Edging with the Hel...
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Edging with the Helix Classic and accidentally discovered how to have a dry orgasm!

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So i've been struggling with sexually morality for a long time and i just recently became comfortable with my own sexually and am finally confident about what is sexually moral for me and what isn't, i just turned 32.

i started with edging to Hentai and fantasizing about situations with my clothes on, this is important because having your clothes on deters you from ejaculating so that you actually try not to ejaculate, i haven't had a dry orgasm this way yet as i am pretty consistent at stopping short of orgasm plus i haven't really tried to have a dry orgasm this way yet.

Then i practiced in the bathroom in front of the mirror over the sink, i like using a cock ring and i use albolene for lube although i just ordered some new toys and i'm going to try JO H2O as well in the future. i haven't really tried to have a dry orgasm this way without the aneros yet as i just discovered i could do it last night.

Finally i decided to try edging with the Helix Classic since i haven't been able to bring on the involuntary contractions with any of the aneros by themselves. I like using coconut oil for anal lube. So i put on my cock ring and started edging, you want to limit your stroking and speed so that you can't approach orgasm just from stroking alone but in combination with the aneros massaging the prostate. i realized that the same muscle i used for trying to prevent ejaculation seems to be the same muscle you want to use to encourage the involuntary contractions for the aneros. So i edged a few times with the involuntary contractions bringing me near orgasm. But last night i was pushing myself to see how deep i could go into the PONR and i was edging and i stopped realizing i was going to orgasm but i decided i was going to rub it out but i didn't end up ejaculating! i was able to prevent my ejaculation! i ended up having a few dry orgasms and then i ended my session early because i wanted to have an edging session without ejaculating for once.

All i can say now is that i am very excited about discovering that i can have dry orgasms and this is giving me a lot of confidence in my sexuality, i feel very manly right now! i am looking forward to see how much stimulation i can handle during an orgasm without ejaculating. Then i can start playing games with myself pushing my limits.
