"Do Nothing Method"...
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"Do Nothing Method" - The Sensation You Are Looking For

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dude, you're tall, yeah, but not 7'8"!! (That would be 234 cm!). You're 6' 8".


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I want to reply to your message in full Neros but for now i will just address one point, because i feel its very important to do so.

i really appreciate your breakdown, its going to help me a lot! however the taboo feeling of the aneros being in my ass was the very thing that used to get me going, but the issue is that was nearly 9 years ago and its no longer something new/different or taboo, i sort of 'got used to it' so i need to look for something else in the feeling of sexual arousal (and not using porn btw either)

However i made the realisation of something today. Your technique does indeed work with me, however its a little different for me and it has not yet given me orgasms but it has given me a fast heart beat, at one point a feeling like you describe similarly as 'silence like you're suddenly focused on something' and it all led to nothing in the end BUT i do feel it will eventually yield results. One thing i found was a sort of active pushing the device out, but very subtly, like your 'opening up' somehow, this worked well. I had one point where i sort of felt flushed, like i had entered a different state of being, which I've not had too often.

The realisation however was that i feel i may already be able to orgasm, just not in the traditional positions that users describe, i made a thread on it some time ago, it involves bring legs up toward you, I've found that this gives me consistent results every session, but its not something in the wiki or in any thread I've ever seen/read (but it is in some videos online strangely...)

This technique though seems to involve sort of 'starting again' each time as it doesn't follow one orgasm into another, but still, i can have around 4 or so each last a minute max each.

@neros what would you say is an average length of your sessions? is there a limit to your orgasms?

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Guys, for a long time now, I have used the Do-Nothing Method in all my sessions, but invariably my Aneros models move of their own accord. I think it is my breathing which is natural and unforced causes this motion.

Like many guys, I long to experience a Super-O even now, but for a long time I have put such expectations out my mind. I just want to enjoy pleasure and fun in my session, almost all the time, I happens.

What I have experienced now mostly is greater subtlety and nuance as I work with all my Aneros models. I feel sometimes that I am actually merging with them, especially I am enjoying pleasure. Often now I ride my models, but also often they ride me. It is all uncanny!


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Right now I only get to do one session a week for maybe an hour due to work and family commitments.

My orgasms vary from really intense to low level all over body waves of calm pleasure. Yesterday I had a few low intensity ones followed by a build up to something massive that I've never experienced before but which died off.

Right now I'm trying different things just to experiment - so I am currently keeping really relaxed and fighting the feeling to contract at all and this is producing some new sensations that are pretty incredible - I feel I'm on the verge of something brand new for myself here.

I think B Mayfield's post "Best of Bee line" explains it best - the only thing that matters is pleasure. Basically if you can generate pleasurable sensations and magnify them through mental focus and arousal then you'll get what your after.

I think I've seen in other posts that you are already experiencing pleasure from aneros and have had "orgasmic experiences" with it?

Enjoy that. Who knows, maybe your experiences of pleasure surpass mine? There's no objective test.

I think the difference here is mentality. I was on the verge of something massive yesterday but it didn't happen. Was I bummed? No. The build up felt lovely and I know I'll breach that barrier soon.

In the meantime I just experiment with different things and enjoy the pleasure I get.

Focus on the pleasure and the rest will come.

Honestly I learn something new every session and I don't think that process will ever end.

I really believe that this is 90% mental and path is just to enjoy what feels good without trying to put too much of a "technique" on it.

That's what I was trying to get across in the original post with focusing on the "achy" feeling. Focus on feelings you feel and enjoy them when they turn good. It's that focus that will transform into orgasms.

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@inhope, regarding sexual arousal. As I discovered last night this seems to be the key (at least for me) for full body super orgasms.

Try nipple stim with mental fantasy and keep your body relaxed whilst enjoying the feelings in your ass.

Or anything that gets you going. I like the description in the aneros wiki of the aneros as an "arousal magnification" device. I think that's a good way to view it. Getting aroused using non penile methods and relaxing into the pleasant sensations inside and around your ass appears to really take you to super orgasm.

Last night that took me from having primarily penis based non ejaculatory orgasms to full body super orgasm bliss.

Wrote a post about it here - https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/16521/new-levels-of-bliss-found-with-pure-do-nothing

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@neros I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your detailed descriptions of your successes and appreciate your sharing the lessons you learned, while being aware of the exquisitely individual nature of the experience. Everyone's journey is different and that's what makes the whole thing so powerful and, in the true sense of the word, wonderful. The differences we have in what triggers our pleasure, amplifies it and brings us to whatever milestone or goal we have can be shared and we can learn from others, and at the same time find a commonality in the whole universe of pleasure that Aneros and A-less has brought us to. Now, I am going to make some guys say: This guy is so totally wrong (or, worse, in the case of the more intemperate members, and I'm willing to take the flak here--otherwise, I wouldn't post it: I think that it is valid to separate Aneros use and pleasure from sex and sexuality, in a nuanced way (that, perhaps may be hair-splitting or just argumentative. I say this because I know that there may be users who are not sexually active and do not want to use the usual "outlets" to unaccompanied sexual activities (i.e., masturbation). Here, I think that Aneros can be exquisitely and intensely sensual and overpoweringly so, and yet not "sexual".
I, personally, have taken a different tack about Aneros use and the degree to which it is fundamentally a sexual experience. If what is meant by "sexual" is a pleasure producing process that is related to our genitalia and surrounding anatomy, well, of course. And if the question is whether Aneros use enhances lovemaking, my answer (and many others, too) will say, "And, how!". And if there is an element of narcissistic auto-lovemaking in the anal pleasure that we feel, I, and no one will argue with you. I personally do not find that pornography or even the 'heavy breathing' audio tracks will in any way "get me in the mood". That's me. And I like to make the perhaps artificial distinction between my lovemaking and my Aneros pleasure--even though there is the obvious contradiction of how it can augment our "performance" with our partners.

In my usual fashion, I have gone on and on, but I think that I have a reasoned approach here. Now the lions can roar and 'tear' my opinion apart. I love you all, anyways...

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Now, I am going to make some guys say: This guy is so totally wrong (or, worse, in the case of the more intemperate members, and I'm willing to take the flak here--otherwise, I wouldn't post it: I think that it is valid to separate Aneros use and pleasure from sex and sexuality, in a nuanced way (that, perhaps may be hair-splitting or just argumentative. I say this because I know that there may be users who are not sexually active and do not want to use the usual "outlets" to unaccompanied sexual activities (i.e., masturbation). Here, I think that Aneros can be exquisitely and intensely sensual and overpoweringly so, and yet not "sexual".
I, personally, have taken a different tack about Aneros use and the degree to which it is fundamentally a sexual experience. If what is meant by "sexual" is a pleasure producing process that is related to our genitalia and surrounding anatomy, well, of course. And if the question is whether Aneros use enhances lovemaking, my answer (and many others, too) will say, "And, how!". And if there is an element of narcissistic auto-lovemaking in the anal pleasure that we feel, I, and no one will argue with you. I personally do not find that pornography or even the 'heavy breathing' audio tracks will in any way "get me in the mood". That's me. And I like to make the perhaps artificial distinction between my lovemaking and my Aneros pleasure--even though there is the obvious contradiction of how it can augment our "performance" with our partners.

I say whatever works for you. Everyone has there own vision of sexuality and if this one helps you enjoy the Aneros pleasure more then great.

My only point would be that I think seperating Aneros use from sexuality and sexual arousal would be overcomplicating it for someone just starting and probably counter-productive.

At the end of the day the aneros stimulates the prostate and provides orgasmic pleasure. Inserting something in your ass and having an orgasm is sexual. It can't not be. Would you use your aneros with a child present?

If someone still hasn't achieved a super o from the aneros then removing all sexual aspects from the aneros use would not help them achieve their goal.

Can you masturbate normally and have a traditional orgasm without making it a sexual thing? Sure. But it will take a longer time to cum.

Can you use an aneros and have a super o without making it a sexual thing? If that's what you experience then I guess so. But I dare say a lot of people will have a hard time doing so. Re-wiring is already complicated and "difficult" for a lot of people.

And, my question is - why would you want to remove sexuality from it? Sexual energy and being turned on is wonderful, it's a great energy. There's so much shame around sexual energy, I'm not sure trying to "get off" without using it is the best mentality.

Just my two cents.

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@inhope, regarding sexual arousal. As I discovered last night this seems to be the key (at least for me) for full body super orgasms.

Try nipple stim with mental fantasy and keep your body relaxed whilst enjoying the feelings in your ass.

Or anything that gets you going. I like the description in the aneros wiki of the aneros as an "arousal magnification" device. I think that's a good way to view it. Getting aroused using non penile methods and relaxing into the pleasant sensations inside and around your ass appears to really take you to super orgasm.

Last night that took me from having primarily penis based non ejaculatory orgasms to full body super orgasm bliss.

Wrote a post about it here - https://community.aneros.com/forum/discussion/16521/new-levels-of-bliss-found-with-pure-do-nothing

I already do the nipple thing and mental fantasy, the issue is that my fantasies sort of fizzle after around 10 mins, same goes for my nipples, they get oversensitive and then i can't touch them, its been an issue for many months. Would love to know how you/others get around such an issue.

Also i need to have a normal dry o before i can have a super. I would be happy with a mini actually.

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Quick note on "focus"

When I say "focus on the sensation in your ass" I DON'T mean "visualise" what's happening in your ass.

ALL visualisations are doing are taking you away from direct experience with the sensation.

You DON'T want to create an abstraction in your mind and focus on that because then the sensations are secondary and the visualisation is primary.

The sensation of "aching" is so subtle that you need your full attention in "the moment".

Don't think, don't try to "picture" what it going on down there because you'll be dragged out of sensory experience and into your mind of abstraction.

Just "feel".

Just keep your awareness on that area and wait for the aching sensation. In the meantime just breath and relax.

I find staring out of the window or against the wall in a "thousand yard stare" way helps to shut off the mind.

So thats it.

Just get relaxed and breath deeply into your stomach and keep your attention on your ass - waiting for that subtle aching feeling as the aneros presses against your prostate.

Focus on that sensation and if it disappears just wait for it to come back - which it will.

It's that sensation that will build and build until you start to feel that normal "about to cum" sensation. A few seconds later you'll start having orgasms without ejaculating and voila welcome to bliss 🙂

I can't believe how much this statement about Focus has helped me. I was doing exactly as you describe. I was focusing on the sensation and visualizing either the Aneros moving or some Fantasy image. As soon as I accepted the feeling and kinda just let my mind go blank, the sensation immediately became amplified.
Thank You so much for posting this! These kind of posts are the reason I joined the Forum!

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@Longshanks --- Isn't that an amazing revelation!

Clearing the mind lets the pleasure "come out to play"!

Our mind and body already knows how to give us pleasure...if we get out of the way!

Absolutely fascinating!


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@Theme_Gasm - Indeed it is amazing! Focus does not equal concentration in this case. It's as if the word Focus doesn't describe it appropriately. It's sort of like once you acknowledge the pleasure, get your mind/thoughts out of the way so the pleasure can do it's thing!
I think you are describing it perfectly when you say "Our mind and body already knows how to give us pleasure...if we get out of the way!"
There was something in the way @Neros described "Focus" that clicked with me.
As he wrote,....... "Just feel". So simple but so difficult (for me) to put into practice until yesterday.

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@Longshanks --- Yes, simple, but yet did anyone teach you how to listen to your own mind or body? Of course it's difficult! It's no surprise the Prostate orgasm is challenging to attain! Until I visited the Aneros chat and forum, and began to trust what I was reading, I had no idea what I was about to learn!

I sometimes think that there's much more possible in this world if we only believed it was possible!


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I already do the nipple thing and mental fantasy, the issue is that my fantasies sort of fizzle after around 10 mins, same goes for my nipples, they get oversensitive and then i can't touch them, its been an issue for many months. Would love to know how you/others get around such an issue.

Also i need to have a normal dry o before i can have a super. I would be happy with a mini actually.

I don't use a constant mental fantasy. It's impossible (for me, and seemingly for you) to keep up my imagination going in a linear path. It always veers off into random non-sexual things if I try to maintain a linear fantasy.

What I do is use "snapshots" of fantasy, almost like a porn gif in my imagination. So one second I'm picturing a cock ejaculating with a girl licking the tip, followed by a few seconds later by a the image of a a woman giving a guy a prostate massage, followed by...

You get the picture. It's a whirlwind of arousing sexual images. If you want to get inspiration for mental images then start looking for porn gifs/pictures. You mentioned you don't want to use porn to get aroused? If this is because you believe there is "human exploitation" in the porn industry then fair enough, might I suggest looking for animated porn (anima OR other cartoon porn).

This isn't a whirlwind of panicked "must get aroused" images. It's a calm, gentle, SLOW parade of sexual images through my mind. After a little whirl it becomes an automatic thing where erotic images just pop up on their own.

You can also use dirty talk for yourself, moaning, groaning etc. This things are proven to increase arousal.

It's worth saying that you aren't looking for immediate huge arousal. Just enough arousal that gives you sensations in your ass/genitals. So use the minimal to get going and then stop and enjoy. When the feelings start to fade then restart some mental/physical arousal;

I think perhaps you are trying to sustain them all the time and this is why you are burning out during a session.

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Great! Glad I could be of some help.

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@neros.Again, what you have posted is so important and useful, it should be read by every newbie and vet. Your mantra is my mantra: WWFY is the best way to find your own way here while building on the experience of others, and the way you described your "method" is so readable.

Just a comment or two on your reactions to my post above: I know that separating the powerful sensations of Aneros use from sexual feelings is tricky and maybe artificial--after all, the same nerve endings are involved (...and, how!). And, as you say, for many, such splitting hairs is not only confusing and counterproductive, it may mess up a guy's whole introduction. For me, sex and sexuality is an interactive experience as opposed to the purely sensual/sensory experience of genital/perineal/anal stimulation and that's why I personally try to separate them. And maybe the opposite issue needs to be mentioned (though it's off topic): younger users who have little social sexual interraction, should be careful not to replace the natural human need for companionship, comfort and pleasure with another with the intense, but not necessarily socially interractive use of the Aneros device. Sex (with another) and feeling sensual pleasure (alone or with another) are crucial for our health, mental and physical and there is no shame in the sensations that we get and go after.

Looking forward to more of your posts.

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You, sir, are my hero!
I have been in the Aneros-Club for six months now, and until the day before yesterday only had one session with orgasms, but no luck reproducing it.
Your guide about what to look for was all I needed. The last two sessions were, how should I put it, a complete success. I can't say for sure If I had a Super O yet, but those were the most intense pleasures I have ever experienced. If there is something even more intense to be felt, I am not sure I could handle it.
You unlocked something spectacular for me. Thank you so much!

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@k7s5a GREAT! Glad I could help. Check out my last post on "Pure Do Nothing" as well, that should help tip you over into super o territory.

@Armon-neat Ah! Right I understand you now. I would call that "intimacy". I hesistate to use to pigeon hole sexuality into just partnered sex because to me it encompasses everything - solo and partnered.

Re. your concern, I think there's little worry about that in Western society. Our male culture is very much fixed on the idea that the more sexual partners you have, the more masculine you are.

I actually think it would be a good thing for young, sexually frustrated men to realise that partnered sex is not the be all and end of all of life - ironically it would actually help them meet sexual partners more often because they wouldn't be so desperate.

And that sexual pleasure with a partner is more important than sheer volume of partners.

Anyway this is off-topic but if you'd like to open another thread about it that would be great as it's a fascinating discussion and I've certainly got a lot to say about it.

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@neros Thanks, I will check that out right away!

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sorry, weird double post...

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This is an amazing thread. Thank you again guru neros

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You are right. There is a place inside that does cause a feeling of dull ache. Remaining very still, I have waited and felt the area and concentrated on it and found that when if he comes to focus over the course of several minutes the pain is replaced by a pleasure. I came across this once before by stretching the P tab and placing it on a hotspot but it caused the internal part of the tool to press harder on the prostate. This resulted in a feeling of orgasm and ejaculation but it never came out. It only happened once and then I lost it after getting up and using the bathroom. I have been changing the distance of the p tab to my sweet spot and riding. It has been somewhat useful and pleasurable but It did not have the same results and I was wondering how to find it again. With this post you have helped me trigger it again without effort. Thank you for your observations.

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I believe i too have felt the ache or pain and I even attributed it do the device not being good for me and was considering purchasing a different device. Will continue on and report back.Thanks

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I believe i too have felt the ache or pain and I even attributed it do the device not being good for me and was considering purchasing a different device. Will continue on and report back.Thanks

never felt an ache, I think that if you do then perhaps you should stop as aches are not usually associated with anything good, especially where your prostate is concerned.

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I felt the ache and its transformation into pleasure. I was just laying there and was half drifting half aware and being still. My hands over my lower abdomen with my knees bent and suddenly I was hit with a powerful explosive force of pleasure through prostate cock and knees. It increased over a half hour and moved from there to lower belly and back again. It made me shoot clear line of fluid without ejaculating and I finally had to call it for the day. Left urinating feeling a little uncomfortable like a slight burning for the day but it was resolved after allowing myself to cum. Very effective for me, Ty neros

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I'm a long time user and I've never once, ever felt anything approaching an 'ache' of any kind. I feel somewhat disheartened. Everyone gets this 'ache' then?

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An interesting sensation, right? No it was not the first noticeable sensation. It didn't start for me until I took the advice of someone else here too where I did a mod on my classic. I cut the tail off so it didn't get pushed out of place laying on my back. But that I did on my own which I found helped. Then I heated the p tab arm and moved it forward a little after discovering the set spot using the pressure test on the perineum and found the tab was coming up short. Lastly I took the advice of the post who suggested a belly breathing technique like a shudder/sob/laughter. And as I did this I noticed the pleasure in foreground and a little ache in the background. I focused on the ache and chas ed it down with excellent results.

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I'm a long time user and I've never once, ever felt anything approaching an 'ache' of any kind. I feel somewhat disheartened. Everyone gets this 'ache' then?

I just tried that approach (conciously) recently. It helps, when you visualize the device applying pressure on your prostate and then focus on this sensation of pressure. Then you visualize that pressure as a "sweet ache" that you are exposed to and immerse in the feeling that you are helplessly delivered to it without any chance to resist or escape. When you get the feeling, that you can't escape this "sweet ache", the feedbackloop starts...

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I don't know if it's the way it's written or what but I don't understand where th technique is, what actually is it?

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It's not a technique, it is usi NH your ability to focus on different areas of sensation. Like focusing on the sensation of your big toe, then focusing on the sensation of your forehead. Use your ability to focus your attention on the region you wish to feel. Pay attention to it and only it and there you will get movement of energy and sensory. It's the idea mantak Chia talks about which he borrowed from tantra.

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I come across this post this morning, put it to use and had my best session so far! This post was worded very well. My prostate and myself thank you!

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