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Different arousal aid

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Was sitting in my recliner the other day without a device in and set a weighty object in my lap, maybe around a quarter pound on my pubic bone. Noticed a bit of a sensation so decided to try some weight during a session. It did provide a bit of sensation. I had the weight between my belly button and pubic bone. I imagined aiming the sensation of the aneros through my prostate up to the weight. I'll experiment more with this and see where it leads. 

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I think this is an idea worth exploring! Seems like a heavy-duty version of my ball bearing trick. Maybe some soft weight, like a small sandbag that would conform to your body, could help you visualize someone sitting on your lap... all these little tricks can really add up when you start stacking them. 

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@zentai, I actually incorporated your ball bearing method during the same season but it was a small chromed metal handle from a faucet. The new weight that I was using was actually my Leatherman multi tool. Haha. Provided some cold sensation along with the weight. I like the bean bag idea! Maybe a corn hole bag which would be poetically ironic.  Haha. 


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I have a couple of things that may help. First off, it was winter when I first really started awakening to the possibilities of this practice. For environmental and economic reasons as well as painful sinus issues, we don't keep our house all that warm. I would come in cold and get into bed (this was still aless), pull the weight of the covers over me and start trying to relax and breathe. I noticed that things started happening when my body got really warm under covers. It's like a dirty old window opened up and I could see better. 

I have a heating pad that I have used over the years when healing from car wrecks, other injuries,  and back pain. I prefer to start sessions laying on my side, slight fetal configuration, with pillows between knees and ankles.  That is my happy place. I have found that placing that heat pad in with the pillow between my thighs on the lowest setting helps me relax and feel great, and that's when I notice the aneros start to float around quite on it's own as I am falling more into a relaxed state. 

I also have a cherry pit pack and a rice pack that can be microwaved and retain heat for a good while. The cherry pit pack is light, but the rice pack has a little weight to it. Laying that warmth and weight down in that area while laying on you back might be a very nice experience for some.

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