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Compy's questions (New question 12/17, getting Helix today)

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hey billy, compy-

i thought about this, and came to the opposite conclusion.

it won't surprise you that i have been somewhat evangelical about the aneros and MMO.

i have found excuses to tell a ton of friends, relatives and co-workers.

and, with only one exception i get the same response. basically, either you are into this kind of thing or you're not. and, if you are not, you really don't want to hear about it. in one case my friend was interested in the peridise for him and his girlfriend, and i gave him an extra one i had. never heard more about it from him.

so, it really all depends on your relationship with your friend. but, unless it is a particularly trusting and understanding one, i suspect this would fall under the category of "too much information."

plus, you are a young dude, and i could imagine that this friend would have a hard time keep this info to himself.

billy11 mentioned how he told his girlfriend, which is a much different matter. i would always encourage that. but, with a buddy it is not so obvious.


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I don't have time to do that in the morning. I get up at 6:00ish, groggily get dressed, brush teeth, comb hair, put contacts in, load up backpack, and leave. At no time do I get near the phone.

Worst case - Father does pick up package and opens it/searches HIH... Get's all freaked out... Removes me from the house...
2nd worst case - Above without removal from house, just removal from his general life. (Ignorance, etc.)

Uhm... no, I didn't know where to put "c/o my friend" at... I was considering putting it in the Company spot, but I didn't think that was right... I ended up not putting it. Whoops?

Your suggestion, one minor problem:
I get up and go straight to college prettymuch, and I'm probably the only person my age who doesn't have a cell phone.
He says he will give me a lift to the Post Office, but he kinda wants to know what's going on...


I don't have a partner, haven't ever... Shyness/cowardice is my main problem... But whatever, this is not about that.

Hahaha, I really doubt my friend would buy something like this, he's... I dunno how to explain him, but if you knew him you'd know what he was like almost instantly. He could be curious enough to find out what one was, but I highly doubt him ever purchasing one.

As far as that liberating feeling, I know what you mean, but honestly I'd prefer if people didn't know for now.

Darwin 2

Evangelist! 😛

He's a great friend, known him since... Sophomore year I think. We've sat together in lunch every day from then on talking about random stuff(Ninjas, Zombies, Portal(game), etc. etc.)... Except senior year, then we sat with each other every other day, cause they were trying out partial block scheduling.

As far as youth, he's very mature and can definately keep secrets. He's not one to go blabbing what I say is "top-secret" to other people. I know I could trust him with information, but I don't know what he would do once he received said information. Would he be fine with it? Would he start removing me from his life? Would he start acting odd around me? (I know you can't answer these questions.)


Thank you very much. You've all been very helpful to me, and there isn't much longer to go.

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A couple of thoughts about purchasing aneros and accessories ....if you are within travel distance of NYC or several other cities there are several retail shops where you can buy aneros products. Try googling retailers will be amazed how many places in a variety of cities deal in aneros products. If that is not possible ....for 36 dollars you can get a po box in the next town to where you live. It cost $36 for 6 months. If you get the smallest box possible the cost is cheap. The packages that you will recieve will not fit in it but the PO will put a note in your box that you have a package to pick up.

With a PO Box in anbother town there is no chance for home delivery because it is in the next town and you are the only one who knows that you have a package to pick up. Althought I am way older than 19 ....when I was 19 I used to mail order stuff this way that I didn't want my mom to know about.

You might consider this approach because trust me ....the first order will not be your last. Once you get one you will be buying others. If you research the best prices on line you will find that some of the retailers will not be very discrete in masking their return addresses.

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Update on the progression, or lack thereof to be more accurate:
- I may have to tell my friend in order to get him to help me, 'cause I'm not going to my parents for it. I don't care if it's in a box that only I know the contents of, I'm NOT going to let them see anything. Period. No ifs ands or buts. Human curiousity is NOT something that they lack.
-The current happening is this: He WAS going to take me there today, but he has work now in 30ish minutes from when I'm writing this. If only I'd gotten out earlier... Ugh! Now he says he's going to give me the ticket/receipt thing they put on his door instead of the package saying that they have the package there and are keeping it for me. He also says "It's no big deal, you can just go get it right?" God I just want to yell WRONG! so badly and still have everything be right with the world... Every damn thing goes wrong, just typical of my life. Try and acquire something and the whole thing backfires in my face.

-- I'm ticked right now, forgive the rude language. I'm just sick of everything going wrong lately.

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Hello compy, 🙂

I have much compassion for your situation. And can understand why you are upset.
I often find that when I start to feel like the world is operating against me, and nothing goes right, that a change in my perception and attitude is in order. This usually revolves around remembering to surrender and accept what happens in my life, particularly if something occurs in a manner that I did not expect or want it to happen. From an intellectual point of view, I find it pointless to get upset over things that I cannot control. Even though I still do at times. Nobodies perfect. 😛

When I can surrender, accept, breathe deeply, relax, and allow things to just be, rather than attempt to interfere. The journey of life flow much smoother and pleasanter.

Just remember, neither yourself or anyone else will be physically harmed or killed from finding out what you ordered. What you are doing is completely normal human sexual curiosity. And this applies to even if any of your friends or family disagree. Then it would be time to put up the necessary psychological boundaries with these people and consider finding more accepting friends.

I don't suspect that anything terrible is going to happen from what has occurred. But in the state of mind you are in, that is certainly difficult to see.

I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you do a search on the Internet about the topics of shame and guilt. These are two nasty things that occur around the topic of sex and all kinds of other things time and time again. I've learned a lot about myself from doing this. And have learned over time to let some of it go, and hope to continue to let the rest of it go as I'm ready to.

Trust that all will be well. By focusing on what is positive in your life, and being grateful for it, you will bring forth more of this positive abundance. We tend to attract into our lives what we think about. When all you see is the wrong things happening in life, that is what will continue to happen, and that is the way you will interpret it.

I trust that things will work out for the best for you.

Love is Peace

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Thank you Love_is, you see the world waaaay differently from me. I have the biggest trouble with seeing the silver lining and stuff like that, as well as accepting what has happened. I hate when things go wrong for me, especially when so many wrong things happen within a short distance of each other.


One last one for a while I hope.

- I'm requesting a redelivery, because I can.
- Questions concerning the redelivery form:
-- Where should I put the c/o "friendsnamehere" at? In the "special notes" section?
-- Phone number, although required, is something I don't see necessary since they've made it to his house before without problem. Would it be wise to put a fake number? Should I ask my bud if I can use his number?

And now for something completely random and pointless.
Oh man today was good. I only had one class, then my family(most of it anyways) went to breakfast, then I came home and slept from 11AM to 3PM. Ahh... I needed that. 😀

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i can't be sure that the c/o will prevent the signature requirement. i was just speculating.

so i guess you have the answer of whether they would give the package to your father --no.

can't you get over to the post office somehow and sign for it??? hire a taxi. borrow a bicycle. get a lift with a friend. walk.

redelivery seems like it might start a whole new can of worms.

that said, the c/o can go in Address line 1, and his street can go in Address line 2. (most sites have this structure.)

the phone number doesn't matter. nobody's gonna call it.


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Hello compy,

Your welcome. 🙂
Don't get the wrong idea. What I wrote is the best possible outlook I can imagine in my life. But practicing it is not all that easy, and I don't always successfully achieve those ideals. I try to do my best. That is all that I can ask of myself.

It saddens me to see people caught up in the same negative perceptions and interpretations of their life that I often find myself caught up in. So this was just my way of offering some hope to see a different way through what you are experiencing.

Love is Peace

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Here's hoping that it does prevent a signature requrement.

Yeah, I was freaking out that day... I realized that wouldn't be possible for them to do.

I was going to if this went wrong, but we'll see how this turns out.*

It may, it may not. Here's hoping that it doesn't start a whole new can of worms.

I phoned in the redelivery request.*



Ah... okay. So you just kind of try for the best look of it or something? It's good that some people can think that way.

Well sometimes it just happens, you know? You have one too many bad things happen to you and all of a sudden you're realizing your neck deep in troubles.


Anyways, thank you both.

* I requested redelivery today, I hope it arrives soon. It should arrive at his house and not need a signature. I think I got everything straightened out with the post office, so all should be well and I should have my Helix within a week hopefully.
Now the only thing I hope is that my friend doesn't bring it over at an inopportune time, look up the return address(High Island Health), open it, or get pissed off at me. Or any combination of those things. Or any unforseen event that either damages our friendship or makes things very awkward for me, either around him or my parents.

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EEEEE!!! It's here it's here it's here!!!
Err... technically it's at my friend's house, and I may have to wait a bit to get it. I can't get it today, my mom is here, and probably won't be leaving until I have to go to work. Hopefully Monday I will be able to get it from him...

In the meantime... I'm hoping he won't look it up, like always.
If he does, which I hope he doesn't, and am fairly certian he wont, but if he does, I really hope that either he just keeps his mouth shut or doesn't demand that I tell him what it is...

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a search for high island health does not come to this site.

it goes to , which is a site for prostate health, if that helps.


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I am afraid that thecompy is going to pop before he gets to his first session! Remember guy, don't expect too much that first time out! Listen to me, he might be one of the lucky ones! Good luck thecompy.

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Thecompy... Reading over your various posts I can see you have had quite a bit of turmoil with your getting to this point of getting your Helix. Helix was the first Aneros that I purchased and I too had a lot of reservation over getting it. It was not my parents but my family members that also receive packages here that concerned me. I decided that I wanted it and whatever happened, happened, and then I would deal with it. This is my way of commenting to you about relaxing your concerns over your friend and if he will explore the origin of the package that he is holding for you. If he should check it out and confront you about what what it is - relax. I presume he is about the same age as you. If he is at all healthy he will be having some of the same sexual release feelings as you. Perhaps he too would like to order one. Maybe he would also want to just keep this to himself. It is impossible to consider all of the what ifs and buts of any situation. Just go with your gut feeling if a situation arises.

Just one other thing. Once you do get your Helix. Find a quit time in your day, night or week when you can relax within yourself before you even try to use the Helix. I am sure you have read many of the posts here and the suggestions so I won't add any of my own other than if doesn't seem to work out the first time, try another time. If though your excitement you are unable to use it as long as you wanted, try another time.

I wish you the best.

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you certainly went through a lot of trouble, i just ordered it when my parents were on vacation.
but you should always think about this: if people around you aren't ok with aneros use, think about what they miss out on when you achieve the super o.

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darwin -- It's still semi-embarrassing if he knows what those are intended for... Even if it is for medical purposes...

Buster -- Naw, I won't burst. Hehe, here's hoping I'm a lucky one. Quite often I am either lucky or very unlucky, never in the middle.

GeminiDon -- I dunno about my buddy. I mean, he's the same age and all, but he seems all asexual and stuff. "If through your excitement you are unable to use it as long as you wanted"... Huh? Premature finish?

pocketjacks -- Wow, I wish my parents would leave me home alone and go on vacation to some boring place. Whenever we go it's a huge family thing and everyone has to go, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. That's a good way to think of it.


Anyways, to my point of posting. Just a quick question for the people here. Lube application on the Helix itself? Kay, so, lube goes on the Helix, in the hole, and on the hole too, I know that. It goes on and in the hole with the help of a finger, I know that too. Though, is there any specific way I should apply it to the Helix? Or just pick my own way and go from there.

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Or just pick my own way and go from there.

You've just given yourself the best advice you'll ever receive.

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the marksman lube is in little single-serving units that are meant to be inserted into your butt directly. insert and squeeze. put a little vaseline or similar (not lotion) on the helix and in your hole. just a little to slide it through your hole. not too much to make a mess.

think of the lubing in two phases. you need to lube your anus (the door) to get stuff in, and you need to lube your rectum (the interior) so the aneros slides around in there.


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I am in a similar position as Compy was, though not as extreme. This thread has actually really helped me plan for how to get my hands on a Helix, although I still have more details to work out myself. Thank you all for going through this so I wouldn't need quite so much support when I start. 🙂

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