can anyone tell me if the aneros helps keep you hard during intercouse? Haven't used it yet with the wife but I'm curious. Sometimes i cum quick and other times I have a hard time keeping an errection during intercouse. Was just wondering if using the aneros will give you a viagra effect and keep you hard or if in your experiences it has no real effect? Would rather use the aneros than expensive ed drugs like cialis or viagra if it helps
Well I personally haven't tried it with the wife yet but based on the solo experience I've had longer lasting erections than ever, and much harder too. I can't see why it wouldn't work even better with both of us involved. I feel I could give her the ride of her life while having an intense prostate O that moves into a regular O. I'll report when I get confirmation.
Apparently everybody has a different experience in that respect. Personally, I get so hard it almost hurts. But I don't use a Progasm, from what I've learned through reading here, Progasm users generally go soft, while feeling like they're hard. I've experienced this myself, with the Maximus. I imagine this is due to the larger models cutting off some circulation. Nothing important, obviously, but if you want to be rock hard, I wouldn't go any bigger than a Helix.
Oh, and uh, don't have sex with it in. If you just want more pleasure, there are better (non-pharmasutical) ways. ...If you want something easy and guaranteed, I'd suggest a butt plug if you want a boost during sex. A small plug.
Yes using aneros can keep you hard. My experience is that using it 2-3 times a week (somtimes moore or less) had made my husband rock hard every time. And it is nice to use it during intercorse or all sort of sex together, make him rate the sex to 12-13 on a 10 degree scale to compare with 6-7 before i "forced" him to use it. The ejaculations is much moore and like a pornstars. The orgasms are much stronger and last much longer. We now have sex nearly daily ( somtimes twice a day). Thanks to aneros we are clooser than ever and we are like when we just met eachother ( we have been together for 20 years). Althogh he wood not really admit that it is because of the use of aneros ( it is just a bit of plastic he says). My intentions are to take this further but he is not really there yet.
The stubborn wife.
It both does and does not keep me hard.
First it depends on the size of the toy. Smaller toys seem to be more passive and let my cock get rock hard and stay that way longer than if I was without a toy in me. And the quality of the erection can also be better; a stronger harder hard on.
The bigger the toy, though, sometimes the harder it is to get hard. But once hard, and if there is penetrative/oral intercourse involved, I find I'm even harder than I mentioned above! And cumming/finishing is very intense, so intense in fact I find it almost impossible to remove the toy once I've completely finished. Once I can finally remove the toy it's like a "OH MY GOD THANK GOD" feeling that it is out of me.
And lastly, and I find this to be the case almost 100% of the time, if I decide to CHANGE the toy mid session to something bigger, my erection literally goes away for a while. What's crazy is that when it finally comes back, almost the second I'm totally solid again I'm like a second away from cumming. And that O is a very powerful one. If I change toys to something smaller it's much better than if it were bigger.
During solo sessions I go up in size throughout the session. There is little effect to what's going on because I'm not necessarily hard (although my cock goes through a dance of flaccid to full to almost hard to long and flimsy or short and thick and also completely hard). But for Aneros play with your significant other, especially during intercourse, stick with just one toy and not the biggest one either. As you grow accustomed to these kinds of stimulations and sensations you can explore other toys during intercourse. That's my take on it!
Yes using aneros can keep you hard. My experience is that using it 2-3 times a week (somtimes moore or less) had made my husband rock hard every time. And it is nice to use it during intercorse or all sort of sex together, make him rate the sex to 12-13 on a 10 degree scale to compare with 6-7 before i "forced" him to use it. The ejaculations is much moore and like a pornstars. The orgasms are much stronger and last much longer. We now have sex nearly daily ( somtimes twice a day). Thanks to aneros we are clooser than ever and we are like when we just met eachother ( we have been together for 20 years). Althogh he wood not really admit that it is because of the use of aneros ( it is just a bit of plastic he says). My intentions are to take this further but he is not really there yet.
The stubborn wife.
Does he use it alone during solo play, or just with you?
Aneros use and all forms of anal play have absolutely brought my wife and I closer. We've always been close (20 years together like you @Lovingwife ) but there is an elevated level of intimacy involved and required for a man and his anal play. Not the easiest for everyone. I find men talk about the powerful experiences they have while using any kind of prostate toy, but they don't want to eroticize the experience/event because "it might make them seem or sound gay." I call bullshit on this so much. Men get scared to use it with their women because they don't want their women to think they might be gay because they like the feelings they get from something being in their ass. Well, dude, you ARE with a WOMAN right now and NOT a MAN!!!
When you say "my intentions are to take this further" I'm sure you mean pegging, right? If so, you'll get there! Nothing is more erotic than feeling the power that a woman has within her when it's being unleashed on her man like that. My wife has orgasms from pegging me and there's nothing really engaging her clit or vagina while doing it. It's just such an intimate, intense and ultra sexy form of intercourse. I highly suggest it! Just start small but not too small. I find that when she's giving it to me I need a bigger cock because I need that "full" feeling. I don't need that during solo play, though. But with her, I just need it. It's actually less painful or noticeable if she's sporting a bigger erection (I'm lol now after writing that!).
Lastly, and forgive me if this is too personal, but the orgasms he has that are a 12+/10, are they from him on top or you on top? If I'm on top and I finish in my wife with a toy in, I find I cum hard but I can't cum as hard as I can if I pull out and jerk it over her (which we both like better for many reasons). It's like the toy wants me to keep moving but my cock is too sensitive to handle the stimulation, so I can't make myself achieve the fullest O possible. But if she's on top of me and forces me to cum, she'll keep riding and riding and my cock and ass are literally dying from the O and ejaculation she induces. But I like it! It's just so intense I couldn't make myself ever cum that hard while having sex with her. Sorry for the long drawn out description, but I'm so curious to know if his biggest Os come from him doing it or you making it happen
Techpump. Thanks for sharing so honestly. You are bro seemingly at the zenith of the pleasure any mans body can give him.
I applaud you for your honesty. I am green.
Does he use it alone during solo play, or just with you?
Aneros use and all forms of anal play have absolutely brought my wife and I closer. We've always been close (20 years together like you @Lovingwife ) but there is an elevated level of intimacy involved and required for a man and his anal play. Not the easiest for everyone. I find men talk about the powerful experiences they have while using any kind of prostate toy, but they don't want to eroticize the experience/event because "it might make them seem or sound gay." I call bullshit on this so much. Men get scared to use it with their women because they don't want their women to think they might be gay because they like the feelings they get from something being in their ass. Well, dude, you ARE with a WOMAN right now and NOT a MAN!!!
When you say "my intentions are to take this further" I'm sure you mean pegging, right? If so, you'll get there! Nothing is more erotic than feeling the power that a woman has within her when it's being unleashed on her man like that. My wife has orgasms from pegging me and there's nothing really engaging her clit or vagina while doing it. It's just such an intimate, intense and ultra sexy form of intercourse. I highly suggest it! Just start small but not too small. I find that when she's giving it to me I need a bigger cock because I need that "full" feeling. I don't need that during solo play, though. But with her, I just need it. It's actually less painful or noticeable if she's sporting a bigger erection (I'm lol now after writing that!).
Lastly, and forgive me if this is too personal, but the orgasms he has that are a 12+/10, are they from him on top or you on top? If I'm on top and I finish in my wife with a toy in, I find I cum hard but I can't cum as hard as I can if I pull out and jerk it over her (which we both like better for many reasons). It's like the toy wants me to keep moving but my cock is too sensitive to handle the stimulation, so I can't make myself achieve the fullest O possible. But if she's on top of me and forces me to cum, she'll keep riding and riding and my cock and ass are literally dying from the O and ejaculation she induces. But I like it! It's just so intense I couldn't make myself ever cum that hard while having sex with her. Sorry for the long drawn out description, but I'm so curious to know if his biggest Os come from him doing it or you making it happen
He does not use it during solo play.
I bought it for his birthday and he admitted to give it a chance after I told him about the health aspects. If I put it in and take it out. He doesn't even want too se it. ( Like if I don't see it it doesn't exist.)
So when I tell him it is time he goes to bed and I put it in and after less than 2 minutes he falls asleep.
After 45 minutes when I am going to bed he still sleeps. Sometimes I don't wake him up just laying near him (and nothing happens, after some hour when he wakes he tell me to take the plastic thing away.
And yes @techpump it is an elevated level of intimacy involved for a man and his anal. It feels like we share a secret just him and I.
Ok now you guys share it too.
About my intentions to take it further:
No I didn't mean pegging. I would love to, though we are not really there yet.
He even think the aneros is huge.
I meant MMO's and dry O's from aneros, a-less and from penile stimulation.
Separating orgasms from ejaculation. It is not possible he says. But now he feel the orgasm long before he ejaculates and is able to edge for hours. But he does'nt manage to relax and come over the edge without ejaculating. I have showed him videos but he thinks it is fake.
I'd love to have som advice or tips. (I've read the wiki and the forum since april.)
The orgasms 12+/10 seams to depend on the aneros or external prostate massage (I now can see that he enjoys perineum massage, he didn't before aneros so I think we are about to wake the little thing.)
He likes me to making it happen but it is from all sorts of sex together.
We use to pull it out just in the right moment and I give him a helping hand. (Sometimes it is so intense that I can't touch it).
(I don't like the mess and think it irritates me.)
So far I'm pleased with the successes we have achieved and looking forward to what's next to come.
English is not my native language so excuse misspelling and grammar error.
These are not really the words we learn in school. Lol.
The stubborn wife.