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E-Stim suggestions

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After a year and a half of patient use, I'm still looking for the big O and ready to try something new. I see on the wiki the Advanced section mentions using a "Slightest Touch" e-stim device at its lowest setting to catalyze results. However that unit no longer seems to be available. Anyone have experience using the technique recommended in the wiki? Amazon has many affordable options when it comes to TEN/EMS units, but does anyone know which models might be most appropriate for this application?

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Has anyone ever used one of the estim prostate toys? I've always wanted to try that out, but don't really want to drop a couple hundred for something that is going to be a disappointment.

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The EStims that target the erotic market are pretty overpriced imho. The "regular" ones made for the back have the very same tech build in. I would suggest you just search for a device that offers lots of different programs. Just read some reviews and find a product that combines low price & good value. Coated dildos and connectors can be bought seperately in most cases, so you don't have to buy a complete set from a brand just because they are sold together in one package.

I got myself a device with 4 pads / 2 channels for 20€ /22$ on a sale and it has a shit-ton of programs (~50).

I did tried the methods of the wiki once, but i was too excited and impatient to really enjoy it. So it was more or less underwhelming... the stim affects mostly the muscles right under the pad/skin, so its not easy to reach the prostate, that's why I figured it's best to use an EStim with a special coated dildo but I somehow wasn't enthusiastic enough to buy one.

If you decide to buy a device, take the time to read the manual! I learned lots about the technique and application only due to the manual. There are some important do's and don'ts regarding the heart and the head.

@orgazmoEStim is very interesting and I bet, it can be very fun to embedd it into aneros sessions. It let's your muscles twitch like if you would flex them, but you just can't prevent them from doing so. The sensations go from pinching, stinging (like from needles) over to kneading (like a backrub)...

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Long discussion in this area

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A number of us have played with estim, @Ten_s_nut using one of the TENS boxes (I believe either a 2000 or 3000). His posts included assessments of both unipolar and bipolar objects.

Our posts are in estim threads in the Forum, dating back to 2011. I bought a TENS7000 which has the basic configuration that @Unfug describes (4 leads, two channels) and wide range of pulse widths and rates. Once I adjusted the pulse repetition rate downward into the teens (between 8 and 20 pulses per second) I liked it. And, found that less intensity, like very low vibe amplitudes, is the way to go.

Generally, TENS boxes have poor voltage limiting compared to the more pricey gear. Therefore, output is inversely proportional to load. I learned this the hard way when a perineum pad came loose (reducing the surface area and hence the load). The 'shock' cooked a path through my perineum toward my prostate (next to the rectal unipole). It took over a month for the residual pain of that burn to vanish.

That ended my estim experiments. Moral to the story. Make sure everything is snug, nothing can come loose and that you use conductive lubes.

If you are interested in DIY, visit the website -->estim forum and look for posts by "Skybear, North Florida" he has a wide variety of both electronics diagrams, amplifier adaptations, probe designs and mp3 files for those who want to explore programmed sessions.

enjoy, and think things through before you turn on the juice. ...rook

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This is something I'd like to experiment with, but also something I feel like I should do a lot of research on beforehand. I don't want to get one of the cheaper units and be disappointed with it, but I also don't want to drop $500. I also don't want to fuck up and end up burning myself or doing something harmful that could have been avoided with proper knowledge. That's kind of scary about getting burned from loose fitting pads.

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@orgazmo, I do have a EMS unit, I am not sure if the Estim units have more specials end wave form to the medical/sports unit I have.
I am past the age of youthful erections on demand (EOD) so I can't judge how effective they can be in the quest for the super O.
My models do stimulate and the insertables do contract and tone up the internal muscles. In some countries the medical/sport grade models as can only be bought on prescription.
My unit is a NeuroTrac Sport XL.
There is almost no information or charts available of good program values for sexual stimulation. I think these are closely guarded commercial secrets, and it is why the sex stim models just have knobs.

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@orgazmo Your results may vary, but I found that genital stim did almost nothing for me. But, using the Sirius Noir on a low setting is magical.

I only use the Prostate channel, I don't use it often, but it does wake up the Prostate when I am havinf a dry spell.

Unlike a lot of people I have never used the pads, but have used the conductive rubber loops. Some people swear by them, they don't do much for me.

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Remembering back several years in the Forum I recall that several guys were using one pad on the back of each knee (connected in parallel to one side of a channel) and a unipole probe inside, against the prostate connected, by itself to the other side of that same channel. No clue how well they did but probably good enough to write up and share.

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Unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to search older topics on this forum, but at one point I was able to navigate to a post that had a rather detailed PDF guide to using the Slightest Touch unit. They recommended using the pads behind the knees and on the lower back, and claimed it was a great way to make a breakthrough. I'm interested in trying their technique, but a bit skeptical about more direct stimulation with an internal probe. That seems rather advanced for me.

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The men's sites for Super O sessions are: 1. The back (inside) of the knees slightly to the right of the midline on the right leg, and slightly to left of the midline on the left (see diagram). The density of hair in this area is generally more sparse, making pad removal more comfortable as well.

2. The perineum: the area between the anus and scrotum. Placement closer to the anus normally works better, but adjust according to taste.

3. The lower back, 4 to 5 inches above the tailbone on either side of the spine.

4. On the penis (for traditional orgasm enhancement)

*The perineal location is normally combined with one pad remaining on the back of the knee as in (1) or the lower back as in (3)

Intensity Level: Once you feel the tingling very slowly dial the intensity back down until it is just sub-threshold (just under the point where you can feel it). Dial it up to threshold and down to sub-threshold one or two times to fine-tune.

The Slightest Touch can be used to add a whole new dimension to more traditional (ejaculatory) sexual encounters as well. For such activities the unit may be used at either sub-threshold or threshold levels, or both over the course of a session. For “hands on” sessions there are various electrode pad placements that may be used: 1. Both pads on the back of the knees 2. One on the back of the knee, one on the perineum (high, center or low) 3. One on the perineum and one on the penis (underside of penis just below the tip) 4. One on the back of the knee one on the penis (underside of penis just below the tip)

A Super T Sample Session As with the Super O encounters, placing pads on the backside of the knees is a great way to generate arousal. Start at sub-threshold and gently increase the intensity into threshold level over time. Gently manipulate your penis being careful to avoid too much stimulation all at once. (For convenience, keep the Slightest Touch close by so you can dial the intensity up or down quickly.) Now turn the Slightest Touch off, and attach a perineal pad to one of the leads. Place the pad at a center of your perineum (between your scrotum and anus). Turn on the unit, slowly increasing the intensity until you can feel a tickling sensation on your perineum. Resume gentle penile stimulation. Now discontinue penile contact and gently increase the intensity of the Slightest Touch. Enjoy the tingling sensations. Now start up a little more penile stimulation. The concept here is to gradually ramp up your arousal as you gradually add stimulation, while avoiding a premature climax. After a while, turn the unit off once again and shift the perineal pad closer to your anus. Turn the unit back on slowly increasing the intensity. At certain point you may become aware of a wonderful tingling in your anus and perhaps in your prostate as well. Resume some light penile contact. If you increase the intensity of the Slightest Touch further you may find that you anus actually begins some subtle involuntary contractions.

Try some voluntary contractions of your own, just for grins and feel how it intensifies the tingling!

If you feel yourself near the point of no return, discontinue penile contact and try adding a little more intensity on the Slightest Touch. Now add one or two strokes on your penis. This is sometimes called edging where you use one type of stimulation to bring you to the edge, and another to push you over. In this instance, you're using direct penile stimulation coupled with electrical stimulation to bring you to the edge. By discontinuing penile contact at a certain point you allow the electrical stim to push you over the edge. Once the orgasm begins you may wish to make it a “hands free” ejaculation with a little extra nudge from the Slightest Touch or stroke yourself home, …both are worth exploring!

Alternatively you may wish to shift a pad onto your penis leaving one pad on your perineum. (To use penile and perineal placements simultaneously you will need to have cut two small circular pads ahead of time.)

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@FourTen, the Veriprobe Vaginal Probe is commonly used for medical purposes by men and women to tone up the pelvic floor muscles. It is quite interesting - some people have all the luck and don't know it - or perhaps they do! It has electrodes both sides. Sirius is similar just longer, same principle.

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I use a MyStim Flexing Flavio with my ET312 (if you have the money, get one!) to great success. It has a prostate and perineum electrode embedded in its silicone. It's completely smooth and easy to clean. I use it as a monopole in with an e-Cup electrode and a glans cap while combining a pole of each channel, or just with a single channel with a glans cap. Wonderful results.

@rook the ET312 has excellent output regulation, I've never been zapped.

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I use a MyStim Flexing Flavio with my ET312 (if you have the money, get one!) to great success. It has a prostate and perineum electrode embedded in its silicone. It's completely smooth and easy to clean. I use it as a monopole in with an e-Cup electrode and a glans cap while combining a pole of each channel, or just with a single channel with a glans cap. Wonderful results.

@rook the ET312 has excellent output regulation, I've never been zapped.

The ET312 is $600! Kind of steep.

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Yeah I know. They've got the monopoly. Think of it as a lifetime investment 🙂

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TENS for me is instant dry o's and super o's all the time. The second its turned on, it starts making me orgasm.

I used a slightest touch for a while, but last year when I had my first super o and because of it, dry o's, it works so much better now that I'm rewired. Always did the behind the knees, that always felt good. But now it works like gangbusters!!

I recently got a 4-pad inTENSity 10 unit, like $40 bucks. Many body part options with different wavelengths/amps/whatever that go along with each. The ability to now use 4 pads has elevated my orgasms into outer space. Here's what I do every time:

There are muscles that work with the ligaments along the edges of your abdominal musculature that allow you to suck/pull/draw your testicles up into your body, or at least as far as you can make it. If you can pull your balls up by flexing your muscles in the right way, you'll know what I'm talking about. I wish I knew how to upload pictures, but when I lay down during a session, and the involuntaries start, these muscles contract very strongly. I thought one night "what if I put the pads on these little muscles? They are just below the skin, no fat or anything in the way..." and I did a cross pattern of one pad on this abdominal muscle on the left side of my body and the other pad behind the knee of the other side of me. It was instant success, instant orgasms and they never stopped, I had dozens. That was slightest touch, though...

enter the 4-pad unit, and I did it again, but did red=left ab/black=right knee and then black=right ab/red=left knee so that they crossed over each other in an X shape, with my prostate and genitals in the middle. The current has to cross through my center line and my whole ass/cock/balls/prostate/everything genital-related area. This makes my body rigid, my prostate react like nothing I've ever felt before, and I have the hardest prostate orgasms I've ever had!!! I also put the pads instead of behind my knees closer to my ass along the inside of my thighs; the ligament that is on the inside side of the behind knees position runs along your leg directly to your anus area. Pads on this ligament about 6 or so inches from my anus also makes my prostate light up and makes the aneros go absolutely nuts!

If you are heavy or have a lot of belly fat, this positioning is not going to work for you at all. I'm a bit ripped/in shape and when these little ab muscles flex I can see it happen through my skin. If you are lean, you can make this work just fine, I would STRONGLY suggest anyone here than can do this to try it. If you have problems with involuntary contractions in your anus to make the auto-fuck happen with your prostate massager/toy, this positioning will likely turn your toy into an autofuck machine!! Good luck and have fun

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@techpump where on the abdomen? It is said to be unsafe to stim above the waist

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Yes, it would be helpful for me if you could to take a little time and try to describe where you place the pads. I am not able to auto-f so any trigger would be amazing. Also does your unit indicate what setting it is using when best for you, that is Hz and ms.

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So I tried Isvara's note and tried behind the knees with my tens unit and one channel. Definitely helps stimulate the prostate, but it is not very subtle compared to the sensations I build myself aless.

I was quite tired and not really 100% in the zone, so will try again and report back as someone that hasn't had a super O yet and is therefore looking for ways to get over the edge....

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So I tried Isvara's note and tried behind the knees with my tens unit

What the fu...?

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sorry guys I didn't forget to try to add a picture, I'll find a way to do it this weekend!!

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I have a little TENS box from LG Health that I use conductive rubber loops and sticky pads with. The conductive rubber loop goes around the base of the penis and balls kinda like a cock ring and I put the sticky pads directly onto the penis.

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