Does pleasure incre...
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Does pleasure increase over months or is it mental?

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As I've crossed a milestone recently, I've done some reflecting about the past and the journey ahead of me, and one question keeps crossing my mind.

I keep hearing about how it becomes easier and easier to achieve MMOs and intensity increasing as well. I've also heard about some individuals who have a little control of the orgasms at a certain stage, that is they have orgasms at random times during the day. So what I am wondering, over the many months of using an Aneros, does the pleasure keep increasing to cause these reactions or is it just that one can eventually see the orgasm ques more easily and can act on them? I would imagine that it is a mixture of both, but I wanted to see what you guys thought about it.

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Hi Ashlen,

In my experience, what happens is that my comfort level with the whole thing is what is key. Once you have been at a level for a while, it is familiar and therefore easier to work with. Building up to it, there is so much uncertainty of what is going to happen and how I was going to react to it. You can sense it in the postings in this forum. I know, some of them were mine.

There are queues that your body sends out that you can key in on if it is a convenient time. If there are no queues there but you want to get going, you can also initiate them yourself. It is almost like there are 2 different entities working here, and in a sense there is. Those queues can pop up any time. If you are in a position of not being able to do anything about it, you just ignore them. I have never had a situation where I was sitting in a meeting at work and suddenly found myself involved in a Super O. I have, however, played around with the sensations during some real boring meetings. It is a pleasant time passer.

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I keep hearing about how it becomes easier and easier to achieve MMOs and intensity increasing as well. I've also heard about some individuals who have a little control of the orgasms at a certain stage, that is they have orgasms at random times during the day. So what I am wondering, over the many months of using an Aneros, does the pleasure keep increasing to cause these reactions or is it just that one can eventually see the orgasm ques more easily and can act on them? I would imagine that it is a mixture of both, but I wanted to see what you guys thought about it.

Hi Ashlen!

I find that my orgasms will stay about the same or increase slightly for an unknown period of time, then I may hit a "dry patch" for a while, which is an indicator (a few weeks usually), followed by raising to a higher-level of orgasms (or a new plateau). This whole process usually takes months to go thru.

During the "dry spells" I am not completely without orgasms, but they usually drop down to a base-line level orgasm or a lower strength.

If I understand you correctly, I would say that the norm and frequency increases with experience and you CAN "see" or feel them coming on. Being a morning person, I have the highest number of these in the early morning, my highest energy time (maybe 7 or 8 a.m. thru 2 p.m.) I can either accept and expand these feelings or repress them to a manageable level, if I have things I need to do, like drive or business obligations . . .

Of course, we are ALL different and these are just a few of the things that come to mind, as I ponder it this morning???

Hope I understood your questions correctly . . .

Later, Hlaser99

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