Deep Contractions A...
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Deep Contractions Anybody?

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 I am curious, anyone else exp. deep anal contractions. Back story: recently I have been able to take an extra inch or so, of my 11" dildo. It has pushed me into my sigmond I think. Since making contact with this area, I now exp. contractions, in this area. Also my bottom ab contracts along with it. Aneros and aless. It feels like a throbbing cock head, although I have never exp. such a thing. It has also several times, started my aless, it seems to have direct connection to my prostate, it has rewired the firing sequence. It feels so good hitting this spot, I don't even have to move just push back and forth maybe an inch or less. I barely touched my dick, literally just a few pulls, and I had to cum, would be hard to edge. Its so good I had to order a 13.5" today. Just to see what wlse wakes up. Even though I can activate this muscle freely now. Just curious if anyone else has exp. such a thing?    

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No, but good luck, @tbob.  I thought you might like SquarePegToys® Community Learning Center

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The sigmoid colon is meant to have the shape of an S - sigmoid being the Greek letter of that shape. Having aless involving interplay between that high up, the prostate, anus, perineum and K spot must be fantastic. That said, I just wonder about "straightening the curves" of that part of the colon via such long dildos... 

Sincerely hope nothing gets wrecked up there!

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Posted by: @pablito1963

Sincerely hope nothing gets wrecked up there!

That was my thought, too.  @tbob, the site which I had linked has depth play safety advice, too, and discusses anatomy.  The company produces some really big / long stuff.  They make something called a "Slink", etc.  Even their "XS ("extra small?)" sizing seems to run large.  

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@pablito1963  I beleive I'm just at the start of it, At the very end of my reach with my current dildo. Really don't want to go much more than another inch, as I can feel the contraction kissing the very tip of it, and the sensations are intense.

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