During a prostate o...
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During a prostate orgasm, does the penis stay non erect the whole time?

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Because I want to avoid having a penis orgasm by accident

Should we stop if we start to get erect?


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Posted by: @sam5524
During a prostate orgasm, does the penis stay non erect the whole time?

NO, not necessarily, many men report that their penis may cycle between flaccid and erect during an Anerosession. Others have reported that their penis remains erect the whole time and others remain flaccid the whole time. There is no absolute statement one cam make regarding this condition other than it varies from individual to individul.

Posted by: @sam5524
Should we stop if we start to get erect?

No, you just need to focus on the inner sensations being generated by your massager. Allow your penis to do whatever it will and not worry about it.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel @gnawdol

thank you! that is very helpful to know

I had another question, I was just starting out with the helix syn V. Do you recommend to use the vibrating tool? I heard some people say it might be too stimulating but i'm not sure

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If an Aneros device goes in, I couldnt stop an erection without an awful lot of will and discipline, and it feels great, so I let it run! I am nearly a do nothinger now, but it's not really doing nothing, it just often kind of happens on it's own in a way. I get the erection as a reflex, try to relax, but the device slips down and triggers another flex...and then I'm in the loop. Sometimes I believe I could bust concrete sidewalks with it, like 100x harder than I ever was at 18 years old (I'm near 3x that old now), and sometimes it deflates to near shrinkage levels all the while reverberating good warm vibes all through me. It has made me laugh before, almost ridiculously, and that triggers other sensations. 

I couldn't say, I never had a penile orgasm in a session that wasn't caused by a more hands on action, but if that was about to happen, I would let it happen! If you are able to get that much stimulation with the massager and not the old friction method, I would find that awesome. Kind of like a woman getting to squirt I should think. No reason it has to end there!

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And regarding the SynV, I guess everyone will have a different experience.  I like to fall asleep with it on pattern 6 or 7, the random one, on the lowest setting.  It can run a long time that way, and at some point, I will wake up feeling the tapping right before going into full super-o mode. This will stick with me for days. For example, I can go into a dream about the tapping and it will trigger the same responses in my body and put me in full Aless operation!  I can cross over bridges in my car, or hear some tapping like a rattle in an air conditioner and it can send me into an Aless session. 

I have no idea how the SynV would have affected me if I had it before I hit the super-o with my trusty old MGX original...but that took me about 12 years to accomplish. My mind just wasn't in the right place to allow some tasteful rewiring.  I have often wondered if the vibrating device might be a faster ticket to the super-o. If you feel dead ended using any device, you may be better to take a week or two off and get plenty of exercise to clear your head before going back for another session. If you ever get to the point where you're craving a session, I think you're more likely to have good results with a massager inserted.

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 Normally don’t have an erection during a prostate orgasm but sometimes will become erect and then subside. Am too focused on the pleasure to worry about an erection. Do notice my ball sack shrinks considerably though!

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A bit like @Fred27, I realize I can't really tell if I'm erect or not during a prostate orgasm, as I'm not at all focused on that.

On the beginning of my journey with my Aneros, I got the hardest erections I've ever had when the pleasure started. At the point the foreskin pulled back by itself (it usually never happens if I don't do that manually).

After several years of practicing, it's less clear. Sometimes I'm erect and sometimes not. At the end of an orgasm, my penis is often at least partially erect, so I guess I'm often erect during it.

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My best PO's have all happened in conjunction with diamond cutting hard erections

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I’ll echo everyone here. Mine goes from hard to soft probably more soft then hard. But the main key is focusing on that deep internal pleasure. When I’m lost in the moment I forget I even have a penis! Your mind and body both just focus on that deep internal pleasure. 

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Posted by: @sam5524
Because I want to avoid having a penis orgasm by accident

Worry about it when you start having disappointing penile orgasms with ejaculation that drain all the heat out of your aneros session. Until that happens, you don't know where the road is going. Maybe the lead-up to the orgasm you want is filled with sensations that feel indistinguishable from the onset of ejaculation. Worrying too much about it is probably just going to mess with your head. Several people have described their prostate orgasms as being like ejaculating with nothing coming out, so just go with it.


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