the glans penis and none at the point of stimulation. Later, the sensation moved down the shaft and into the prostate region, where I felt tingling and more pressure on the prostate (I assume it engorged). I noticed that my breathing pattern changed to a very extended and shallow exhale and my mind got much calmer, to the point where I stopped thinking for a short time until I noticed this very fact. Eventually I fell asleep and shortly after that woke up again to some very nice feeling, similar to the prostate orgasm described in my previous post, just not as intense. Again, the feelings faded away as I became more awake.

I tried this more often, both without and with the massager inserted but I think it distracts me a bit too much for a prostate session, where I prefer to be passive. I have been able to build this stimulation into ejaculations (more speed, pressure) but the tingling sensations don’t increase in intensity just by going faster or stronger. The ejaculations are stronger and I leak more pre-cum, but the sensation is not more intense than a regular ejaculation, where I stimulate the whole glans. If I just focus on the tingling sensations without increasing the intensity of stimulation, then I can keep this up for an hour or so, but — while feeling nice — it doesn’t build up into an orgasm.

I practice this from time to time and I think it made my prostate more responsive (I feel more pressure on it) and the spontaneous light buzzing sensations in the pelvic floor happens more often. At one point I even had a “dry wet dream”, where I actually awoke from an orgasm. I thought that I really messed up my bed, but the sheets were dry. I didn’t have any massager inserted, but the anus was contracting very strongly by itself, to the point where it felt like I was being fucked by an imaginary massager. It’s a bit difficult to remember this experience, because I was just coming (cuming) out of sleep.

So now my question to other forum members is: Do you feel a similar sensation during regular masturbation or penetrative sex (I mean the strong tingling in the glans penis or the shaft)?

A bit unrelated, but to me it seems that the stimulation of the muco-cutaneous junction is some kind of sweet spot, just not located at the perineum 🙂

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Posted by: @onares

So the question is (if possible): Could you describe your traditional orgasms in references to prostate orgasms?

This thread is really amazing, thankyou so much for writing it! I wish i could answer your question, but i don't actually know what a prostate orgasm feels like. I'm a little weird in that regard. I can reach a orgasm without a aneros, but for some reason i can't reach a orgasm with a aneros.

If you have a question for me, i'd be more than happy to answer it for you.

Posted by: @onares

  • I know it is difficult to describe sensations or feelings, but could you give a general description of how a regular penile orgasm and the buildup to the orgasm feels for you?
  • Do you feel those orgasmic sensations of an ejaculation also during the buildup, just less intense?
  • Are there similar sensations in other situations?
  • Since starting with Aneros, I actually had something I would call a “calm seas prostate orgasm”. I’ll expand on that later, but does your regular penile orgasm have similar aspects to it, just located in the penis?
  • Do you feel any “electricity” / “energy” / “vibration” / “tingling” / “buzzing” in your penis when it is stimulated?
  • Did the penile orgasm change in nature after you started with prostate play / super O?

I'm like you in the regard that i usally fall asleep during sessions, and then wake up the next morning with a massive boner, and still 'engaged'. Since i do most of my sessions without anything inserted, i don't have to worry waking up in pain because i forgot something inside me.

I can feel it churning in the background, and with a light stroke of the nipples it responds. Since i don't touch the nethers at all, i don't get the very pleasent sensation that a ejaculation is very near, that sensation is completely absent.

The sensation i get from stroking my nipples is indistinguishable from penile stimulation, and the very strong urge to continue is there. The body always respond after each stroke with pleasure, similar to penile stimulation, and i climb higher and higher towards a orgasm.

Since my body is forbidden to ejaculate (no penile stimulation), i can keep going higher and higher forever, but I will never reach a orgasm. This is where things get weird, to go forward i actually need to step back, and let the body do the transition into orgasm by itself. Trying to push/force a orgasm never works for me, and i've heard similar tales on this forum from others.

This is where the non-penile sensations starts happening, i get 'goose bumps' that send chills down my spine, and it radiates out all over my body. I feel this cradled/embraced/cozy sensation that is very pleasent, and everything comes in 'waves' with serenity in the gaps.

Those sensations is usally combined with other more physical effects. I get a ambient buzzing/vibration sensation in the nethers, and an insane boner. Feels like my dick is about to explode from the pressure, and it itches on the inside, but the itch is very pleasent.

The transition into a orgasm is seamless, and the sensation that i'm about to ejaculate is not present at all. The transition happens by itself, i'm not doing anything to get there. The sensation is now completely back to typical penile-type sensations, very familiar. 

The way i can feel that i'm getting close to orgasm, is that it can no longer completely contain the orgasmic energies. It bleeds through just a little bit, but that sensation is extremely pleasent. But it's still just a tiny fraction from the sensations of a orgasm.

Once the orgasm starts, it ramps up the intensity very quickly. Sometimes it hits me like a wall, but this time it's not a single note, but several notes that is somehow 'vibrating'.

The difference this time is that theese notes play on their own, and not a direct response to my input. I have to constantly focus and input sensations to keep myself in the loop. If i'm distracted the orgasm is still there, but it's very silent, and i mostly get physical responses, like trembling, buzzing, shakes etc. The inate endless craving to climb from before is gone. The big difference to a penile-o who feels very similar, is that there are p-wave 'eruptions' mixed in.



Ok, but how does it feel? I'm laying in bed and use my mind to focus on sensations. My pc-muscle is doing slow pulsing involentaries (very tiny movements) and i'm leaking slightly. Before i apply stimulation to nipples i focus on my breathing, and relax.

Now i focus completely on the nethers, and i 'charge' it with nipples and contractions. Then i have to brace myself, because the energy levels are rising very quickly, and the feedback is very intense.

I arch my back, i rub my feet against the bedlining, moving my legs, focus on breathing. I feel the need to close my eyes, i grin my teeth and breathe shallow. I rub my neck against the pillow, and this also triggers several p-waves to erupt. 

I need other sensory inputs to distract myself from the intense feedback i'm getting, and yet i keep pushing on, climbing higher and higher. I get a small chill down my spine that radiate outwards, and as i approach the edge i release and let go of the contractions and nipples. Then i will fall down into a relaxation state again.

Every charging cycle takes about a minute, about 30 sec to go to the edge, and then try to sustain it at the edge for another 30 sec. It is very hard for me, because the pleasure is very intense, and i'll do anything to distract my mind. And this is not a orgasmic response yet, it's just me climbing the ladder, with each iteration i get to go a little higher.

When i stroke my nipples i get sensation from two places. First i get a low rumbling sound from the nethers, feels like something is churning down there. It mirrors the sensory touch i get from the nipples itself.

I alternate between flicking the nipples, and contracting. Everytime i contract i can feel the dick move and filling up with blood. They work in unison, the nipple trigger a pleasure response, the contraction pushes it higher.

The pleasure response is ramping up slowly, and i get it from both the contractions and the 'churning' from the nipples. The pleasure is very monotone at first, one tone from nipples, one from contraction. When i'm getting closer to the edge i get a third tone, this one 'ripples' and does not repond to my input. It's just 'there', and its a lot sweeter than the other two. This one is orgasmic in nature.

If i have blowed my load recently i can get into a orgasm with just a few cycles. The reason why i cycle is mainly because i need a breather, and can focus on sensations in between. Getting close to the edge is exhausting mentally, because it is *very* intense, and distractions will only do a little to ease the pressure.

It feels nice, and the effect dissipate if i do to much nipples. They get desensitized easy, starting to ache etc. The transition to orgasm happens to me while i'm falling from high to low, not while i'm 'pushing'/climbing. I also get tons of p-waves during the drop, it kinda transfer some of that energy from the push into something else.

If i fuck up and somehow manage to get blue-balls because i'm not focused enough/distracted with other things, i'm usally locked out from getting a orgasm. Any type of distraction, pain/discomfort etc., does that to me unfortunately. One of many reasons why i never got the aneros to work for me.

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Cool thread and neat posts! 

I'm a bit of an anomaly maybe, my penile orgasms with ejaculation come on very very strong, it takes a while for the sensations from stimulation to build and it grows to insane levels of intensity, and then there's a little period of pre-PONR when it feels like I'm about to cross into that PONR territory but I can ride that for a while if I want to. When my wife is giving me head or a handjob that's when this particular phase is most noticed and at its strongest for the longest lasting amount of time. Then PONR can be this mysterious "place" where I'm consciously and unconsciously trying and not trying to achieve final release through orgasm; it is simply a delicious, savory place to be in for me I can't describe it any other way 🙂 Sometimes if the stimulation is not quite right I can dip back down from PONR to that floating flowery place where the tension is almost beyond my abilities to control myself and its not quite good enough to get even closer to orgasm. Its a wonderful state to be in and I usually try to stay right there as long as I can. When I do my ejaculations grow in size, volume and power/distance.

When I decide PONR is enough and I need to escalate it, I consciously and unconsciously "go for 'it'" and continue whatever it is I'm doing that is going to make me cum: fucking a fleshlight, using my hand, my wife is doing something to me, intercourse with her, whatever it is at that time. There is a period of one to any number of seconds where physical stim is occurring to my cock, and I know if it just keeps at that the same for just "one more second" I will "cum" meaning the very first orgasmic pulsation is expected, and its all I want in the world. I need it more than anything under the sun, even staying alive sometimes, honestly that need for that first pulsation is so profound in me as a core of my being and something I literally cannot live without; to have that first pulsation hit and the assurance that my orgasm is going to not just begin but continue until its over, that can be as good as being alive, period. I know it sounds like I'm nuts for equating life=orgasm but sometimes, when its so good and so needed, that "little death" that orgasm is is worth experiencing, over and over and over.

So the one thing OP didn't mention is the mental "blank/black out" that occurs during orgasm. That's that mystery "place" humans have wondered about for years. The moment when thoughts cease to exist, nothing exists, its when people think they can actually "sense"  the universe and get a "glimpse" of god or a deity. I know this blank place, it hits me like a ton of bricks. Its solace to me and probably countless others. THAT is something that denotes and makes me realize my orgasm is an orgasm. That uncontrollable blacking out at the moment of orgasm. The dying and then coming back to life. That first orgasmic pulsation is the hammer crushing my skull, and the next pulsation is EMT bringing me back to life, and the euphoria of still being alive and experiencing unbelievable physical pleasure evolves instantly into unreal mental pleasure. I love love love that blank place! 

To OP, do you experience that void as well at the moment of orgasm? Just curious, it seems to be built into human DNA and sometimes I wonder if people, during orgasm, know it happens or if they recognize it and isolate that moment to reflect on later in life.

I have had other kinds of orgasms too. Besides prostate, hands-free orgasms by the boat load, I have had prostate orgasms while fully hard while my wife is using her hands or mouth on me. They build like I'm going to cum for real, the things I described above start to happen. And then, how I have no idea, I "cum" but no semen comes out. I'm pulsating like its a real orgasm, my cock is quaking and flexing hard, I'm in the throes of it, but no semen. I stay hard, there is resolution, and then I'm back up to almost PONR again pretty fast. Weird shit honestly! I used to be able to do this while having sex with my wife too but its been over a year since we've been able to have sex (menopause) and hope one day soon (now she's on HRT so getting it back!) replicate this. I can't make it happen on purpose. It just happens. Its from years and years of prostate stimulation and orgasms for sure because it never happened before I got fully rewired and can have dozens of prostate-only Os a session without fail.

When I'm going at it hard for a traditional penile orgasm and ejaculation, whether alone or with my wife, and my hips are involved fully and that's the driving force behind escalation to orgasm, I feel intense pressure in my prostate. Like its clamping down as hard as fucking possible against my will, and as soon as all the above-mentioned phases pass through PONR and orgasm begins, I do this thing where I flex my PC on purpose really hard as I'm thrusting/stroking and PONR passes and that point between it and orgasm lasts a few more thrusts or longer, I then relax my PC, which triggers my orgasm to begin, and I pull out of my wife or fleshlight, and hold for just a second not anything but just a "hold on a second" and I grab my cock, and then pull up and out and start stroking it and then cum shoots out. Sometimes between one to three spurts. If its big ropes and shooting several feet away from me, its fucking intense as all get out. But funny thing is is that that is not my first pulsation of real "orgasm" instead its like a pre-orgasm orgasm that is an orgasm related to only my cumshot and ejaculatory release. It "feels like I'm cumming" at that moment as I see the jizz fly away from me and I can feel the pulsations responsible for the cumshot, but then, like an even bigger ton of bricks, as if I'm not cumming hard already, my real orgasm begins and the pulsations in my pelvis actually "start" with that first super pulsation that brings on the "little death" and then the pulsations are stronger, "heavier" feeling, and cum is still coming out of me throughout this. As I feel my O subside as my ejaculate starts to dwindle I keep on stroking below the glans to prolong the pulsations and force my orgasm to continue. The O from ejaculation starting and then the O from the orgasm actually starting while I'm shooting cum makes me have like a "double orgasm" and it literally and actually feels like two orgasms back to back in a matter of just a few seconds. A few times I've had three distinct Os like this where another real O will bubble up and take over as my first O, the one after ejaculation started, subsides, and then even more cum pumps out of me. My wife will watch me cum over her and she asks "did you cum twice or more times?!?!" This shit is fucking crazy as fuck I wish I didn't curse here but its the only way to capture the intensity and the sheer volume of WTFFFFF I experience from this!!!

All my Os with ejaculation last at least 30 seconds at a minimum. With my wife if we're having sex like crazy, my O/ejac over her lasts up to a full minute, generally about 45 seconds on average. Alone I can cum for between 30-45 seconds almost every time and rarely can I make myself go for a minute, depends on what I'm doing to myself and for how long that session. 

The video OP shared, that specific little tiny spot, I actually believe I have that spot intact on my circumcision scar. I have two tiny little raised pale pink bumps, they aren't but they kind of look like tiny warts or something, and those little side by side bumps I call "the clitoris of my penis." When I touch them, omg. When my wife is not going deep enough on me during oral sex I crave just one more mm more so she can get that spot in her mouth and when I do I melt. I have yet to bring myself to O touching just that point though, although I probably can, I just have never ever tried. I should!!! I'm sure I can achieve that kind of O/ejac from that particular pinpoint stimulation. But I grab and encircle my cock around that whole line and only bring my loose skin gently up and over the glans corona or its just below that, and that's how I prolong my orgasm for so long. Its automatic and I can't help but just keep stroking pulling stimulating to keep my O going going going. Its wild, and I thank my doctor for cutting me in a certain way that preserved most of my frenulum and that particular sweet spot, aka, my penile clitoris lol

Hope some of my descriptions help you understand penile orgasm more! 

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Wow, thanks a lot for the answers!

Posted by: @brailleskin

but i don't actually know what a prostate orgasm feels like.

Your description of what you experience without aneros seems to match or even exceed the pleasure I had during my prostate orgasm with aneros. I think it doensn’t matter how you get to the pleasure as long as you can build upon it.

Posted by: @brailleskin

I'm like you in the regard that i usally fall asleep during sessions, and then wake up the next morning with a massive boner

I only kept the aneros in a few times for the whole night. I noticed that it didn’t add to the experience once I am in deep sleep. I usually wake up a few times each night anyways and that’s when I remove it. To me it seems that the half-awake-half-asleep state is the most conductive to pleasurable feelings. Nowadays I do my aneros sessions either early in the morning when I have about 1 hour of sleep left or during the day, where I might nap away for 10 minutes or so. I am trying to get into the relaxed mental state during the day as well such that I'm not as dependent on randomly waking up at the right time. To me it seems that the pleasure itself invites different breathing patterns and more relaxation by itself. The problem is generating that pleasure in the first place.

Posted by: @brailleskin

Since i do most of my sessions without anything inserted, i don't have to worry waking up in pain because i forgot something inside me.

Yes, that’s very convenient. No prep time, no cleanup. I’d like to get there as well and use a massager only occasionally. But for now I think it's best to continue working on the rewiring.

Posted by: @brailleskin

The sensation i get from stroking my nipples is indistinguishable from penile stimulation

That’s interesting. The few times I tried nipple stimulation, I could generate some pleasure but it soon fades away to nothing again. But if I masturbate traditionally (With traditional I mean my technique of stroking the glans), I don’t feel this kind of pleasure at all. Also not during orgasm. With the new frenulum techniques I do feel the same sensation, but I haven’t been able to build this up into an actual orgasm yet. I’ll probably continue exploring this avenue using the frenulum techniques, because there I can actually feel something similar to the nipple pleasure, just more reliably.

Posted by: @brailleskin

Trying to push/force a orgasm never works for me, and i've heard similar tales on this forum from others.

Do you mean this doesn’t work for you only if you do nipple stimulation or also if you do "normal" masturbation of stroking the penis?

Posted by: @brailleskin

This is where the non-penile sensations starts happening, i get 'goose bumps' that send chills down my spine, and it radiates out all over my body. I feel this cradled/embraced/cozy sensation that is very pleasent, and everything comes in 'waves' with serenity in the gaps.

It’s good that you mention this. I have been getting these waves on the skin when I was a child (just without the cradled/embraced/cozy sensation). There was a time when I was concentrating on those waves a lot, trying to steer them around in the body. They felt like light tingling or a chill crawling over the skin. Nice, but not pleasurable in a sexual sense like the p-waves nowadays, which are more deep inside the body and not on the skin. I felt them mostly on the back, under the neck and could make them expand into my arms and sometimes down the back a bit, but never into the nether region. For some reason I stopped doing this when I grew older. Now I started feeling them again randomly during the day or when listening to a really good song. I can sustain them for a short amount of time. No warm cozy sensations so far with this phenomenon, but definitely nice when it happens

Posted by: @brailleskin

The big difference to a penile-o who feels very similar, is that there are p-wave 'eruptions' mixed in.

This would mean that your penile orgasm is indeed very strong, even without the p-waves mixed in. Were your ejaculatory orgasms always like this? Did you always do the nipple stimulation? If not, then I’d be interested in how your ejaculation felt before the nipple stimulation?

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Thanks a lot for the great post! I think you are definitely on another level.

Posted by: @techpump

I'm a bit of an anomaly maybe, my penile orgasms with ejaculation come on very very strong, it takes a while for the sensations from stimulation to build and it grows to insane levels of intensity

I'm trying to figure out a description for those "sensations from stimulation" you mentioned. As you build up those sensations towards orgasm, do they change in nature or 'just' in intensity? Where in the penis do you feel those and do they move around? Are they similar to the electric / tingling sensations I felt during my prostate orgasm? I mention mostly the tingling, because that is the most distinct description I can think of.

Posted by: @techpump

So the one thing OP didn't mention is the mental "blank/black out" that occurs during orgasm. That's that mystery "place" humans have wondered about for years. The moment when thoughts cease to exist, nothing exists, its when people think they can actually "sense"  the universe and get a "glimpse" of god or a deity. I know this blank place, it hits me like a ton of bricks. Its solace to me and probably countless others. THAT is something that denotes and makes me realize my orgasm is an orgasm. That uncontrollable blacking out at the moment of orgasm. The dying and then coming back to life. That first orgasmic pulsation is the hammer crushing my skull, and the next pulsation is EMT bringing me back to life, and the euphoria of still being alive and experiencing unbelievable physical pleasure evolves instantly into unreal mental pleasure. I love love love that blank place! 

To OP, do you experience that void as well at the moment of orgasm? Just curious, it seems to be built into human DNA and sometimes I wonder if people, during orgasm, know it happens or if they recognize it and isolate that moment to reflect on later in life.

Wow, that’s very interesting. I didn’t mention this, because I never had this blackout at all. During ejaculation I am as clear-minded as during regular life. I'm looking forward to maybe experiencing this some time down the road!

I knew about the term "little-death", but could never relate to it. Now I know why. I wonder if this is common for most people, or only for a few handful of highly orgasmic? Did you have this before starting with prostate massage?

Posted by: @techpump

And then, how I have no idea, I "cum" but no semen comes out. I'm pulsating like its a real orgasm, my cock is quaking and flexing hard, I'm in the throes of it, but no semen. I stay hard, there is resolution, and then I'm back up to almost PONR again pretty fast.

I had this once in my life, where I was backing off the PONR just at the right time. I had everything a regular ejaculation would give, except the refractory period. I was back to the PONR pretty quickly after that and came really hard. It was years ago (way before prostate play), so I don’t really remember how it felt.

Posted by: @techpump

I used to be able to do this while having sex with my wife too but its been over a year since we've been able to have sex (menopause) and hope one day soon (now she's on HRT so getting it back!) replicate this.

I wish you two all the best!

Posted by: @techpump

My wife will watch me cum over her and she asks "did you cum twice or more times?!?!" This shit is fucking crazy as fuck I wish I didn't curse here but its the only way to capture the intensity and the sheer volume of WTFFFFF I experience from this!!!

I think it's appropriate to curse here because it accurately describes the situation!

Posted by: @techpump

All my Os with ejaculation last at least 30 seconds at a minimum.

I think that's probably the upper limit for me.

Posted by: @techpump

Its wild, and I thank my doctor for cutting me in a certain way that preserved most of my frenulum and that particular sweet spot

I am glad that I'm not circumcised so at least I know that I can't blame the missing sensations on that. I'll probably focus on stimulating the muco-cutaneous junction and the frenulum in the future and try to focus on those sensations more. Maybe they build up into an orgasm at some day.

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Posted by: @onares

This would mean that your penile orgasm is indeed very strong, even without the p-waves mixed in. Were your ejaculatory orgasms always like this? Did you always do the nipple stimulation? If not, then I’d be interested in how your ejaculation felt before the nipple stimulation?

That's because i cheated, and it was over 30 years ago, today i can't even get a orgasm from penile stimulation.

When i was a teen living in my parents house, i discovered the amazingly powerful effects of water. I was experimenting with water jets in a jacuzzi, and achieved a orgasm so intense it changed me forever.

The thing about penile orgasms is that you have to clench your pc-muscles to stay in the 'flow', and it's also like putting the pedal to the metal. You're always accelerating, going at breakneck speeds down the orgasm highway.

I spent several minutes holding on to a orgasm, clenching my pc-muscle like a crazy person. The intensity was off the scales, and i never managed to reach the same heights ever again.

That is also the reason why i'm scared of the super-O. I still remember that experience 30+ years later, and i still remember what it felt like. It was the most amazing thing i've ever experienced, and also the most painful thing i've ever experienced. I could have stabbed myself with a blade, and i wouldn't even notice it, the sensation would have been completely drowned out by the orgasm.

Before aneros my nipples was dead, i wasn't rewired so touching them did nothing. Then when i got sensation in my nipples, i started using them during normal penile stimulation. Thats how my body decided to tie them together, and now my nipples are way more powerful than penile stimulation.

I don't think i would even be able to reach the point of ejaculation with penile stimulation alone anymore without using nipples. The orgasmic sensation from penile stimulation/nipple stim has stayed the same over the years, going back over 30 years. I don't know if its even possible to change it, seems pretty hardwired.

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Posted by: @brailleskin

When i was a teen living in my parents house, i discovered the amazingly powerful effects of water. I was experimenting with water jets in a jacuzzi, and achieved a orgasm so intense it changed me forever.

Where did you direct the water jets on? The penis / perineum / ass / somewhere else?

Posted by: @brailleskin

and also the most painful thing i've ever experienced

Why the pain? Because of the clenching?

Posted by: @brailleskin

I don't think i would even be able to reach the point of ejaculation with penile stimulation alone anymore without using nipples.

I would call this un-wiring ... It's probably worth it because you get good pleasure from the nipples

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Posted by: @onares

Thanks a lot for the great post! I think you are definitely on another level.

yah, its been wild all these years, and every year I find my threshold for pleasure and orgasm increase. In no way at all is anything decreasing. Sensitivity, sensation, response to stimulation, strength of musculature responsible for orgasm and ejaculation, its all increasing with age. I'm 46 now, and I have lots of hope for the future!

Posted by: @techpump

I'm a bit of an anomaly maybe, my penile orgasms with ejaculation come on very very strong, it takes a while for the sensations from stimulation to build and it grows to insane levels of intensity

I'm trying to figure out a description for those "sensations from stimulation" you mentioned. As you build up those sensations towards orgasm, do they change in nature or 'just' in intensity? Where in the penis do you feel those and do they move around? Are they similar to the electric / tingling sensations I felt during my prostate orgasm? I mention mostly the tingling, because that is the most distinct description I can think of.

Hmmmmmm, let me see. I guess they just change in intensity. I feel pulsation, and a kind of "charge" that shoots through my erection up from my prostate and everything else associated. There are muscles and other tendons or something that flex and propel the energy up through my erection. When I flex my PC when flaccid or hard, it feels sort of like the automatic flexing and pulsation of involuntary contractions that I experience during prostate stim especially with Aneros type toys that do the "autofucking" thing we love so much 🙂 I feel the sensations throughout my penis but it seems to go up and congregate at or near and inside my glans. Yes there is some kind of "electric" feeling, like a pulse, but it feels like muscles flexing to me, just the flexing feels slightly orgasmic, like the pulsations are the same pulsations I feel during orgasm and they are pleasurable any time I experience them. A lot of it comes from my prostate for sure. But my cock has always felt about the same kind of sensation as I work on pleasuring myself so I can have an ejaculatory orgasm, regardless of when I first started using Aneros (late 2004) or started exploring my ass and prostate in other ways (for like a couple years prior to 2004). I can't say I feel "tingling" but its more direct and easily recognizable pulsating and muscle movements like that.

Posted by: @techpump

So the one thing OP didn't mention is the mental "blank/black out" that occurs during orgasm. That's that mystery "place" humans have wondered about for years. The moment when thoughts cease to exist, nothing exists, its when people think they can actually "sense"  the universe and get a "glimpse" of god or a deity. I know this blank place, it hits me like a ton of bricks. Its solace to me and probably countless others. THAT is something that denotes and makes me realize my orgasm is an orgasm. That uncontrollable blacking out at the moment of orgasm. The dying and then coming back to life. That first orgasmic pulsation is the hammer crushing my skull, and the next pulsation is EMT bringing me back to life, and the euphoria of still being alive and experiencing unbelievable physical pleasure evolves instantly into unreal mental pleasure. I love love love that blank place! 

To OP, do you experience that void as well at the moment of orgasm? Just curious, it seems to be built into human DNA and sometimes I wonder if people, during orgasm, know it happens or if they recognize it and isolate that moment to reflect on later in life.

Wow, that’s very interesting. I didn’t mention this, because I never had this blackout at all. During ejaculation I am as clear-minded as during regular life. I'm looking forward to maybe experiencing this some time down the road!

I knew about the term "little-death", but could never relate to it. Now I know why. I wonder if this is common for most people, or only for a few handful of highly orgasmic? Did you have this before starting with prostate massage?

This "blackout" is an instantaneous thing. An explosion of black, like a mind-cleaner. If I have a thought, it disappears. Everything disappears. And then suddenly in less than a second the world is back. It occurs at the very onset of my first orgasmic pulse, the one that makes me say "there it is, orgasm is starting and its not stopping!" I'm clear-minded as I ejaculate too, except just that brief split second when my O and ejaculation begin for real. You might have it and it goes by so fast you don't realize that's what that is! There are ways to prolong this; Ipsalu Tantric Kriya yoga is a way, I'm practicing it the last year and a half and I gotta tell you, it has expanded my orgasms slightly (I need to just keep working on it, its a long journey towards enlightenment through orgasm!) and when mastered, that blackout moment can be extended into well over a minute and you're apparently just floating in the Void, the Nothing. Like being born, the light at the end of the tunnel. 

I think the "little death" is common to many. Women for sure. My wife sees galaxies, the Cosmos, explosions, lights and colors, and sometimes hallucinates visions and even sees positive happy "deities" when she has super long drawn out orgasms. Heart chakra orgasms that she feels touches people she directs her orgasmic energy and light to. I'm serious. She gets off HARD hard like its scary sometimes how hard she cums. She knows the little death extremely well and it lasts a while for her, several seconds sometimes, she'll say she "comes to" after realizing she was "out" for a few seconds. Aware, but in the Void, and when she "returns" she is in the throes of a massive full body orgasm 🙂 I've always had this experience even before prostate stim and awakening. I remember it in my very first orgasm of my life it happened, then when I learned about it, I just felt like yah, it happens.

Posted by: @techpump

And then, how I have no idea, I "cum" but no semen comes out. I'm pulsating like its a real orgasm, my cock is quaking and flexing hard, I'm in the throes of it, but no semen. I stay hard, there is resolution, and then I'm back up to almost PONR again pretty fast.

I had this once in my life, where I was backing off the PONR just at the right time. I had everything a regular ejaculation would give, except the refractory period. I was back to the PONR pretty quickly after that and came really hard. It was years ago (way before prostate play), so I don’t really remember how it felt.

Posted by: @techpump

I used to be able to do this while having sex with my wife too but its been over a year since we've been able to have sex (menopause) and hope one day soon (now she's on HRT so getting it back!) replicate this.

I wish you two all the best! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!

Posted by: @techpump

My wife will watch me cum over her and she asks "did you cum twice or more times?!?!" This shit is fucking crazy as fuck I wish I didn't curse here but its the only way to capture the intensity and the sheer volume of WTFFFFF I experience from this!!!

I think it's appropriate to curse here because it accurately describes the situation!

Posted by: @techpump

All my Os with ejaculation last at least 30 seconds at a minimum.

I think that's probably the upper limit for me.

Posted by: @techpump

Its wild, and I thank my doctor for cutting me in a certain way that preserved most of my frenulum and that particular sweet spot

I am glad that I'm not circumcised so at least I know that I can't blame the missing sensations on that. I'll probably focus on stimulating the muco-cutaneous junction and the frenulum in the future and try to focus on those sensations more. Maybe they build up into an orgasm at some day.

I bet they will for you big time! If you're uncut, wow, yah you have an arsenal of skin and sensitive areas I don't have and can surely find a handful of ways to reach orgasm by playing with your penis!


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@onares You are intact, so you can also do it. You kinda use the foreskin as a swirl chamber, be very careful when inserting it in the jet, just gently touch it, and the foreskin will inflate like a balloon. The best spot to aim the waterjet is to the left/right of your frenulum where the foreskin connects directly to the head with a thin thread. You will definitly feel when you hit the right spot, it will start singing for you almost immidietly when you clench down the pc and start climbing the ladder to a o.  You do not want the jet down your peehole, that is quite painful. The experience is very intense, and it will supercharge your penile orgasm. And the long journey to PONR is amazing. You have to actually struggle to reach the PONR, and that struggle will be insanely pleasurable so close to PONR. The orgasmic energies are bleeding through when you're close enough to the edge.

About my experience as a teenager, there was no pain, only pleasure. The reason i said pain was when the pleasure is that intense, it will completely overwhelm your senses. It's extremly addictive, and you really wanna be there forever. But at the same time, you don't really ever wanna be there again because of the extreme intensity of it. I don't think it's even possible to even imagine something with so much pleasure it can be percieved as pain.

Every second you spend inside a orgasm it increase in intensity, because you have to engage your pc-muscle. If you let go of the pc-muscle you get kicked out and you ejaculate. So 10-15 seconds will be completely overwhelming, and it will never stop increasing the intensity the longer you stay in there.

Aneros is completely different in that regard. It is you who control your pc-muscle, and you will not get kicked out of a orgasm because of lack of clenching it down. So you actually have a choice in the matter of intensity when you experience a dry-o.

I know there is ways to train your pc-muscle to be able to clench longer and harder, and experience a stronger orgasm. I have accepted the fact that the older i get, the worse my penile orgasms will become.

Twenty years ago i could atleast enjoy a penile orgasm for 10-15 seconds before getting ejaculation, now i can't even reach the point of orgasm. I get a few nice feelings when i blow my load, but thats it.

If only more males would know that the orgasm they experience is just 1-5% of the *normal* dry-o you can experience with a aneros device.

Posted by: @onares

It’s good that you mention this. I have been getting these waves on the skin when I was a child (just without the cradled/embraced/cozy sensation). There was a time when I was concentrating on those waves a lot, trying to steer them around in the body. They felt like light tingling or a chill crawling over the skin. Nice, but not pleasurable in a sexual sense like the p-waves nowadays, which are more deep inside the body and not on the skin. I felt them mostly on the back, under the neck and could make them expand into my arms and sometimes down the back a bit, but never into the nether region. For some reason I stopped doing this when I grew older. Now I started feeling them again randomly during the day or when listening to a really good song. I can sustain them for a short amount of time. No warm cozy sensations so far with this phenomenon, but definitely nice when it happens

They are all pleasure waves, and there are a lot of different types of pleasure waves. The chills, the heat, the sparkles, the lightning/electricity, the floating one, and there is a lot of more types. Some are very hard to put down in words, others are pure pleasure like you say.

I told you earlier about my silent orgasms, because i was distracted/uncomfy, i temporarily lost my ability to control the volume of the pleasure waves. You can dial them up, so they scream like a banshee, or tune them down so you can hardly detect them at all, just a whisper.

It took me quite a while to be able to generate them at will during my rewiring, and even longer to gain the ability to move them around. And you mastered it when you were really young, wow.

I'm still not very good at it, and i think that is the only thing thats holding me back from expanding a dry-o into a full-body-o. I don't think i would even be able to transition into a orgasm without them, they are very essential to get all the machinery to click toghether.

They are always there just at the beginning when i transition into a orgasm, and they're even inside the orgasm itself. I even use them indirectly to reach the orgasm itself. The pleasure i feel when i stimulate my nipples, that is a pleasure wave too.

Others can probably tell you a lot more, they have the ability like you to move it around. They can get a orgasm in their big toe, and then move it to their elbow if they feel like it.

The most amazing aspect of a pleasure-wave, is that you can use it to increase your level of aurosal, just like nipples, and penile stimulation, and contracting your pc-muscles.

If you're skilled enough you can go all the way into a orgasm without touching anything at all, only using p-waves as your only source of aurosal. Nothing inserted, no contractions, no nipple-stim, no penile stim, just using your mind alone to reach a orgasm.

Posted by: @onares

Do you mean this doesn’t work for you only if you do nipple stimulation or also if you do "normal" masturbation of stroking the penis?

I can always force myself into a ejaculation by pushing it if i do normal penile stimulation. I also have the ability to ejaculate using my nipples. It goes both ways, but i do need penile stimulation directly to not get locked out of ejaculation.

If i try to force myself into a orgasm with nipples, my body tries to ejaculate because im pushing, but i get a ache/pain when it fails to actually ejaculate. It seems there is some kinda physical barrier/mechanism that preventing the body to ejaculate without the correct triggers.

I have to tease myself to such a high pleasure level that my body is ok with triggering a orgasm, i know from experience exactly the level of excitement i need to be at.

Going beyond that point usally result in me being locked out from orgasm and getting blue balls/ache/pain. I can continue generating pleasure as long as i like to, but going into a orgasm is very finicky to say the least.

When i reached the right energy levels to orgasm, i can't continue to push higher any more. I need to take a step back, have a few p-waves, and if i'm lucky i get thrown into a orgasm. As i transition i get ache/blueball sensation when the body fails to ejaculate. This time i can ignore thoose sensation, and the body lets me continue. Other time, thats a deal-breaker.

But everyone is different, what works for me, might not work for someone else. My nipples are very tightly bonded to the whole penile sensation/orgasm, so i'm always gonna get ache/blueballs no matter what i do.

My body is always thinking it's gonna ejaculate when i touch my nipples, and i'm breaking all the rules when i orgasm without actually ejaculating. So i'm being punished, and i'm totally ok with that.

When i'm inside a orgasm, i can't get kicked out no matter what i do. I can clench the pc all i want, i can do nipples, i can do p-waves, focus etc.

The difference when i'm inside a orgasm is that i'm not in control, it's gonna play whatever song it wants to play and i can only tag along. I can make it scream like a banshee with clenching, or make it quiet like a mouse by relaxing.

It needs a constant stream of sensation to keep myself in the loop, but it doesn't matter what type of sensation. I can do nipples, i can do clenching, i can generate p-waves etc. As long as i focus and being active i can stay inside the orgasm for hours... 

Posted by: @onares

That’s interesting. The few times I tried nipple stimulation, I could generate some pleasure but it soon fades away to nothing again. But if I masturbate traditionally (With traditional I mean my technique of stroking the glans), I don’t feel this kind of pleasure at all. Also not during orgasm. With the new frenulum techniques I do feel the same sensation, but I haven’t been able to build this up into an actual orgasm yet. I’ll probably continue exploring this avenue using the frenulum techniques, because there I can actually feel something similar to the nipple pleasure, just more reliably.

That is really great that you rewired your nipples, and are able to generate pleasure. You said it yourself, u need to use your nipples at every chance you get or eventually it's gonna go away. I used a big book/laptop covering my nipples while i laid in bed and did penile stimulation. That way the book will always wiggle around when you move, and you will get your spice added without much effort.

Posted by: @onares

Yes, that’s very convenient. No prep time, no cleanup. I’d like to get there as well and use a massager only occasionally. But for now I think it's best to continue working on the rewiring.

I actually recently bought one of their newer models, the syn V. It's really amazing and aneros has really perfected their models. It's so much better than their original Helix, which back then was also one of their most popular models. I didn't think it was possible to improve on a already superior design. What model are you using?

Posted by: @onares

I only kept the aneros in a few times for the whole night. I noticed that it didn’t add to the experience once I am in deep sleep. I usually wake up a few times each night anyways and that’s when I remove it. To me it seems that the half-awake-half-asleep state is the most conductive to pleasurable feelings. Nowadays I do my aneros sessions either early in the morning when I have about 1 hour of sleep left or during the day, where I might nap away for 10 minutes or so. I am trying to get into the relaxed mental state during the day as well such that I'm not as dependent on randomly waking up at the right time. To me it seems that the pleasure itself invites different breathing patterns and more relaxation by itself. The problem is generating that pleasure in the first place.

Yea, that is how i usally do it too. I can 'taste' it when the body is really craving it, that usally means one easy ticket to orgasm. That is also how i managed to get two silent orgasms, i went with the flow and could feel that the body wanted it.

So i got up and inserted the aneros, and tried to reach a orgasm. Like i told you before, the aneros doesn't really work for me. I had to pull with me the extra dead weight, as i struggled to reach a orgasm.

I was kinda succesful, i could definitly feel that i was indeed inside a orgasm. Not only once, but in two separate occurances. The really weird thing was that it was almost completely silent, i mostly only got the secondary physical effects. I think the reasoning behind it was because i had the aneros inside me, that i really couldn't form the pleasure waves properly (i was distracted).

Posted by: @onares

Posted by: @brailleskin

but i don't actually know what a prostate orgasm feels like.

Your description of what you experience without aneros seems to match or even exceed the pleasure I had during my prostate orgasm with aneros. I think it doensn’t matter how you get to the pleasure as long as you can build upon it.

Thankyou, i really hope others also chime in, and answer that question.

What does a prostate orgasm actually feel like in relation to a penile-orgasm?

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@onares, @brailleskin, @techpump,

Thank you for your very detailed explanations on this topic.  From someone like me who has not achieved rewiring yet or experienced a super O, your experiences are amazing.  I am engaged in a couple of times a week prostate massage with my Helix Syn V for 30-60 minutes, occasional traditional masturbation in various private or not private (in full view of others, a bit of exhibitionist?) settings, and penetrative sex with my buxom wife 2-3 times a week with heaving petting, foot & butt massage with clitoral stimulation by finger while sucking nipples.  After reading your life’s experiences, what would you do next to enhance the path to a super O?

I actually thought that I had the best normal penile O last night with my wife, when she said my erection as I inserted my penis in her was harder than since long ago (I am now 73, in shape and active) As I am having sex with her, I notice through arousal that I am having prostate-like sensations even without any stimulation of it with my device in.  It is NOT in!  I had not recognized that so much before last night then reading your treatises this morning.

Nipple play rarely ever did it for me, but last night as I was thrusting in her she touched my nipples and it was there, too.

Thank you for your writings!

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The feeling (of the prostate orgasm) was unprecedented for me, it's like discovering a new color.


Prostate orgasm: When you are more advanced in your journey the pleasure is continuous with absurd / unbelievable intensity. Once inserted, the structure of the aneros fits deliciously inside the anus and prostate.

The feeling is that the anus embraces the aneros and tastes its shape slowly without effort while the light touches on the prostate drive you crazy. With a sensation of heat that only increases in the whole body and intense pleasure, you will reach Super O.


Ejaculatory orgasm: During penile excitement we handle the penis in a delicious way, we embrace our flesh excited by desires, each slide is incredible, the pressure exerted on the penis by the hands satisfies our boner (in the cock). In orgasm the intense and satisfying physical pleasure. The pleasurable sensation of releasing strings of sperm is also fascinating.


Both Orgasms are intense and satisfying (each with its own particularities). Currently, the penile orgasm is much more intense (compared to the penile orgasm itself before prostate stimulation) for me due to the "rewiring". Penile pleasure has changed.

Both different and delicious.

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Posted by: @onares

There are muscles and other tendons or something that flex and propel the energy up through my erection. When I flex my PC when flaccid or hard, it feels sort of like the automatic flexing and pulsation of involuntary contractions that I experience during prostate stim especially with Aneros type toys that do the "autofucking" thing we love so much 🙂

Thank you for the description. With the new muco-cutaneous junction stimulation technique, I recently started experiencing light muscle tremors in the prostate region, similar to the involuntaries but not as profound.

Posted by: @onares

I feel the sensations throughout my penis but it seems to go up and congregate at or near and inside my glans. Yes there is some kind of "electric" feeling, like a pulse, but it feels like muscles flexing to me, just the flexing feels slightly orgasmic, like the pulsations are the same pulsations I feel during orgasm and they are pleasurable any time I experience them.

What I find fascinating is that I stimulate in one area and I do feel the sensation of regular touch at that point, but the electric sensation moves to other places. It doesn’t often go to the tip of the penis, but last time when it did that, the electric feeling was quite profound, almost as if the tip was being touched (it was not).

Posted by: @onares

But my cock has always felt about the same kind of sensation as I work on pleasuring myself so I can have an ejaculatory orgasm, regardless of when I first started using Aneros (late 2004) or started exploring my ass and prostate in other ways (for like a couple years prior to 2004).

Nice! Over 20 years of prostate exploration!

Posted by: @onares

I'm clear-minded as I ejaculate too, except just that brief split second when my O and ejaculation begin for real. You might have it and it goes by so fast you don't realize that's what that is!

Oh, sorry. I meant I’m clear-minded the whole time: Buildup, PONR, ejaculation, before, after… The thing is that after talking to you and @brailleskin, I am starting to believe that I am actually anorgasmic when it comes to ejaculations. So if there is no ecstasy, then I think it’s possible that I simply don’t experience the “small death”. And if I do, then it’s so unnoticeable that it doesn’t matter. But it is good to know that it exists and I will keep an eye out for it.

It is not intentional if this sounds pessimistic. The opposite is true: It’s good that I know it, because now I can work on it and start with re-wiring the penis. I also think that this is the reason why all those edging tutorials never worked for me. They talk about focussing on the pleasure before the PONR and building upon that, but if there is no pleasure in the first place, then there is nothing to work with. Same with Aneros. Today was the first time that I actually felt some tingling with the Aneros inserted (earlier it was mostly mechanical movements).

Posted by: @onares

Ipsalu Tantric Kriya yoga is a way, I'm practicing it the last year and a half and I gotta tell you, it has expanded my orgasms slightly (I need to just keep working on it, its a long journey towards enlightenment through orgasm!) and when mastered, that blackout moment can be extended into well over a minute and you're apparently just floating in the Void, the Nothing. Like being born, the light at the end of the tunnel. 

I very briefly looked into this on youtube and in the video she talked about “Khecarī mudrā”. And this reminded me about a link, which was posted in this forum by @unfug. The post links to a pdf on aypsite.org, but I found the pdf on this other website as well and I think that’s his personal blog with additional information:


Anyways, I think it’s a really concise overview and good read. But I gotta look into that Ipsalu more thoroughly.

Posted by: @onares

I think the "little death" is common to many. Women for sure. My wife sees galaxies, the Cosmos, explosions, lights and colors, and sometimes hallucinates visions and even sees positive happy "deities" when she has super long drawn out orgasms. Heart chakra orgasms that she feels touches people she directs her orgasmic energy and light to. I'm serious. She gets off HARD hard like its scary sometimes how hard she cums. She knows the little death extremely well and it lasts a while for her, several seconds sometimes, she'll say she "comes to" after realizing she was "out" for a few seconds. Aware, but in the Void, and when she "returns" she is in the throes of a massive full body orgasm 🙂 I've always had this experience even before prostate stim and awakening. I remember it in my very first orgasm of my life it happened, then when I learned about it, I just felt like yah, it happens.

Great description. Thank you!

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Posted by: @brailleskin

You are intact, so you can also do it. You kinda use the foreskin as a swirl chamber, be very careful when inserting it in the jet, just gently touch it, and the foreskin will inflate like a balloon. The best spot to aim the waterjet is to the left/right of your frenulum where the foreskin connects directly to the head with a thin thread. You will definitly feel when you hit the right spot, it will start singing for you almost immidietly when you clench down the pc and start climbing the ladder to a o.  You do not want the jet down your peehole, that is quite painful. The experience is very intense, and it will supercharge your penile orgasm. And the long journey to PONR is amazing. You have to actually struggle to reach the PONR, and that struggle will be insanely pleasurable so close to PONR. The orgasmic energies are bleeding through when you're close enough to the edge.

Ok, so I had an aneros session earlier today and took a shower afterwards. I don't have a Jacuzzi, but a directed stream setting on my shower head. I didn't manage to do the swirl chamber thing and I ended up just directing the stream onto / below the frenulum. Came pretty hard quite quickly, but no "little death" so far... Definitely worth further exploration 🙂

Posted by: @brailleskin

I know there is ways to train your pc-muscle to be able to clench longer and harder, and experience a stronger orgasm. I have accepted the fact that the older i get, the worse my penile orgasms will become.

For me it's actually the other way round. I have to relax my pelvic floor, otherwise I loose the erection. I can shortly "pump up" the penis by doing a kegel flex, but I can't maintain that state. I wrote about it here here and here. The second thread was actually the reason to start this thread.

Posted by: @brailleskin

They are all pleasure waves, and there are a lot of different types of pleasure waves. The chills, the heat, the sparkles, the lightning/electricity, the floating one, and there is a lot of more types. Some are very hard to put down in words, others are pure pleasure like you say.

Thanks, that's good to know.

Posted by: @brailleskin

It took me quite a while to be able to generate them at will during my rewiring, and even longer to gain the ability to move them around. And you mastered it when you were really young, wow.

Only in a very limited way. Unfortunately, I stopped practicing them long ago. Now I can no longer move them around. I mainly just focus on maintaining them. Maybe trying to move them around would be a good mindfulness exercise to keep focused.

Posted by: @brailleskin

If you're skilled enough you can go all the way into a orgasm without touching anything at all, only using p-waves as your only source of aurosal. Nothing inserted, no contractions, no nipple-stim, no penile stim, just using your mind alone to reach a orgasm.

Yes. This is another mindfulness exercise I started recently before going to sleep. I just focus on the tingling if it appears in the nether region. Nothing of significance so far, but I think this is a good practice for re-wiring.

Posted by: @brailleskin

What model are you using?

I have the newest white Helix Trident, the Eupho Trident and recently got a Prograsm Black Ice. The Helix gets used the most and it is also the one where I had my prostate-orgasm with. I once had some long auto-fucking with the Eupho (without p-waves) but I don't use it much right now, because the helix is more consistent. I think the Eupho is for a time when I'm fully re-wired. Also had one nice session with the Progasm so far, but my prostate usually feels sore after using the big model. So I save it for times when my prostate really needs a pounding 🙂 I am thinking about getting the peridise set next for some different kind of stimulation.


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I cant respond to everything you have written because it is too much with my phone to go back and forth to the original post. So here goes…

If i understood correctly, I think you have a unique (non)orgasmic response, and it would be hard to extrapolate from others’ experiences. I am not saying the answers won’t help you… but I am saying that, actually. The only thing you can do is go on your journey and see how it effects your penile orgasmic response. I think that every minute you spend discovering your body is a minute worth spending, no matter what the results, and you can learn to get a lot out of the build up to orgasm and the meditative aspect of self-pleasuring in unique and esoteric ways.  I also recommend seeing a urologist to get to the bottom of what you seem to describe as a sort of anorgasmia. Maybe you have a pinched nerve. Maybe it is medication induced (ssri?).  I think what you describe is rather rare in men, but I ain’t a doctor.

Personally I have always had crazy amounts of pleasure from ejaculatory orgasms and prostate play has made them even more intense. My prostate orgasms can be just as intense as my ejaculatory orgasms, but it’s impossible to measure because both can be so strong that I lose all objectivity and capacity to describe them other than “fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck” or “that was tickety boo” (get the reference anyone?).  

But no need comparing, keep exploring and see where it takes you!

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Posted by: @divine_o

If i understood correctly, I think you have a unique (non)orgasmic response, and it would be hard to extrapolate from others’ experiences. I am not saying the answers won’t help you… but I am saying that, actually. The only thing you can do is go on your journey and see how it effects your penile orgasmic response. I think that every minute you spend discovering your body is a minute worth spending, no matter what the results, and you can learn to get a lot out of the build up to orgasm and the meditative aspect of self-pleasuring in unique and esoteric ways.

Posted by: @divine_o

Personally I have always had crazy amounts of pleasure from ejaculatory orgasms

I agree on that. I started this thread mainly to find out if I actually have anorgasmia or not, trying to get reports like the second quote. But I still had to confirm, because what I am experiencing might have been a "normal" orgasm. That's why I was asking for the additional descriptions.

Posted by: @divine_o

I also recommend seeing a urologist to get to the bottom of what you seem to describe as a sort of anorgasmia. Maybe you have a pinched nerve. Maybe it is medication induced (ssri?).  I think what you describe is rather rare in men, but I ain’t a doctor.

No medications. I think it's probably a mental thing, where I either never learned the pleasurable sensations or forgot about them over time. But you are right. It is probably worth ruling out medical issues.

Thanks a lot for your input

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Posted by: @onares

Ok, so I had an aneros session earlier today and took a shower afterwards. I don't have a Jacuzzi, but a directed stream setting on my shower head. I didn't manage to do the swirl chamber thing and I ended up just directing the stream onto / below the frenulum. Came pretty hard quite quickly, but no "little death" so far... Definitely worth further exploration 🙂

Be very careful when using the showerhead, it's very easy to hurt yourself. Unfortunately it's not the same thing, u need to be submerged in water to 'raise the bar'.

Whenever i'm in a bathtub, it takes more than triple the effort to reach orgasm. You really have to put in work to reach the edge. The longer it takes, the more energy you put into a orgasm, making it more powerful.

Posted by: @onares

For me it's actually the other way round. I have to relax my pelvic floor, otherwise I loose the erection. I can shortly "pump up" the penis by doing a kegel flex, but I can't maintain that state. I wrote about it here here and here. The second thread was actually the reason to start this thread.

That's intresting, i have never had any problem maintaining erection. Even while contracting long periods of time. Thus i have never invested time to figure out all the mechanisms that made it work.

But then again, i'm a virgin. So i have never really had a use for that thing anyway.

Posted by: @onares

Thanks, that's good to know.

If you have any other questions for me, i'd be more than happy to try and answer them.

Posted by: @onares

Only in a very limited way. Unfortunately, I stopped practicing them long ago. Now I can no longer move them around. I mainly just focus on maintaining them. Maybe trying to move them around would be a good mindfulness exercise to keep focused.

Yea, i'm exactly the same unfortunately. I could do it thirteen years ago, now it only works if i'm really deep inside. It mostly happens because the body is craving them, not the other way around.

Posted by: @onares

Yes. This is another mindfulness exercise I started recently before going to sleep. I just focus on the tingling if it appears in the nether region. Nothing of significance so far, but I think this is a good practice for re-wiring.

You're really dedicated to make this thing work, i'm impressed. You got exactly the right mindset needed, so i'm very confident you'll reach it soon.

Posted by: @onares

I have the newest white Helix Trident, the Eupho Trident and recently got a Prograsm Black Ice. The Helix gets used the most and it is also the one where I had my prostate-orgasm with. I once had some long auto-fucking with the Eupho (without p-waves) but I don't use it much right now, because the helix is more consistent. I think the Eupho is for a time when I'm fully re-wired. Also had one nice session with the Progasm so far, but my prostate usually feels sore after using the big model. So I save it for times when my prostate really needs a pounding 🙂 I am thinking about getting the peridise set next for some different kind of stimulation. 

I'm a little excessive in that regard that i own eight different models. Frustration from lack of progress made me try new things, and constantly expand. I always wanted the best for HIH, so i supported them in any way i could.

I remember the progasm, it's the only model you need to push your bowels out while inserting. It was the first aneros i bought in 2009. I modded my maximus by removing the p-tab completely and replacing it with a solid metal bar. It removes the pressure on the perenium almost completely, so it kinda works like a peredise, only a lot bigger.

I was using it mostly for penile stimulation, but now i have the syn v that vibrates. It's very hard to ejaculate with the p-tab digging in all the way. I also have a peredise, the stainless steel one. The black smaller prograsm junior, that has the same profile as the progasm, only thinner.

I also own the mgx, the eupho, and helix. But mine look a lot different than yours, it was before they introduced the trident series. The trident series is a lot more comfy, i wish i could replace all my models with trident.


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Posted by: @brailleskin

Be very careful when using the showerhead, it's very easy to hurt yourself. Unfortunately it's not the same thing, u need to be submerged in water to 'raise the bar'.

Thank you for the warning. It's probably better to not overdo it.

Posted by: @brailleskin

That's intresting, i have never had any problem maintaining erection. Even while contracting long periods of time. Thus i have never invested time to figure out all the mechanisms that made it work.

If you don't have a problem now, then why change anything?

Posted by: @brailleskin

If you have any other questions for me, i'd be more than happy to try and answer them.

Thank you. I should have all the information. I'll have to experiment with the current tips for some time before making any conclusions.

Posted by: @brailleskin

Yea, i'm exactly the same unfortunately. I could do it thirteen years ago, now it only works if i'm really deep inside. It mostly happens because the body is craving them, not the other way around.

Yes. I mostly just focus on them when they happen randomly throughout the day and then continue like normal.

Posted by: @brailleskin

I'm a little excessive in that regard that i own eight different models. Frustration from lack of progress made me try new things, and constantly expand. I always wanted the best for HIH, so i supported them in any way i could.

More toys to choose from 🙂

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Again I would like to thank you for your help @Onares here as well.


To answer your question first and then the bullet points.

Right, what I experience there is basically what others call a ruined orgasm. It is a form of torture in a way, used with Chasity cages and etc. It is not fun if you are not into it.

What happens is you get to the point of no return, you clench your PC muscles as hard as you can( mine are so strong due to overworking them, that it stops cum coming out) but then you get tired, release and you have the cum slowly flowing out of you without the orgasm. Result is reflectory period kicks in, loss of erection, but you are still at the peek feeling left horny.

It is a shitty feeling if you are not into that kind of stuff or you are not doing it with someone as part of some kind of dominating edging play.

Please see my answers in red.

  • I know it is difficult to describe sensations or feelings, but could you give a general description of how a regular penile orgasm and the buildup to the orgasm feels for you?

I have experimented with many ways and I can tell you that for me the feeling of orgasm is the same every time. Mostly what other described above, specially the feeling of peace and calm( post nut clarity, some call it) Just the length and intensity changes. What does change however is the feeling of getting there.

  • Do you feel those orgasmic sensations of an ejaculation also during the buildup, just less intense?

Absolutely, After your advise in the other post I discovered a new way of masturbating. I thing simulating  different parts of your cock, results in different build ups. I do 5 different types when I play with myself. 

1 is the frenulum, longer build up, but for me it starts some where else. It builds from deeper and have a more tense feeling during the build up. It feels like a normal ejaculation and then orgasm, but from deeper and in a but more pressured way.(sorry hard to describe)
2 Stroking the shaft, the pulling the foreskin up and down way. The build up here starts much further up almost at the beginning of the shaft.

3 is the (Rosy palm). this is how you do the male squirting. It is fucking intense, but I cannot cum this way. I use this as part of edging in a way little torture.

4 Loads of lube and stroking the corona of the glans and a bit below. To me this again just a build up type, I cannot come this way. But again different feeling, it gives me a tense up feeling. it is so intense, but not the you shake and want to piss yourself kind of way like with number 3 above. Feels like going into a baby position, you tense up and you want to break free from it but it is pulling you back in. and you want to cum so bad but wont.

5 is the normal all in penetration to vagina, toy what ever. That to me again feels different. its like the orgasm is coming from different paths, builds up different places.

Now what blew my mind the other way was a new masturbation technique I have not tried before, combining 2 and 1. What I did was (scale of 1 to 10) Stoke until you get a hard on. then I played around a bit, balls, etc. Then stroked until I was on 8-9 close to orgasm but very slowly( slow long strokes, then two quick and a 2 sec pause, then again), then stopped for 3 sec, belly breathing (NO KEGELS) relax, then start playing with the frenulum area. Now this was an interesting discovery. The build up reset, but in a way that the build up from stroking stayed there, if that makes sense. Like I stayed on 8, but started a new scale from 1 again. Built up to near orgasm, 3 sec pause, belly breathing and go back to striking the shaft. When I went back it continued from like a 6 again. I did this like 6 times in 20-30 min until my cock was so hard and throbbing it nearly explode. Then I came for like 20 sec for sure.

What I will going to try is combining the 4 or 5 together and see what happens.


  • Are there similar sensations in other situations?

yes, but as I said to me what makes the difference is the build up. It starts at different places and in different pressures.

  • Since starting with Aneros, I actually had something I would call a “calm seas prostate orgasm”. I’ll expand on that later, but does your regular penile orgasm have similar aspects to it, just located in the penis?

No, prostate stuff is completely different for me, I have never had an orgasm yet, but got very close 2 times and 1 mini O (well mini, it lasted for like 2 min) I could describe this as a reverse to penile orgasm as it was contractions, but more like pushing then clenching like when you ejaculate.
Do you feel any “electricity” / “energy” / “vibration” / “tingling” / “buzzing” in your penis when it is stimulated?
Yes, and to me sometimes the build up is better then the orgasm itself.

  • Did the penile orgasm change in nature after you started with prostate play / super O?

Yes and no, I try not mixing the two as I for example do not get an erection during prostate play, plus my partner is not interested in helping me or playing with me on that route. So it is a solo activity.

  • Bonus question if there are any women reading this: I’d also be interested in your clitoral pleasure. Could you describe this if possible?

One thing you definitely have to try is either get one or use your partners suction toy on your frenulum. Put it on auto pilot(some models have one) and enjoy. I think that is the closes you can get to a clitoral orgasm.


Just something else to try, some binaural beats.


This started the build up for me just in 20 min. I started to have what I sad above reverse contractions in a very good tingly kind of way. The only and strongest one that worked or me so far.

Let me know what you guys think.

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Thank you very much for your answer!

Posted by: @sonictron

What happens is you get to the point of no return, you clench your PC muscles as hard as you can( mine are so strong due to overworking them, that it stops cum coming out) but then you get tired, release and you have the cum slowly flowing out of you without the orgasm. Result is reflectory period kicks in, loss of erection, but you are still at the peek feeling left horny.

Interesting. I have done this for some short time as well but stopped doing it because it didn’t really add to the experience. I would clench the PC muscles really hard after the PONR and wait until the ejaculatory contractions start, but the automatic contractions can’t do anything because I am not allowing them to do the release part. And after this is done, cum would only dribble out after releasing the muscles voluntarily. The difference to what you describe is only that I am not

still at the peek of feeling horny.

because I'm not particularly horny at the peak in the first place. I do have the urge to build up to the ejaculation but it could be that I am not building up the arousal / horny-ness in the first place. I am starting to think that this is my problem with the missing feelings. I increase intensity of stimulation without mentally following. In this sense it would be better to slow things down and let things build up more slowly.

Posted by: @sonictron

Mostly what other described above, specially the feeling of peace and calm( post nut clarity, some call it)

That’s funny. I always thought that post nut clarity is the realization after you ejaculated about what kind of extreme porn you ended up watching, or the weird fantasies you had. Then you bring out the garbage, build a shed or run a marathon... But jokes aside, I try to abstain from porn nowadays.

I only experienced this peace and calm during my prostate orgasm.

Posted by: @sonictron

1 is the frenulum, longer build up, but for me it starts some where else. It builds from deeper and have a more tense feeling during the build up. It feels like a normal ejaculation and then orgasm, but from deeper and in a but more pressured way.(sorry hard to describe)

Yes! I started experimenting with this recently and it is the only thing where I felt tingling sensations outside of prostate massage. They would move up into the glans or even the tip or down the shaft into the prostate. Once I even felt some light tremors / involuntaries in the prostate. But most times it stays at a low level and I haven’t been able to ejaculate this way yet.

I actually did work up to an ejaculation through frenulum stimulation, but not by increasing the felt sensation. I just went faster and harder and then I just ejaculated without any of the tingling sensation. I think a good exercise would be for me to be patient and just build up this tingling sensation, not by going faster or stronger but just letting it happen.

Posted by: @sonictron

2 Stroking the shaft, the pulling the foreskin up and down way. The build up here starts much further up almost at the beginning of the shaft.

This was my common masturbation technique before re-discovering the frenulum stimulation.

Posted by: @sonictron

3 is the (Rosy palm). this is how you do the male squirting. It is fucking intense, but I cannot cum this way. I use this as part of edging in a way little torture.

I think I know what you mean. I tried this a few times and it feels like having to pee. But I have never tried to build it up because I thought I would pee.

I just found this study: Male squirting: Analysis of one case using color Doppler ultrasonography

Posted by: @sonictron

I did this like 6 times in 20-30 min until my cock was so hard and throbbing it nearly explode. Then I came for like 20 sec for sure.

Nice 🙂

Posted by: @sonictron

Do you feel any “electricity” / “energy” / “vibration” / “tingling” / “buzzing” in your penis when it is stimulated?
Yes, and to me sometimes the build up is better then the orgasm itself.

Could you expand on that a little? Is this how your regular masturbation feels like or is that a different feeling? Do you have to use a special technique to get the tingling, or another mindset? For me it’s the frenulum technique (or prostate stimulation) right now.

I know that @divine_o recommended that it's difficult to compare yourself with others. But now it is more of a curiosity for me.

Posted by: @sonictron

One thing you definitely have to try is either get one or use your partners suction toy on your frenulum. Put it on auto pilot(some models have one) and enjoy. I think that is the closes you can get to a clitoral orgasm.

You mean something like a womanizer or similar toy? Do you have any recommendations? I have been thinking about that as well, but didn’t buy one yet. Maybe also on the nipples? I saw some other post here with a nipple suction device. I don’t like manually stimulating my nipples with my hands, so an automatic device would be nice. But I would prefer if it doesn’t alter the size of my nipples (I still like to go to the beach... I'm a little more reserved in that regard 😳).

Posted by: @sonictron

Just something else to try, some binaural beats.


Thanks. I’m going to try those out.

I had some really good experience with these:

I think the second one was recommended on this forum.

I don't want to spoil anything, but I got really into it with the first one. However, they only worked the first time I tried them. After that I couldn’t get into the “trance” state anymore.


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Posted by: @golfing1

From someone like me who has not achieved rewiring yet

Posted by: @golfing1

After reading your life’s experiences, what would you do next to enhance the path to a super O?

Hi @golfing1

Please bear in mind that I’m not fully re-wired yet. I had some lucky events, but most of my sessions in the past 3 years were just the massager sitting there with not so many sensations, even when I had involuntaries. Most of my good sensations were happening randomly when drifting into or out of sleep. This randomness improved recently, where I now feel neutral pressure on the prostate and in my most-recent session some light tingling in the prostate when I mentally focus on this pressure. I think this is what re-wiring is about. Unlocking sensations that you never had before. I try to create opportunities for those random events to happen, but I can't control it. My problem is: I snap out of it when these lucky events happen because I get too excited. I think it's "just" practice.

The way I understand it (others should please correct me if I’m wrong): Re-wiring is neuro-plasticity. Or Neuro-plasticity leads to a re-wired brain: Neurons that fire together wire together. Please watch this talk for a good explanation and other helpful tips: Buddha's Brain | Tick Hanson | Talks at Google. Basically -- overly simplified -- you get better at what you practice, both physically as well as mentally.

So if you want to re-wire your prostate, then you have to practice “feeling your prostate”. Some lucky people feel prostate waves quickly but you gotta work with what you have available now. As an example, I linked The accidental Yogi’s Manual above. When you sit in “Siddhasana” you put pressure on the prostate (or the general area), even if you don’t feel it. When you do "Moola bandha”, you contract the pelvic floor and such also strengthen the neural connections to that area. You would continue doing that until eventually the brain figures out the connection and you start feeling the sensations. I think the Aneros gives more direct feedback to the re-wiring process than just using the yogic approach. But why not combine those two? There are probably many more techniques to encourage neural connections to the prostate? But also don't overdo the stimulation because it drowns out or distracts from the actual sensations. I think that's why too strong vibrations don't work (I never tried a vibrating toy, I am just recollecting what other people wrote around here).

I think intention is also beneficial. This is probably more unconscious but if you think intentionally about having some nice sensations in the prostate, then the brain might eventually “figure out” what you want to achieve. To the best of my knowledge, neuronal connections are established during sleep. And what do you dream about? Stuff you have done or thought about during the day. The brain then tries to connect your day’s experience with other events you have experienced in the past (or anticipate in the future?). So if you think about something a lot, then it should be more likely to create new connections. Also it should be more likely for the brain to burn in neural connections for events that are very significant in some way: Emotional, novel, physical, mental, joy or great fear etc. Like I still remember my prostate orgasm from a few years ago because it was something completely new and unexpected.

I read and saw that athletes are doing this to improve their performance: They visualize the movement of their sport as vividly as possible. Doing some dry-runs in the mind. In terms of prostate re-wiring: I remember some kundalini meditations where they visualize the “energy” moving up and down the spine. Combine this with breathing and other visualizations (like a lotus in the chakras). Put your mind’s focus of attention on specific parts of your body. Even if you don’t feel anything, this should help according to my understanding.

It also goes the other way by removing distractions. I think that the brain has a limited capacity of attention. And there is only a limited amount of time during the day for your mind to attend to. Let’s assume that you spend a lot of time on social media, with notifications enabled. Then your brain is going to learn that each time the app does the notification sound or pop-up and you open it, then you’ll get a reward in the forms of likes, a new comment or a new post. And then you start building automatisms, like randomly checking your phone even if there are no notifications. The series Your Brain on Porn explains this. And it's not only about porn, also other addicting behaviors. Think about why nuns and monks live a quiet live and dress in neutral unobtrusive clothing or eat simple food. It all distracts from the inner work. So you can think about places in your life where you feel distracted, or things that you don’t really like to do, but do them anyways out of habit. But you have to notice those habits first.

Other things you could try:

  • Just continue practicing with your aneros. It should come eventually?
  • What do you currently feel? Pressure on the prostate? Light tingling sensations? Nothing? Just focus on what you have available. This is what I do most of the time.
  • Try out mindgasm.net (both with and without aneros). If I remember correctly, they explain that when you contract your whole pelvic floor, then the individual muscle groups all get worked. And eventually you build more separation and also sensation. The whole 30 day challenge has good additional readings.
  • Vipassana Meditation retreat: This is one of those silent retreats, where you meditate all day and are not allowed to talk (I don't want to over-simplify things). I would have already signed up for one, but they also provide the food for you and I don’t have all my intolerances figured out yet. I wouldn’t want to break “noble silence” by bodily noises or smells all day 🙂
  • I wrote about the falling asleep or waking up states. This is where most of my good sessions happened. I am trying to induce opportunities to spend more time in those states.
  • Lucid dreaming. You can teach this yourself. I had some limited success but I always wake up shortly after becoming lucid. Basically, I just looked at my hands and asked myself "Am I dreaming?" many time throughout the day. Then when I was dreaming I did the same thing and got lucid. I thought about what to do and decided to just look around. So I started walking and immediately felt the orgasmic sensations in my whole body. Other people in the lucid-dreaming or sleep-paralysis subreddits have reported the same thing ("energy", "electricity", etc). I think this is because the body is in sleep-paralysis, while the brain is sending movement signals and this overcharged my sensations. Unfortunately I woke up quickly after that. I heard you can meditate during lucid dreaming and talk to your unconscious mind. But be careful. You could also get nightmares or other traumatic memories could come up. I had something similar to Sleep Paralysis happening to me once during sleep, where I had some "Dark Presence" behind me. I think those two videos are a very good overview (also explaining the potential problems, or opportunities):


All of this is my personal hypothesis based on my understandings of various topics. I am just learning and might misinterpret things. I don’t want to claim that my hypothesis is correct or other explanations are incorrect. I still hope that it might help you in some way or you find some other topics to explore.


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Posted by: @onares

You mean something like a womanizer or similar toy?


This is what I have, this one has an auto pilot mode that can be interesting. For nipples I am somehow different. I do not like doing it to myself it is distracting. When my partner plays with them. YES! 

I did try this on my nipples, it does not do much for me, probably just for the fact that holding it there kinda puts me off.


Posted by: @onares

Could you expand on that a little? Is this how your regular masturbation feels like or is that a different feeling? Do you have to use a special technique to get the tingling, or another mindset? For me it’s the frenulum technique (or prostate stimulation) right now.

I try, but it is hard to describe .

As I sad the orgasm itself for me is always the same when it comes to feelings. Only intensity and duration change.

What is different with these mentioned techniques is the build up. it is like it would start from somewhere else in your body.

Okay so, do you know that almost childish feeling when you know you are close and you just want to get there. Now that is the feeling when the stimulation is too intense. But if you do it slowly and not basically raping yourself and suffocating your dick, that good feeling of building up just lingers there and you can as I said localize it and feeling building up in different places depending on the place or type of stimulation.

Tingles, pressure and energy for me starts at around 5-6 of arousal. I like to stay there a lot as above 8 I get this Childish rush, just cum already feeling, which is really hard to resist. I am a bit inpatient in nature anyway so might be because of that.

How to explain the energy? Like a pressure, building up. A balloon getting filled and when it pops that is ejaculation. Now apparently that is that you can spread in the body and then have a full body orgasm.

So far I managed to spread this energy, tingly feeling half way up my spine only. It is a little bit like shivers or goose bumps feeling, but warm, more sexual if that makes sense.

As I said to me what makes the biggest difference is where this "filling of a balloon" feeling starts. I always have it during penile masturbation it just differs from location, how and where it spreads etc. Which can be different due to, yes, mind set, horniness, technique.


I know I repeat myself a lot, but I hope this explains or gives the answer you are looking for.

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Posted by: @brailleskin

@onares You are intact, so you can also do it. You kinda use the foreskin as a swirl chamber, be very careful when inserting it in the jet, just gently touch it, and the foreskin will inflate like a balloon. The best spot to aim the waterjet is to the left/right of your frenulum where the foreskin connects directly to the head with a thin thread. You will definitly feel when you hit the right spot, it will start singing for you almost immidietly when you clench down the pc and start climbing the ladder to a o.  You do not want the jet down your peehole, that is quite painful. The experience is very intense, and it will supercharge your penile orgasm. And the long journey to PONR is amazing. You have to actually struggle to reach the PONR, and that struggle will be insanely pleasurable so close to PONR. The orgasmic energies are bleeding through when you're close enough to the edge.


Could you please expend on this?

I tried to experiment with water jets before and I kind of went around the clock trying different spots and had some quite good orgasms, but not even close to the ones you have described.

Would you mind giving more details on the method? You also mentioned it happened multiple times and it is addictive, so I assume it is not a mindset  or anything?

Have you managed to reach the same sensation with anything else? a toy maybe?

Also I am a grower and when fully erect I don't think I can pull my foreskin up all the way like you described. Will definitely give it a go though.


Something to keep in mind though 🙂 a 7 min shower (48L) uses more water then half a bath(40L)...  By the sound of it you have to use that shower head for more then 7 min.

Be careful with that, unless you have like a jet that circulate the same water in the bath.

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I wanted to point out one thing regarding water jet in Jacuzzi. you need to be extra careful. If you put your cock little inside the water jet, it can create a suction and pull the cock in for a hard time.  Safety first friends!!

Just wanted to throw in my 2cents opinion.


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@ghusa Very good point.

you also do not want any of that used, maybe old, who knows water going into your urethra accidentally.

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Posted by: @sonictron

Could you please expend on this?

I tried to experiment with water jets before and I kind of went around the clock trying different spots and had some quite good orgasms, but not even close to the ones you have described.

Would you mind giving more details on the method? You also mentioned it happened multiple times and it is addictive, so I assume it is not a mindset  or anything?

Have you managed to reach the same sensation with anything else? a toy maybe?

Also I am a grower and when fully erect I don't think I can pull my foreskin up all the way like you described. Will definitely give it a go though.


Something to keep in mind though 🙂 a 7 min shower (48L) uses more water then half a bath(40L)...  By the sound of it you have to use that shower head for more then 7 min.

Be careful with that, unless you have like a jet that circulate the same water in the bath.

It's not using a showerhead in the shower, it's a bath-tub with special nozzles all around that mix water and air and create a thin watercolumn that shooting out in high velocity. It's using a big electric pump connected to the mains to create all the waterjets in the bath-tub.

This thing will not work if you're trying to use a shower-head, u need your body completetly submerged. The water from one of the nozzles will be enough to completely inflate your foreskin and 'swirl' around in there, and if done correctly will take a loong time to reach orgasm..like a half an hour or more. The more energy you put into a orgasm (more time & effort), the more powerful it will become. It does not require any special skills or talent, other than you need to be uncut and have a intact foreskin. I was a horny teenager living in my parents house...

It's not a pool, it's a indoor electric bathtub with a fancy italian name that uses fresh unchlorinated tap-water. Jacuzzi?

Thankyou, i really hope others who hasn't already answered also chime in.

What does a prostate orgasm actually feel like in relation to a penile-orgasm?


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Posted by: @brailleskin

What does a prostate orgasm actually feel like in relation to a penile-orgasm?

That's actually a pretty hard question. What does a penile orgasm feel like ? Even this bit is not that clear to me, and I've had bunch of those...

To me, prostate stimulation is really like having another set of sex organs, or maybe another cockhead / glans that is a little bit hard to access or stimulate. Sometimes prostate play feels like I'm stimulating my penis from the inside...

If we say that the penile orgasm feels like the pleasure is going outwards and out (ejaculation), then prostate O would have the pleasure shooting inwards. 

Multiples, and then S-Os are are different animal.  

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Posted by: @zentai

That's actually a pretty hard question. What does a penile orgasm feel like ? Even this bit is not that clear to me, and I've had bunch of those...

To me, prostate stimulation is really like having another set of sex organs, or maybe another cockhead / glans that is a little bit hard to access or stimulate. Sometimes prostate play feels like I'm stimulating my penis from the inside...

If we say that the penile orgasm feels like the pleasure is going outwards and out (ejaculation), then prostate O would have the pleasure shooting inwards. 

Multiples, and then S-Os are are different animal.  

Thankyou @Zentai for trying to answer an impossible question, much appreciated.

When i stroke my nipples i get a sensation from the nipple itself, but the body also tries to echo that stroke, and respond with a very brief jolt of pleasure. Very much similar to how i get a very brief pleasure response from penile stimulation. The body likes what i'm doing and wants me to continue.

I've trained this response during many years, what @onares explained as linked neurons/neuroplasticity earlier. The neurons that fire together will be linked together, something that we in the community call rewiring. We retrain our brains to invoke a pleasure response to something that doesnt make sense, like stroking a nipple or massaging a organ inside our body.

Since there is no specific 'path' to rewiring, everyone respond differently to sensations. What works for me, doesn't necessarily invoke the same response in you. I can stack theese brief pleasure echoes i get from nipple stimulation on top of each other, and the feedback from the body will also increase with time, very much like penile stimulation. If you keep doing the deed, things are gonna get sweet.

Eventually i will have gathered enough critical mass from stacking brief pleasure responses on top of each other, that the body will trigger a orgasmic response to my actions. Very much like scratching a itch that desperatly needs scratching.

During a penile orgasm two things are happening at once, the orgasm itself and a very special sensation that you're about to ejaculate. What i don't get during a prostate orgasm is the sensation that i'm about to ejaculate and the sweet release that follows, i only get the orgasm part.

What does a prostate orgasm actually feel like in relation to a penile-orgasm?


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Posted by: @brailleskin
What does a prostate orgasm actually feel like in relation to a penile-orgasm?

For me, it's like a deep-body component of traditional orgasm is singled-out and dialed-up to impossible intensity. Followed by a very familiar cool-flushing sensation of intense and joyful physical relief, and pure satisfaction, that washes out through every part of my body in slow waves. What amazes me is how alien it isn't. I think it's likely you've already felt these sensations before, but the timing and intensity isn't "on the map" in some weird way.


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Posted by: @clenchy

For me, it's like a deep-body component of traditional orgasm is singled-out and dialed-up to impossible intensity. Followed by a very familiar cool-flushing sensation of intense and joyful physical relief, and pure satisfaction, that washes out through every part of my body in slow waves. What amazes me is how alien it isn't. I think it's likely you've already felt these sensations before, but the timing and intensity isn't "on the map" in some weird way.

Thankyou @Clenchy for that amazing response. Yes, it really sounds very familiar. I've never managed to dial up a 'goose bump' to that level of intensity, but i'm getting there slowly.

Discovered a new trick today, edging with nipples. I bring myself right to the edge with penile stimulation, and then use nipples to ejaculate loads and loads. The surprising effect is that there is no refractory period, i can just bring myself back up again with penile stimulation right to the edge without crossing over. Then switch to nipples and i will ejaculate again, and again.

Thankyou, i really hope others who hasn't already answered also chime in.

What does a prostate orgasm actually feel like in relation to a penile-orgasm?


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Posted by: @sonictron


This is what I have, this one has an auto pilot mode that can be interesting. For nipples I am somehow different. I do not like doing it to myself it is distracting. When my partner plays with them. YES! 

Thank you for the tip. Yes, I would also prefer something for the nipples which is hands-free (like what the Aneros is for the prostate)

Posted by: @sonictron

But if you do it slowly and not basically raping yourself and suffocating your dick, that good feeling of building up just lingers there and you can as I said localize it and feeling building up in different places depending on the place or type of stimulation.

I think this is a key point here. Being patient and not raping yourself 🙂

Posted by: @sonictron

So far I managed to spread this energy, tingly feeling half way up my spine only. It is a little bit like shivers or goose bumps feeling, but warm, more sexual if that makes sense.

It is similar for me with my prostate orgasm. Warm pleasurable shivers inside the body, as opposed to regular shivers / chills that runs more on the surface of the skin.

Posted by: @sonictron

I know I repeat myself a lot, but I hope this explains or gives the answer you are looking for.

Thank you, great answer!

Posted by: @sonictron

Something to keep in mind though a 7 min shower (48L) uses more water then half a bath(40L)...  By the sound of it you have to use that shower head for more then 7 min.

Be careful with that, unless you have like a jet that circulate the same water in the bath.

I have a flow limiter in my shower-head and in other faucets. I think this helps and also not turning it up all the way. But as you said, I think it's fine to do it once or twice to test out the "waters" 🙃 but I wouldn't do that regularly without any water circulation.

Posted by: @brailleskin

The more energy you put into a orgasm (more time & effort), the more powerful it will become.

I think this can be applied to other areas in our discussion as well.

Posted by: @brailleskin

Then switch to nipples and i will ejaculate again, and again.

Don't you eventually run out of fluids?

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