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downside to progasm image

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there are many things to praise about the new site. don't have time to go into them now.

but, there is one problem i want to raise for discussion. it is subtle but important.

the forum now has a big image of the progasm at the top of the page.

while this definitely looks cool, and may be desirable for a bunch of reasons, it also has, to me, a big disadvantage.

the problem is that the big progasm picture now requires complete privacy to read or post to the forum. previously you just needed a modicum of privacy, and could therefore come to the forum in a diversity of settings.

for that reason, i personally would recommend to support that they remove the picture from the forum.

any others have views on this?


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I agree with Darwin about removing the Progasm image. I would even go a little further and reduce the font size of ANEROS to be a little more discrete. As it is it can be seen a mile away, so one would not want to be on this page with anyone around.

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Usually I just scroll down a little bit, or resize my browser until it's all hidden. I'm on a fairly high resolution screen and it's no problem or inconvenience.

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Darwin, GrandTiger,

As usual, your observations are quite correct. I agree with you that the model depiction and Aneros wording have been given too much visual importance on the Forum & Blog pages.

While I understand the need for the Aneros company to maintain their identity in a prominent manner (it is their web site after all), I would hope that they could also recognize the desire and need for their customers (we users) to be able to make use of the Forum as discreetly as possible. Hopefully they will realize this and alter the graphics accordingly.


I also employ that technique, but it would be nice if that wasn’t necessary.

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Dear All,

I have not really had time to let a lot of the changes sink in, but I think you are right about the Progasm at the top of the forum page. I like the twirling one on the home page, that one is great, but on the forum page if they could take that one off, that would be nice.

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Hello Forum Members,

This is something we did not consider - we'll see what adjustments we can make while maintaining a nice look for the community section. As always, keep the suggestions coming. Thanks!

Aneros Support

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looks like you made the changes we asked for.

thanks a million!


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Yes, Thanks for the change to the FORUM page, now all you need to do is remove the HELIX image from the BEE LINE and BLOGS pages, that would do nicely.

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Ask and you shall receive! BTW, the BLOGs have a new organization to them which we feel will make it easier to follow a single member's experiences.


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Thank You very much for making that small change, and I did notice the revised organization to the BLOGS section. Overall, I (and it appears a great many others) feel the new website is terrific.

It is too bad there is no “Silver Bullet” that your web site could fire back into the hearts of the CPU’s of these darn
SPAMMERS to stop their automatic processing and posting abilities. Perhaps you can consider using the distorted random alpha-numeric verification techniques other sites use to help control unwanted auto-bots from infiltrating their sites.

Thanks again for listening to your users!

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We made some modifications today which should help with the spamming. There were a bunch of left over accounts the spammers created that they were still using to post stuff. But you will notice that the spam has been drastically reduced.

Rest assured, we will do what it takes to stop the spammers.

Thanks for your continued support.

Aneros Web Support

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It is we users who thank you for your continuing diligent efforts to make this web site undoubtedly one of the most unique in cyberspace. I know all of you have put forth much effort into making this web site a true jewel and pleasure for us to repeatedly return to in our continuing pursuit of the wonderful benefits derived from our Aneros massagers.
Your ongoing attentiveness to clearing the detritus of SPAM from the Forum is much appreciated, Thanks again.

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