To those who are still on their journey to the super-O: don't give up! The things you read on this form are real! Honestly, they don't make much sense, but when you get there, you realize that the descriptions are actually quite accurate.
Some of my substantial milestones:
- Getting involuntaries
- Prostate orgasms (lots of pleasure that results with a dry release that feels like I'm cumming)
- A-less prostate orgasms
- Finally, the "super orgasm" according to my definition
There's no official definition of the super orgasm, but I have my own personal definition. I'll describe it by how it felt tonight
I was about two hours into the session. At this point, I've had a handful of prostate orgasms; for me they can be a few minutes long, so I usually take a little time to rest between. I normally grow the prostate orgasms by trying to focus on what's going on in my body, and also picturing how the massager is fucking me, which I find this super erotic. However, once in a while a prostate orgasm will start, and as I'm building to the peak, it will keep building. At a certain point, I no longer need to focus on the feelings in my prostate, because it's demanding my attention. I start to literally feel warm, and two things start to happen at the same time: I start to feel a connection between the prostate and my brain, and the feeling in my prostate changes from "pleasure" to "ecstasy". For me the difference between the two is that pleasure feels good while the ecstasy feels happy. It keeps building then eventually plateaus, and now my body fully relaxes (no more involuntary muscle contractions) and I'm suspended in a state where I feel incredibly joyous; it's not out-of-body, but definitely an altered state of consciousness. I stay in this nirvana for usually only a few minutes. It's my new goal to push this longer, and hopefully stronger as well. Tonight was the best yet, but unfortunately got distracted when my roommate dropped some dishes in the kitchen. It then slowly fades out, and afterwards I feel really happy and sated.
I think it's important to find what works for you, which will take a lot of time. Test many different things out and see what works and what doesn't.
- Weed/THC? (not for me)
- Toy modification? (my best toy is the Progasm which I modified slightly)
- Porn/no porn? (I have low sex drive, so I need this to get aroused)
- Nipple stimulation? (Feels great, but is distracting thus doesn't get me to the super-o)
- Position? (I personally like being on my stomach, one leg bent)
- Audio/binaural beats/hypnosis? (not for me)
- Underwear/clothing/nude? (I like to wear tight stuff, and a thong adds additional pressure)
- Do-nothing approach/activity? (Do-nothing doesn't work for me, but also too much activity, i.e. hip thrusting, will result in ejaculation)
- Semen retention? (definitely helps me)
- Rectal cleaning? (not necessary for me, though empty stomach helps)
- Time between sessions? (I can spend a lot of time with the toys without any discomfort)
- Lube type? (personally prefer silicon with plastic toys)
- Energy level before session? (being too relaxed will make me fall asleep)
- Naps/sleeping with a toy? (no good for me)
Read the forums, and try different things that work for other people. Also you will definitely need time for your body to learn how to play with the toys as well as to understand orgasms outside of the narrow definition of penile ejaculatory orgasms. Reading descriptions is helpful for guidance, but can only get you so far; you'll have to figure it out on your own since no one can show you. Also, it's important to note that everyone experiences orgasms differently, so don't pin yourself to one definition. Just accept whatever comes.
I was super pessimistic at the beginning. As a young guy, this means my prostate hasn't finished growing yet and thus might be harder to stimulate. I also have a very low sex drive. I had given up on the toys about 8 times by now for months at a time. But by continuing to try again, I have experienced some mind-blowing orgasms! So I strongly believe anyone with a prostate can experience these expanded orgasms with enough time, patience, and experimentation. And damn I can't wait to see how far I can take this...
There's no official definition of the super orgasm, but I have my own personal definition.
Actually there is a very broad definition of a Super-O in the Aneros WIKI, but as you noted, it is different for each individual.
... the feeling in my prostate changes from "pleasure" to "ecstasy". For me the difference between the two is that pleasure feels good while the ecstasy feels happy. It keeps building then eventually plateaus, and now my body fully relaxes (no more involuntary muscle contractions) and I'm suspended in a state where I feel incredibly joyous; it's not out-of-body, but definitely an altered state of consciousness.
That's a good description of entering The Calm Seas of Orgasm' phenomenon. Congratulations on obtaining that blissful state !
I think it's important to find what works for you, which will take a lot of time. Test many different things out and see what works and what doesn't.
YES, excellent understanding of a fundamental attitude.
Good Vibes to You!
Good job ! I find several similarities between our experiences, for instance I wrote about this being "Nirvana without mysticism" and the part about balancing energy, where you have sleep at one extreme and ejaculation at the other, is really in line with the way things work for me. Also I never got "do nothing" to work and my arousal levels never were super high, even when I started (mid-late 20s). I'd have several questions for you, but don't want to derail things and turn this into a kind of Spanish inquisition (who would expect that ?), is it okay for you if I ask a couple a bunch ? The main ones would be if you categorize yourself as someone who thinks a lot or maybe even overthink things, someone with a busy mind, and if you approached you Aneros adventure as a puzzle you needed to solve in a technical way. If you can answer those that would be awesome !
Congrats! Welcome to the forum and thanks for so freely sharing your experiences and insights.
Best vibes and good luck for your further journey! As I see it you are well on your way.
Cheers! Mart
I have low sexual drive too. How often do you do semen retention ?
Thoughtful, helpful, arousing, ... Excellent post!
Thanks for sharing.