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Hey all, I was just wondering what kind of affects you guys think severe depression would have on the success or quality of aneros sessions.

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Hey @Tatornator ,

sry that nobody answered you so far. I guess most guys have the same problem as me, not feeling competent enough regarding this topic to give solid advice. I do not suffer from depression aside from rarely occuring winter-blues or weltschmerz / world-weariness. Anyway, when I'm feeling down, anerosing is some kind of sanctuary for me. Maybe even some kind of therapy which helps me to get connected to my inner self and gives me a feeling that Erich Fromm called Unity/oneness.

So aside from medication side effects, I guess it heavily depends on the user and how the aneros is perceived by him: yet another joyless activity or a place to find calmness and relief.

Cheers, Unfug

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Thanks @Unfug, while you didn't give me quite the answer I was looking for, I appreciate it all the same. Gives me another angle to look at, so thank you.

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@Tatornator If I may ask, what was the answer you were looking for? @Unfug makes a good point; Anerosing is a personal pleasure maker capable of capturing your mind thus closing the rest of the World (if you allow it).

The effects of depression is as unique to each individual as Aneros experience is. It is a difficult question to answer.

I hope you are able to lessen the effects of depression while indulging in pleasurable moments. Good luck and good vibes.

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@Tatornator If I may ask, what was the answer you were looking for?

I guess I'm not sure really, thanks though.

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@Tatornator, I would not dare to answer your question otherwise than only theoretical. As depression is a very dangerous illness, there is no place for amateurish advices. As with every severe illness medical attendance is the only option!

As a matter of fact depressions often occur in dependency to addictions. Expecially exaggerated sexual behaviour is potentially addictive. Concerning sexual energy I recently read an interesting article about coherences between ejaculation, loss of vital energy and depression. Perhaps you can find some answers in these considerations:

Ejaculation is an automatic bodily function, but with conscious effort and awareness it can be controlled in the same way you can control a sneeze. Sex is designed by nature for procreating and nature uses your most potent energy to create a child. When you ejaculate you release a tremendous amount of energy in the form of sperm.

Unfortunately, consistently draining that energy has its price, the French actually call ejaculation “le petit mort” or the little death, because that’s exactly how it feels, like you died just a little bit. Ejaculation causes an increase in prolactin and a decrease in dopamine.

Prolactin is the chemical that causes the refractory time between orgasms, dopamine is the body’s reward mechanism, the one that gives you an orgasmic high. That’s why every time you cum you go from this amazing high to this immediate low. For many guys, including myself, the dopamine crash causes a low level depression. This lasts anywhere from a few hours to a few days, the length depends on how often you ejaculate.

When you ejaculate frequently you drain your body’s vital energy or chi. Think of your body like a car battery, you’re constantly draining it without giving it a chance to recharge. If you want to run through 10 girls a month off Tinder and ejaculate every time you’re going to be a very tired playboy.

Taoists believe the ideal amount of ejaculation is none, and I would agree. It’s easier said then done but I believe you should aim to ejaculate as little as possible. The less you ejaculate the stronger you'’ll feel.

If you don’t believe me, try ejaculating 3 times in a day then go to the gym and hit the weights. I bet you won’t even be able to do 90% of your max lift. What you should do instead is take that vital energy and circulate it through your body.

[The entire post by Will Freemen you can find here: ]

Take care!

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For me, with or without the Aneros, my sessions are positive only when my attitude begins as positive. It can't be encouraged or forced to be positive. So if I'm a little down it usually doesn't go so well and I end up feeling the same or maybe a little worse. Therefore I only attempt a session when I'm feeling UP for it.

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energetic orgasm can release blockages in the emotional body , I know from experience this is the case and also from the book energy orgasm which mentions the effect of non ejaculatory energetic orgasm on the parasympathetic system. and the release of stress through this practice.
If you are on medication then the energetic system might not be as palpable though and of course , seek pro help and counselling.

When I have been to down to actually enter into the state needed for energetic orgasm I have found that making love to myself analy with a toy can also release alot of negative energy, just don't ejaculate.

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