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Consolation session—Life is alright

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A couple days ago I had a horrible bureaucratic experience. Without going into details, i was shaking and on the edge of tears. Since the moment had little psychological bearing on my life outside of the crappy moment itself (it requires me paying a bunch of money and spending a lot more time in the bureaucratic system, but no self examination, no mourning, etc), I decided to prove to myself that life is beautiful and that the rest doesn’t matter. So I went home, popped a benzo, smoked a joint and got wild with little miss eupho (darling “you fo” real?).  My worries melted away, possibly (definitely) in part thanks to the chemicals I imposed on my system, but also thanks to two hours of augmented sexual pleasure.  I especially was grateful to @rumel who reposted a thread that talked about imagining you are ejaculating. That neat trick did wonders for my mind and body.

So for all the talk about being in a good place psychologically for sessions (I talk about it as well), here is a post that encourages the opposite.  When things are bad, perhaps sessions can be a sort of therapy, a way to blast off into the clouds and remember what really matters when life gets tedious down on earth.  I imagine it is complicated for break ups, health problems, deaths of loved ones and the likes. But for the rest?  Grab yourself a pooty-hole pacifier and nurse your troubles away!

Faith-Manages, Ggringo, Zentai and 15 people reacted
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Nice write up. Benzo is Valium? 

Had many a good session on a ‘bad day’. I suppose when your experienced and your techniques are locked down,prostate play could power past just about anything.

Did life seem so bad afterwards? 

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Valium is indeed a benzo, but I took a very small amount of a drug called Lexomil. Benzodiazepines are calming drugs that are highly addictive as well, so I am careful to only take when needed and never more than two days in a row if possible. I usually have a fraction of a pill every two weeks, sometimes for a legit reason, sometimes recreationally.

So I felt great afterwards, but I did have to work through my bad experience later that night and the next day. I guess you can’t just cram feels back into the depths of your psyche and expect them to go away. But it helped me put space in between the bad moment and the reflection, and also relativize the whole experience. Like, that sucked, but that’s suckiness matters little compared to these awesome orgasms.  And while that terrible moment lasted one hour, I can enjoy these orgasms for free any time I want for the rest of my life...


Ggringo, Helghast, Ggringo and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @divine_o

Benzodiazepines are calming drugs that are highly addictive

Yea I know someone who was badly addicted to Valium,he said when he came off,he was in a worse place than where he started.

Posted by: @divine_o

And while that terrible moment lasted one hour, I can enjoy these orgasms for free any time I want for the rest of my life...

That’s the lesson so many people in life can learn from,that bad times don’t last forever! 
