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Contractions PC versus Sphincter

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Hi All!

Just wanted to know if you guys use the anus and the pc muscle at the same time when contracting  voluntarily ? 

I notice I contract the anus alone but not the PC as it always seems to include the anus in the contracting.  

does anyone have a method to master separating the two ? Or does this not matter for the purpose of p waves and super o and so on ? 

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Posted by: @jg104900

Just wanted to know if you guys use the anus and the pc muscle at the same time when contracting  voluntarily ? 

Sometimes, though I don't usually think much about it as I use a 'Do nothing' approach most of the time.

Posted by: @jg104900

...does anyone have a method to master separating the two ? Or does this not matter for the purpose of p waves and super o and so on ?

Developing strong pelvic floor muscles through kegel exercises is a great place to start. Please see @BigGlansDC 's thread Kegels do feel real good if you do them faithfully! and the threads Kegels Question, The Kegels do work! Especially with Aless!" and Kegel Workouts! for some words of wisdom on this exercise regime.

You may find the Tug of War technique useful. Recent member @a-i-allie has created Mindgasm, a website with audio instruction sessions for developing orgasmic response with or without prostate massager use. There are a few free instructional sessions available, they are -> Lesson 1 - Introduction & First Steps, Lesson 2 - The Big Squeeze, Lesson 3 - The Eternal Wave. These are guided audio sessions to help train control of essential pelvic floor muscles.

Good Vibes to You!


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Lie flat on the bed,spread your legs so your feet are facing the corners. Reach under and pull a cheek so the bed is keeping your ass spread lol. Contract your pc. Focus on that hold,if the sphincter contracted too,thats ok,keep trying to keep that hold,and start to contract your sphincter. Keep going while focusing on the hold,eventually with a little practice,the sphincter will contract and relax as commanded,while the pc remains contracted. All this takes time and practice,but in time you can get fancy and drum them as you see fit. I found it beneficial to assign visualisations and directions to my pelvic floor muscles. Pc contraction is down,sphincter is up. Ischio muscles are diagonal down. Transverse and levitator muscles come in from the side. You could say they are similar to an Xbox controller layout. 
A consistent kegal training routine would also be advantageous in starting to build a connection to your pelvic muscles,who have worked autonomously since you wear out of diapers and became sexually active lol. Just keep practicing.

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Thank you very much all!

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I use the muscles separately, one or the other. The reason is I view them as the tools I have. It gives me more varied sensations - my prostate easily gets bored.

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I have recently gained the ability to activate each one separately for the most part. Not entirely separate but I can feel and control the distinct contractions of each one. Took a lot of time and I did not necessarily focus on developing this ability, it just appeared one day.

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For the past few sessions, I've been using a combination of contractions that triggers an orgasm almost for sure.

Here's what I do:
I slightly contract the rectal sphincter (like when I have a bowel movement) and then I slightly contract the PC muscles. In this way, I feel like I'm pinching my prostate and it almost always triggers a wonderful orgasm after a few seconds.

I don't know if this method is known and is described somewhere, but I am very happy with my discovery!

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I recommend taking time to learn how to use different muscles separately and together outside of sessions, during regular kegel routines, for example.  As @airbag says, these are tools. Once in a session, you can forget everything you have learned and just do what feels good. It’s like any sport, art, or musical improv: you learn technique separately, and when you actually are playing/creating, you do what feels right.  Be an artist, not a technician.

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Like all good artists, sportsmen or professionals in any field, I think you have to spend hours and hours learning and improving.
Great performers hardly think about technique when they play their instrument or practice their sport. It has become automatic, instinctive.

The good news for us is that these hours spent learning and experimenting are already very enjoyable!

