If your Anus is fatigued, is it better to use a small toy, such as a peridise, as it is smaller, and thus easier for your anal muscles to move, or a large toy, such as a progasm, because it's larger, and needs to move a lot less to work?
How would or do you measure "better"?
That's a matter of opinion, I mainly want to know if a larger toy requires more or less anal strength to stimulate one's prostate than a small toy. Smaller toy has to cover more area, but is lighter, bigger has to move less, but is heavier. Does that make sense?
The larger toys have less room to move in general so that throws off the equation a bit.
So if your anal muscles are tired, but you MUST have a session, are you better off with a big, or small toy?
Personally I just use the one that works.
I don't think it's ever about any one being better for any particular session.