Dry-O Surprise
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Dry-O Surprise

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First a little background to set the stage . It's been almost two years now. Kinda slow going.

Achievements: HFWO grinding on my favorite little butt plug, a one time event that I've not been trying too hard to replicate, heh heh. Numerous NJoy knock-off wand milking attempts not going so well, still trying. Simple aless dry-O w/nip diddling back in April, first & only, still trying. Some PC muscle flickering aless, no involuntaries yet, still working on that. SR 21 x3. Frequent kegals. Read the entire wiki a couple times. Keep favorite posts file & other research gems.

Lately had gotten frustrated at the lack of progress. Nearly gave up a few weeks ago, then thought I'd gone this long I might as well keep at it for fear of missing out from giving up. So I went back to my trainer, ye olde "classix." Last night (SR day 18) I was laying on my back & went up to my elbows, then to my hands with my arms behind me to where I leaned back so my upper body is at something like a 130 degrees obtuse angle to my lower body. Sort of like this except legs flat. This angle makes the loop on the massager tilt to a more direct contact with my prostate. A PC clench combined with nipple play escalated into an erection & what seemed like an impending ejaculation of sorts. I laid back down & let it take me, loving it & wondering what wood happen. Thankfully it was a dry version. Caught my breath in disbelief. Cleared my head & thought, hmm, more please? When PC was reapplied it happened again. I think I made it a third maybe a fourth time.

While taking a pee break, with the device still in me, hoping for more action, it occurred to me to try the MGX. Finished the wiz & in went MGX on all fours. It felt great & when PC activated, it didn't build up. So I tried the other position that jump started things earlier. Still no build up. Rather than get into some jacked up cycle of frustration, I called it a night still a little buzzed.

Wow, certainly gottit good. Just amazing. You all didn't know it, butt the forum kept me at it with all the great posts here to lurk upon with appreciation for what might work for me. Hopefully Mr.Greedy hole can stay on track without being so difficult, heh heh. Lastly, if something like this can happen to a grinder like myself, it can happen to anyone. Keep at it to let it happen.

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Congratulations @Glandrake, your perseverance and patience are rewarding you. That was very smart of you to forgo 'pushing' your session past what your body had already given you, this goes a long way to turning potential frustration into yearning arousal for future sessions.

Good Vibes to You!

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I don't know if it's any use to you, but my first hands-free prostate massager was that very same classix knock-off you use, I got my first Super-Os with it then I wanted a "professional model" so I got the Eupho and never looked back. The classix has a pretty aggressive shape and left me with soreness more often than not (zero flexibility at the arm as you already know...), for sure it will give you more intense feelings than the MGX so maybe you'll have to recalibrate at some point since your other model is more subtle. 

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Posted by: @rumel

" ...turning potential frustration into yearning arousal for future sessions."

Thank you.

Absotively, posilutely.  SR, amongst other things, continues teaching me that.  MGH (Mr. Greedy Hole) needs temperance, heh heh.  Must say, still giddy. 😀

@Zentai - Thanks.  Good point about the re-calibration.  Have an EST & Progasm to work into the mix.  Should be fun.  Edit note: P.S. What a cool classix coincidence.

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Posted by: @glandrake

P.S. What a cool classix coincidence.

It's what they had locally when I started, it took me a while to find an Aneros distributor back then... Hey that thing did work, well it did when I lopped off the handle and sanded the flash and defects, let's just say that fit and finish was not fantastic on the one I got. I'm honestly surprised to see that they're still in production. 


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@Zentai - It was part of a beginners toy kit I purchased.  Considered similar modification.  Bought the EST instead.  Almost tossed it for all the good it did me.  Considering the expense, re-considered it might work for me later down the line after gaining more experience.  I rotate it in on occasion.

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Way to go man! A 4 streak! Yes! MMO is the shit 🙂

Sometimes we go a bit flat,quit the session like you did,or it causes problems. There are signs that the sessions is over.

On the A-Less involuntaries. On back,start with your knees shoulder width apart. Do your contractions minding to keep some anchored tension on at all times,push your feet into the bed a little,so a little weight comes off your ass,time some thrusts with your contractions,not much,just tiny ones,when you you start to feel slight invols,press the bed a bit more,pushing it away from you,shifting your weight more on to your upper back,bring knees to waist/hip apart,the invols should kick in,if not,lower down and repeat in a few mins. The movements,are small,your cheeks should still mostly be in contact with the bed.

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@helghast - I'll give that a-less technique a try.  What may seem elementary to you kinda doesn't register on this end.  The words make sense & all, just not the application.  Will see how it goes. 

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Practice old bean,play around with things until you find what works. Some things you have to unlock by yourself.


Glandrake, SeekingPelican, Glandrake and 3 people reacted
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I knew your leg drive rang a bell.


From paragraph six.  "While contracting both your anal sphincter and PC muscle, push down on the bed with one of your feet. This too will create imbalance down there and should start the Aneros doing its magic dance."

I've been working on tug of war for a while, just kept forgetting this specific leg portion. 

Later on in there, paragraph eight, it mentions the following.  "Another trick to pull to kick in the Super-O, while your knees are still bent and the sensations are building: rub your feet back and forth across the bed as if you were trying to build up static electricity to shock someone."  This will be fun to try.

Between tug of war & aspects of mindgasm, it's a fcuken science lab going on in my ass.  Sparks flying everywhere, woo hoo.  😛

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Posted by: @glandrake

push down on the bed with one of your feet. This too will create imbalance down there and should start the Aneros doing its magic dance."

I've been working on tug of war for a while, just kept forgetting this specific leg portion. 

Later on in there, paragraph eight, it mentions the following.  "Another trick to pull to kick in the Super-O, while your knees are still bent and the sensations are building: rub your feet back and forth across the bed as if you were trying to build up static electricity to shock someone."  This will be fun to try.

It’s similar but different. I press both feet in to take weight off my ass to create tension in upper and lower body. The only thing moving is hip/pelvic floor area via little thrusts or invols once they start. If I moved my feet,it would destabilise the body tension which I don’t want. The tension upper/lower leaves the middle free to quake,shake and bounce.

Posted by: @glandrake

Between tug of war & aspects of mindgasm, it's a fcuken science lab going on in my ass.  Sparks flying everywhere, woo hoo. 

For sure mate. It’s all exploration and experimentation. There is no right or wrong. Every guy must just employ and play with all the posts,method,technique until he unlocks the system that works for him. My own progress came in ramp ups,one day something would click and I’d be “oh yea,yea,I get it now” hahahaha. 
keep putting that work in brother! 🙂

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