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Coolest Session To Date, Gotta Be a 1Off

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  Last night I had the coolest most erotic A-less or A-in session to date. I don't usually pay attention to porn, once my session gets going, most times its distracting. Last night it wasn't, don't ask me why. I was watching a no hands cum compilation,just one persons collection. I don't know how but for some reason I got caught up in the fantasy. Suddenly everytime she/he came, so did I, contractions as deep as I can ever remember. Not sure how long this went on, lost track of time.So intense my prostate is a little sore today. The good sore though. I imagine if I was gay this is what you'd feel like after being well fucked. I'm pretty sure this is a 1 off. I felt so good when I woke, and so horny I had to ride my largest dildo, 10"deep     7 1/2" around, normally I can fit 2/3 of it in, and have to really push to get any more in. I thought it wood hurt, slid balls deep, and almost came as the last bit slid down. I only lifted my self maybe 1 1/2" as I rode I'm not usually good at edging , my orgasms are so good already. Barely stroking my dick I started the contractions like last night, I could feel my prostate kissing the dildo inside me. Wowee Wowzer. Contraction are starting as I write this. Gotta finish dinner so I better get away from this computer. It sure is good to have a community of people I can sound off on about htese things, Thanks guys . Have a good session tonight  

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 Nice to hear about your Aless experience! Have found them to be more intense than an Aneros session and very repeatable as well! The orgasms are so rewarding and build in intensity until you feel like you can’t experience anything better!

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Posted by: @tbob

I'm pretty sure this is a 1 off.

Only if you let it be 🙂

Posted by: @tbob

So intense my prostate is a little sore today.

Proper invols give the gland a good thumping lol.

Posted by: @tbob

10"deep     7 1/2" around, normally I can fit 2/3 of it in, and have to really push to get any more in.

9’6 is quite comfortable for me now,and very comfortable for the wife ha!

Great sessions,keep up the good work!

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 Last night I decided to go for a wet o, don't normally have intensions for wet o's anymore, although I have several per week. Lately I have been using 2-3 aneros at at the same time. This time I had the progasm and the jr. progasm. Was going to add the eupho, but the second the jr. slid in, the tips started tapping on my prostate like drum sticks. Light dry o's, when I started stroking the pleasure in my cock just kept rising and rising, like an orgasm but I just couldn't cum. I tried as hard as I could to relax and try a light push out of the inner sphinc. as I did the pro's would dance harder and harder. That pleasure was completely seperate from what was going on with my dick. I was finally able to hold the inner sphinc open, long enough to let myself cum. Which was anti climactic, compared to everything leading up to it. Funny thing I'm still so f******* horny, I'm scared that I may have hit a plateau, and nothing is gonna satisfy me. I wanna savour this. Its so hard to abstain. What a difference a week makes. 

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@tbob Out here setting the standard 🙂

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I'm really beginning to think that the brachytherapy I had for PC, has changed the nature of my orgasms, and general body reactions to prostate stimulation. I have tried to find any one on this forum who has had brachytherapy, and has had an  super orgasm the way many describe on this forum, I have had multiple 1 offs. Like the feeling of someone pulling my ankles while they were up in the air, to my hips following the motion of my nipples, as I manipulated them, to as I just described of dry O's at the same time as the cum compilation vid I was watching right down to the throbbing, except theres stopped mine cont'd, and ramp up as the next person came. These are just a few strange things that have happened to me. The absolute strangest thing that ever happened to me was when I was woken up out of a dead sleep, and it literally felt like my prostate was plugged into a wall socket and it was connected to a dimmer switch, which was being turned uptill I thought I couldn't take it, and then it would stop, only to start again right where it left off, and the dimmer switch was turned up even more, this repeated itself for at least 7 times each lasting 45sec till it got to the peak.  I am not kidding I was once electricuted it  was exactly the same except it felt good. That one exp. is what I 1 day hope to recapture, never felt anything like that before or since. 

Fred27, Pablito1963, Fred27 and 3 people reacted
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Had the best Aless session yet early this morning! So internet I had to end it as didn’t want to wake up my wife. Was awakened by intense pleasure around my anus which progressed into a throbbing sensation around my prostate. Eventually started feeling pwaves radiating down my lower back into my legs and toes as the throbbing increased and eventually started going up my back. At this point I had the most awesome pleasurable feeling like I was going to explode so I stopped everything! It was like my twitching anus and throbbing prostate were talking together!/p>

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Posted by: @fred27

At this point I had the most awesome pleasurable feeling like I was going to explode so I stopped everything!

Omg no hahahaha Should have just popped off like a champagne cork!!!! 🙂

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Posted by: @fred27

It was like my twitching anus and throbbing prostate were talking together!/p>

I feel ya its like , Ok your turn. They take turns pleasing each other, can't beleave you stopped. Next one should be real good. Prostates like a box of chocolats, ya never know what ya gonna get.

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 Another cool exp. last night, probably a 1 off, I can even give it a name, I call it the bellows. Let me tell you what happened. Little back story, lately I have been getting back into dildos. And I have ben able to go just an inch and a half deeper than usual, from 9- 10 1/2"which seems to have trigger a door I guess inti my sigmond? Anyway since I've penetrated this area something has come alive, It feels like some thing deep inside me is kissing and sucking on the end of the dildo and the sensations are like nothing I've ever felt before. For my last 2 aless sessions, these muscles contract along with the rest of them, and my very bottom ab muscle is also flexs and releases. So last night, the contractions started in my abdomen, went to my prostate, like a dance, back and forth, then my sphincter contraction joined in, which then triggered a dick contraction, the whole area was bathed in some kind pleasure bulb. And I can remember saying this would feel good all over my body, and somehow i new how to make that happen, and it was all mental. Next thing that happened, my leg strarted opening and closing like I was doing the mash potatoe, only slowly and rythmically, then like a bellows my legs closed and from my knees up to my shouldersa wave of pleasurewent up my body. As the wave went up it hit my arms and my elbows went up like I was doing the the chicken dance only slowly and rythmically, and the buzz was sent down to my lower body, back and forth, for about a minute. Then it stopped, and then it just filled all of me, and I laid there in ecstacy, for I don't know how long. I was so in my head I was able to fantasize about a squirt orgasm from over stimulation of the cock head, and I had a squirt orgasm, streams of hot liquid, squirt after squirt, for a good 40 pumps, each contraction lasting over 4 secs. I laid there in awe for quite a while. Still horny as hell today, trying to abstain, but I don't think I can.    

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Posted by: @tbob

my leg strarted opening and closing like I was doing the mash potatoe

At this point I laughed out loud (although I didn't know what the mash potatoe was...)

Posted by: @tbob

my elbows went up like I was doing the the chicken dance

... and here I covered my screen in coffee. Thanks for these stories, @Tbob, you have a way of telling them.

Posted by: @tbob

I was so in my head I was able to fantasize about a squirt orgasm from over stimulation of the cock head, and I had a squirt orgasm

You mean you "squirted" from thought only? Impressive!

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@lanoix I seem to getting better at giving my body suggestions, so long as I mentally stick to what I already know, for instance I was imagining rubbing my cock head like one would if you were trying to squirt . That process I know. Squirting to me is like an exotic piss, with contractions as if one was cumming. This is the second time I was able to do something like this, the last time I had a full fledged orgasm and piss at the same time, definetly a 1off. There was a little penis touching, I think. Hard to remember all that happens in the heat of the moment, best way to kill a good session is to try and analyze it while its happening. I justt remember not beleiving what I was seeing come out of my cock, a stream of clear fluid with milky fluid in the stream, like dashes in a sentence. These are just a few of the strange 1offs that have happened to me. Soon I will try to write them all down
