dry orgasms?
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dry orgasms?

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I have been using my helix for over a month now but haven't had a dry orgasm yet. I was wondering if there is a special technique you need to use to get there? I don't think I've had a super O either but I'm working on it. Thanks for the input!! πŸ˜›

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Practice, practice, practice.

Hang in there. Read the posts...some get lucky, for some, it takes longer...

Enjoy the journey.

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I completely concur with what Virg so succinctly said in his post above.

I am unaware of any special techniques which will lead to your dry-O’s. Dry-O’s will occur along your path to the super-O. I think the main thing is for you to keep focused on enjoying the sensations you are receiving and try experimenting with some of the various techniques that have been discussed on the Forum.

Eventually you will find the correct combination to unlocking you super-O ability, remember you can NOT force the super-O to occur like you can a traditional penile orgasm, you have to ALLOW yourself to experience it.

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Hey ALL!

Very well said Guys!

The dry orgasms will come in their own time and all you can do is to keep yourself available and open to it while you wait! And the best way to do so, is to relax and enjoy the ride . . . (even the tiniest of good feelings are little orgasms, that will later grow into big ones...)

Later, Hlaser

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Simple just get yourself really really aroused insert aneros and enjoy, and very soon you will be
moaning and groaning i did this once but could only stay aroused for like a minute, now where
did i leave my aneros i know its around here somewhere.

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