Different Aneros Mo...
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Different Aneros Models

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Hey Guys,

I just wanted to post this in hopes that it might help some of the new guys. The more veteran of us probably already know this.

I just had a rockin' session with the combination of MGX and Progasm. Why I wanted to mention it is because when I initially got the Progasm I had some really good luck with it. After a bit of time, it just stopped having that same intense effect so I rarely used it. I felt that it was just too big for me. Today, the thing felt like it was tailor made for me. It just fit perfectly and I was having the most incredible waves of orgasms. I am still a fan of using a smaller model after a time with the Progasm because the other models then feel as though they are moving like crazy.

The moral of this story for me anyway is that I seem to go through streaks of time when certain models do not appeal to me only to find that at a later time they are perfect. I am so glad that I have them all to choose from.

Take it easy.

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Hey Buster, Funny you should say that re Progasm. Mine's had somewhat of a renaissance lately after a long rest. See my '...new method,...WOW! thread. Nothing else seems to hit 'the spot' just lately though the MGX comes a somewhat lagging 2nd.

After early success with the Peridise it doesn't seem to do it any more. I really miss that P-spot contact. 😈

Take care,

Old Wolf

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Hi Buster, and Old Wolf,

You are totally correct about some models seemingly just stop giving the pleasure one expects.

For the longest time, I just stopped using the Progasm, It wasn't that it felt to large, It was just a so so session.
Recently I have gone back to the Progasm, and it now feels like a new toy and really gets me the super-O's.
The Peridise also was off the list, but it only lasted about 2 weeks before it was back giving me what I expected.

I know I don't feel so bad about when a new member asks about what additional model to get. I sometimes just say try it, well knowing they will end up using all their models again and again over time.

The only Aneros I have not purchased myself is the Maximus, and I think I will have to at least add that to complete my collection. 😀

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Hey skeeter_g, the Maximus is great! I have the curly tab cut off of mine. I think that the Maximus is one model that deserves more recognition.

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Hi Buster,
Thanks, I was hoping for some one to say it was great!!
I guess I will have to order it now. 😀

I really should have said something earlier in a post, but I was having to much fun with all the other Aneros's anyway.

You are correct, not much has been said about the Maximus, almost everything seems to be centered around the Progasm. I have always thought the Maximus would be great for when the Progasm just does not cut it at certain times. The Maximus being just a bit smaller than the Progasm seems to also make sense at times.

Thanks !!

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Hey skeeter_g,

Either PM me or post here and let me know what you think once you have given it a test drive.

Have fun.

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Hi Buster,
Will do..... I just ordered it today.. got tied up on other business, so did not have a chance to get it ordered yesterday.


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Hi Buster,
Well... I got the Maximus yesterday. and it just sat on the bathroom counter in plan view for a few hours.
I was not particularly horny, but I did want to give the Maximum a test drive.

Later in the evening when I was ready to go to bed, (still not horny) I see the Maximus setting there on the counter.... Well, one thing led to another, and it was up my bum...

It is a bit different feeling, and very interesting.
It does have some of the qualities of the Progasm, but clearly not as large. I noticed it moved very well within me, and I enjoyed it very much!

I only had it in for about 5 minutes before I had a couple of mini-O's. A couple of more minutes went by, and I was into full super-O's. I had no intensions of keeping it in for any length of time as it was getting late, and I had an early meeting to attend today.

I ended up having about 7 or 8 incredible super-O's in the session!! It just happened so fast, and when I looked at the clock about 50 to 55 minutes had gone by!! Holly cow!!

Well.... so now that I actually have every Aneros toy available, I guess I can suggest any of these with first hand knowledge.:D

The Maximus is a hell of an Aneros, and as you have said, really needs more attention and mention.

I don't understand why more folks are really drawn to the Progasm... Don't get me wrong, I love my Progasm, but for the folks that say they don't get movement and want that full feeling, the Maximus is the one to get!!

Thanks so much for the suggestion! 😀

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Hi skeeter_g,

I know, isn't it great? I am so pleased that you found it as great as I have, even when you weren't particularly horny! It is a great suggestion for me, the VP Debate is on and I do believe that I have seen enough. I have a lonesome Maximus in the other room.

I am off!
