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Does precursers to Super O feel like a yawn

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I've used my aneros about 5-6 times since I got it about 2 months ago. Each time I feel like I unlock a new sensation. Recently I've been able to achieve a taughtness in my anus, where everything clamps down pretty tight by itself. Its trying to simultaneously push out and pull in the aneros. Sometimes I can feel some contractions going.

This last time I started feeling sensations that felt alot like a yawn, though I know it was not a yawn. Is this anywhere near like the shadow of a Super O or a sensation anyone else has experienced?

B Mayfield
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Funny you should mention it, yes, there are precursor (Super O) sensations that feel similar to a yawn. Among other things, yawns feature an involuntary expansion & contraction of the lower abdomen accompanied normally by a subtly pleasant sensation. Long ago, when I was attempting to describe the Super O, I had made the statement that I believed that people experienced Super O like sensations everyday, but at a very low level of intensity. So low in fact, that they normally ignore them. At the time, I think I used the example of stretching ( when one is tired). Yawning is yet another example of this. Sounds like you're moving in the right direction!

Keep at it!

B Mayfield

P.S. As I was sitting here signing off these comments, I happened to yawn. And as I did so I added an anal contraction, just for grins. Interestingly enough on a purely mechanical level this is very near to what occurs when I have a Super O. That is, the expansion contraction of the abdomen combined with the drawing in of the anal contraction. Although there weren't any pleasure waves accompanying it, the combined series of muscular contractions were VERY familiar. may have hit on something!!! The only thing is that just executing these contractions in series WON'T produce a Super O. These things must occur in a purely involuntary way, and this happens only in response to certain set of stimuli. However, it does give you idea of what you might expect (again, on a purely mechanical level).

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Just wanted to bump this because I find it interesting and pretty true. Maybe it will help someone.

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yes, there are precursor (Super O) sensations that feel similar to a yawn. [...] I believed that people experienced Super O like sensations everyday, but at a very low level of intensity. So low in fact, that they normally ignore them. At the time, I think I used the example of stretching (when one is tired). Yawning is yet another example of this. [...]

Keep at it!

So true! 😀

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I call my precursor a "Gag-like reflex." But rather than being in the upper part of the digestive system it is centered deep down in my Dan Tien then radiates up the midline meridian to my 'Heart Chakra. Like gagging on something I swallow it's involuntary and like an ejaculatory orgasm it's unstopable. The pleasure is intense as it bursts outward from my chest and goes whole body.

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@rook, thank you for your hint, now I finally understand my sudden short choking cough.

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