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Does Anyone Keep A Log During Rewiring Period

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I've often kept some written notes detailing the outcome of my sessions...what seemed to produce results and what seemed to lead to a dead end. I have found this helpful in focusing on things that worked for future this a good idea or can keeping a log be problematic if one tries to reproduce a previous successful session?

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Definitely helpful. I even shared it on the forum.

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I have to admit to keeping a log, and have done from the start.

It is interesting to look back on which tools worked and which didn't and indeed, to see how often individual tools have been in use and when.

When I began to achieve real success, I started to highlight successful events in blue type. I now know when and how often I have had super-Os, (so called), and how infrequent they really are!

Keeping a log also helps to erase false memories. For some time I remembered my first SO as being with the Eupho but on going back through the records, it appears that it was actually with the second largest Peridise!

It's also salutary to reflect that I haven't used the Progasm Ice since October 2011!

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@Pommie...very interesting post...I too have discovered from my log that my best sessions have been with Peridise 16mm...I give each session a rating of 1-10 with 10 being SuperO. Peridise has delivered frequent 9s. I've never recorded a 10 maybe thinking there is even more out there...but for such a small tool...Peridise ROCKS! Never had more than an 8 with Helix Syn and MGX. I'm just a little worried that rating sessions may cause me to go into new sessions with a mind set to achieve more instead of letting go and let it happen on its own.

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@Jaxsun,I'm with you but I haven't gone to the point of rating my sessions. I feel that, as my experience grows, the value of ratings would also change. During re-wiring I would keep notes but have even tended to withdraw from doing that unless a session has been particularly remarkable or memorable!

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Like @jaxsun I too scored my early sessions 1 to 10 with 10 being a definite orgasm. I then continued to score as the orgasms intensified. When the score reached 20 I realised there was little point continuing scoring..!
Hard to say if it actually helped but it's interesting looking back on when the milestones were reached.

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