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can somebody recommend a brand of coconut oil.

i want it to be thin enough to use w/ a syringe.


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Coconut oil is coconut oil.

Choose any brand that is organic. Then there are two kinds - unrefined and refined.

Unrefined has slightly lower melting point than refined and seems thinner, but my experience is that refined lasts longer as a lube. But both change state at seventy-some degrees F, so depending on where you live and the ambient room temperature it will be solid or liquid in the jar.

But whether solid or liquid, all you need is one middle finger of it to pre-lube your rectum. Then wash hands and coat your Aneros and slip it in. I cool mine in the fridge (not the freezer) first so that the oil solidifies on application, then you get more oil on the job when inserted. And in a hot place, it's lovely and refreshing when it goes in cool.

One application lasts me a good two hours.

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I agree with GrandTiger's assessment.

I use a syringe but have considered making a coconut oil "suppository"...a small ice cube tray in the refrigerator should work...

It also works very well for exterior activities...smells good, does not get sticky like water-based lubes, a little goes a long way...


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We've been using coconut oil for a few months now; Wal-Mart seems to have the best price. Where we live it's usually so warm that it never really solidifies so keeping it in the refrigerator is something we've been considering, along with pouring some of it into a lotion dispenser to keep by the bed-the best of both worlds, lol!
It has no odor or taste but it is EXTREMELY slippery so make sure to be very careful once it's on your hands, and do yourself a favor and always put the cap back on immediately.
One of my favorite things about it is that it resembles come when hubby pours it into his hands or onto himself (he kind of makes a production of it now that he knows about this) and it gets me even hotter than I already am. 😳

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That's a great idea Virg, to make coconut oil suppositories in the fridge. I've been putting my massager in the fridge and then coating it with liquid oil which then solidifies. But even then some melts too quickly as I'm inserting it and I have to wipe around it with a tissue. I like your idea better because the suppositories will be very solid having been kept longer in the fridge and will slide in with less loss.

Thanks Virg, I'll try it out; it should be very refreshing too.

Buttercup, I found the refined coconut oil to be completely tasteless and odorless, but the unrefined does have a very pleasant coconut flavor and smell. Ooooooooo Buttercup, I'm so happy for you and your hubby enjoying each other so much. You are hot stuff 🙂 By the way, the refined oil, which evidently you have, is intended for "cooking" at medium to high heat!

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GT, the bottle doesn't say refined or unrefined, but I did buy it in the latin cooking section of Wal-Mart so you're probably right. All I know is that it doesn't smoke no matter how hot we get! 😀

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the coconut oil sounds thick. how do you get it into the syringe?


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It depends on the temperature. It goes solid where I live, so I run it under some hot water or let it float in a bowl of hot water, then I just suck it up or pour it into the syringe.


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Hi Guys!

This sounds like something I would like to try!

Is it condom safe (latex)???


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...having successfully used KY and Vaseline since the start of my journey, I have read the various lube threads with interest. This one has me raising an eyebrow due to content I read elsewhere.

Is coconut oil safe to use due to the saturated fats? I'm getting to the age where cholesterol is becoming harder to manage and my cheeseburger days are behind me. Is there an unsaturated fat version of coconut oil on the shelf at Wal-mart?

I'm keen to find a healthier lube but there are so many conflicting bits of data on this topic.

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It turns out that coconut oil is very healthy for the arteries.

It was the soy industry that was responsible for the big lie that tropical oils are bad. They lied to promote the sale of soy products. For that reason I try to avoid soy as much as possible.

Soy enjoy coconut oil in both ends of your digestive tract for good health.

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mobilesub, etal.

I just went to the cupboard and pulled out four different vegetable oils and compared labels, based on one tablespoon, they all had 120 calories, 0mg. of cholesterol, 0mg. of sodium, 0g. of total carbohydrate and 14g. of total fat. It is in the total fat distribution that they differ as follows
Almond – 1g. – 4g. – 9g.
Walnut - 1.2g. - 8.5g. - 3.1g.
Olive – 2g. – 2g. – 10g.
Soybean – 2g. – 8g. – 3g.
Shea butter - 6.45. - 0.7g. - 6.1g.
Coconut – 12g. – 1g. – 1g.

Regarding the types of fats :
Monounsaturated fat is considered to be probably the healthiest type of general fat. It has none of the adverse effects associated with saturated fats, trans-fats or omega-6 polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Sources of monounsaturated fat : Olive oil (73 per cent) rapeseed oil (60 per cent) hazelnuts (50 per cent) almonds (35 per cent) Brazil nuts (26 per cent) cashews (28 per cent) avocado (12 per cent) sesame seeds (20 per cent) pumpkin seeds (16 per cent).
Health benefits of monounsaturated fat : Monounsaturated fat is believed to lower cholesterol and may assist in reducing heart disease. Like polyunsaturated fat it provides essential fatty acids for healthy skin and the development of body cells.
Monounsaturated fat is also believed to offer protection against certain cancers, like breast cancer and colon cancer.
Monounsaturated fats are typically high in Vitamin E, the anti-oxidant vitamin which is usually in short supply in many Western diets.
Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, if not over-heated, provides a range of phyto-chemicals and phenols which help to boost immunity and maintain good health.
Regarding polyunsaturated fats, researchers found that reduced risk for coronary heart disease (CHD) was more closely associated with an increased consumption of polyunsaturated fats (e.g., soft, trans fat-free margarines made from soybean and canola oil). In fact, an increase in polyunsaturated fat consumption is found to have a greater reduction in CHD risk than increased fruit intake or reduced smoking.

Regarding saturated fats :
“The much-maligned saturated fats which Americans are trying to avoid are not the cause of our modern diseases. In fact, they play many important roles in the body chemistry:
• Saturated fatty acids constitute at least 50% of the cell membranes. They are what gives our cells necessary stiffness and integrity.
• They play a vital role in the health of our bones. For calcium to be effectively incorporated into the skeletal structure, at least 50% of the dietary fats should be saturated.
• They lower Lp(a), a substance in the blood that indicates proneness to heart disease. They protect the liver from alcohol and other toxins, such as Tylenol.
• They enhance the immune system.
• They are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty acids.
• Elongated omega-3 fatty acids are better retained in the tissues when the diet is rich in saturated fats.
• Saturated 18-carbon stearic acid and 16-carbon palmitic acid are the preferred foods for the heart, which is why the fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated. The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress.
• Short- and medium-chain saturated fatty acids have important antimicrobial properties. They protect us against harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract.“

As one can see all three of these types of fat have their value in diets, it is up to you to determine a healthy balance. It seems to me any of the oils listed above would be acceptable (except the soybean oil – see Zaneblue’s commentary on soy products effects on orgasmic potential) as long as one adjusts his dietary intake of those fats through meals accordingly.
I am more comfortable with these simple natural products than I am with the highly processed chemically assembled lubrication products, but that’s just my bias. Each of us has to weigh the potential benefits of good lube versus long term health effects. It is difficult to make logical decisions without a modicum of information about those unfamiliar chemical compounds in the commercial personal lubes. I know this may not answer questions of long term lube safety, but guys, we are a defacto test group for long term intense anal play. There are going to be some long term surprises, we just don’t know what they are.

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There is also an organic "EXPELLED PRESSED" coconut oil which is MUCH cheaper. I bought a 14 oz. jar made by Tree of Life for $3.50

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Thanks for going to the trouble to gather and post the data...

I have reviewed tons and tons of this type of material, just to come to the conclusion that, for our purposes, there is no perfectly safe oil, or any of lube material, for Aneros activities. The lesser of two (hundred?) evils is hard to determine...

There are a few oils that may be better than coconut oil but they are pretty hard to find. More on those at a later date...

I totally agree with you that we are a "defacto" test group, whether we like it or not. In my thread -
The REAL question about the Aneros world - I tried to raise questions and concerns about how the Aneros process involves risks that are outside of typical sex play. No manner how many users want to believe it is no different than other sex play, it does have fundemental differences... I truly believe there are going to be long term effects but as you said, those are still unknown...

All we can do is be smart, be careful, and keep looking for answers...

Thanks again


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All we can do is be smart, be careful, and keep looking for answers...


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After all these years of sexual activity of all sorts, it took getting an Aneros, and reading this forum to find out that glycerin based lubes were %99 of the problem when it came to any irritation I was experiencing after anal play, (either on my own, or with significant other ;-)). After reading this forum, I dumped, (heh... "dumped"... ), the glycerin stuff, got me some non-glycerin lubes, ( stuff from the Essentials line), and et voila! No freakin' irritation!

btw- coconut oil absolutely ROCKS 😆 ! It may even take the place of the Essentials, at least in regard to the Progasm ;-).

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So far the coconut oil is working out the best for me.

I have adopted idea of using the ice tray to create suppositories. It really works, even though the little buggers are a little jagged, they start melting when you put them up there and are not a problem to insert.

There is a limit to how much can be applied, as it wants to melt. That's fine, and kind of a self limiting issue. If I need more, I can stop and insert another cube.

The ride is just fine. I feel like I should be a little more careful about overdoing it, and frankly following the KSMO way of going about things, it's probably not such a bad thing. I can have several Os of various size within an hour time frame. In a perfect world, it would be a little stiffer and able to withstand longer sessions, but that's OK right now. Maybe if I take off with the KSMO stuff, it will be a mute point.

I also have fewer worries now that I am putting something in my system that my body may not be able to so easily eliminate. I have wondered in the past when I have observed a bit of vaseline in the toilet and watched there, day after day, and wondered about it in my own water based system would get rid of it. Cleanup after coconut oil is a breeze compared to vaseline.

Thanks to all for the research and ideas. It's coconut oil in Peridise for me for the near future. 😈 😀

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I have to wonder just how much worse, it at all, good ol' Crisco could be for you? ❓

It is cheap, and a food based product. I mean, if the digestability of something is the final litmus test, why not?

I like the coconut oil, but it does not stick quite as well as Crisco. I really don't feel right with Vaseline, even though it works the best. I am feeling wary about the long term effect of using a petroleum based product up there.

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Just a quick update- I've found that a small amount of Vaseline around the outside of the anus, coupled with an internal rectal application of either 5 to 10 ml's of non-glycerine lube, OR a 2.5 to 10 ml coconut oil "suppository" to be HIGHLY effective ;-). I then apply a light amount of lube directly to the aneros. I use an oral syringe for the non-glycerine lube, or a finger for the coconut suppository. This may all be "slippery" overkill, but it's fun, AND feels good... 😀

One word of warning- a homemade 10 ml coconut oil suppository kept in the refrigerator has it's own pleasures, (that brief shock of cold, and feeling it melt "up there", etc.), but it is a LOT of oil, and leaking is inevitable... this can be fun cuz it's really slippery, but give a thought to bedding, undergarments, etc... 😉 I have had no issues with leakage with any volume of non-glycerine lube, or with the 2.5 to 5 ml coconut oil. Ain't experimenting fun ;-)?

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Well on the recommendation here, I decided to go splurge on some coconut oil. I got the Expeller Pressed Virgin stuff. I got to tell you, it turned out being kind of messy. The great thing here is that it made some great pan fried potatoes. The one thing I will say is that I would not be cooking with Vaseline.

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I got to tell you, it turned out being kind of messy. The great thing here is that it made some great pan fried potato's. The one thing I will say is that I would not be cooking with Vaseline.

That's kinda funny... ;-). I'm assuming you ate the fried potatoes, as opposed to applying them at the "other" end 😯 ? Anyway, the only mess I had was if I used a little too much coconut oil, and got "leakage". The stuff I have is from the Asian section of the market, and is solid at room temp. I put a spoonful in a small paper cup, and hold that in a bowl of hot water until the oil melts. I took an old chap stick tube, and removed the screw mechanism, poured the liquid oil into the bottom opening of the chap stick tube while the cap is on, aiming for about 1/2 a tube's worth, (a full tube was too much). Refrigerate until solid, (usually just a few minutes), and then push the resulting plug out with whatever works, (chop stick, pencil, etc.). You can't handle the plug for any length of time before it starts to melt, but a quick push with a finger in the right direction should have a "melt in your butt, not in your hands" result 😀

This may all sound complicated and time consuming, but it just takes a minute or 2, and the clean up is simple... a spoon, the chap stick tube, and the water bowl. I'm a very tactile oriented person, and the commercial lubes are decent, but there's something about the way the coconut oil feels that makes it much more enjoyable for me. At least you tried it though, and as I've mentioned, experimenting is part of the fun... ;-).

btw- I like pan fried potatoes... I use olive oil, (NO Vaseline... 😯 ) and add a little onion, garlic, paprika, salt, pepper and tarragon... 😆

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Hey Big Guy,

That does sound like a great way to use it. I was wondering how quick it would melt if you threw it in the freezer in an ice cube tray or something.

I got some of that Marksman lube from Aneros and I measure out what the "recommended" dosage was in them and it measured out to 1 teaspoon. I thought that was interesting because when I have used those applicators in the past I have gone for up to 2 teaspoons of lube. Just another economical message brought to you by the great people at Aneros.

You should try some rosemary on those spuds. I was out of onion but the coconut flavor was good in them. And yes, I ate them!

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i am making progress in my coconut oil explorations.

i got two jars, both by Spectrum:
- Organic Virgin unrefined
- Organic refined

for the purposes at hand, erotic not culinary, i like the refined much better because it doesn't smell like coconut. if i lived alone, unrefined would be ok, but, i can't go around exuding coconut scent every time i've had a little private time. that would be embarrassing. i will say the unrefined smells divine, and would undoubtedly be spectacular in food, as reported by buster.

so far i have only gotten a chance to test the coconut oil (refined) in a traditional hand and wiener setting. it performed very well, approximately like the famous and ever trusty albolene. it is a little thinner (no parafin), and melts alluringly almost instantly at hand temperature. it is very slippery, natural feeling and lasts.

the next challenge is you know what, with the big issue being how to inject. i got the latex free syringe from walgreens, and will also test a large medicine dropper.

big guy, the quick melt in a spoon w/ hot water is a good tip.

i also have a vision of using a lighter. it would be particularly evocative and hilarious to be melting white stuff in a spoon and sucking it into a syringe, to inject into my body for an endorphins high... new age junk and works! (making the term ass-crack even more applicable).

i'll keep y'all posted.


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That does sound like a great way to use it. I was wondering how quick it would melt if you threw it in the freezer in an ice cube tray or something.

I got some of that Marksman lube from Aneros and I measure out what the "recommended" dosage was in them and it measured out to 1 teaspoon. I thought that was interesting because when I have used those applicators in the past I have gone for up to 2 teaspoons of lube. Just another economical message brought to you by the great people at Aneros.

You should try some rosemary on those spuds. I was out of onion but the coconut flavor was good in them. And yes, I ate them!

The freezer is a pretty cool idea... (heh... "cool"... ;-)), but I think someone else in a "lube" thread mentioned that oil "cubes" were a little "pointy" to start out with. The frozen oil holds up better while being handled before insertion, and gives more of a "cold shock" on insertion, (which actually feels good... ;-)). It melts very quickly there after. The only other drawback is the extra waiting time for the oil to reach freezer temps 8) .

When it comes to standard lubes, I also like the larger amounts, (up to 2 teaspoons, (10 ml)), injected with an oral syringe, and then a little lube on the aneros itself, as well. However, the oil behaves so much differently, that for me, anyway, "more" is not always better. Anything over 1 1/2 teaspoons of the oil internally tends to leak back out, and it doesn't clean up as easily as the water soluble lubes do.

btw... rosemary is indeed tasty with the potatoes... another tasty variation is a little cumin seed, (whole, or ground), with crushed red pepper flakes to taste... 😀

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i am making progress in my coconut oil explorations.

i got two jars, both by Spectrum:
- Organic Virgin unrefined
- Organic refined

for the purposes at hand, erotic not culinary, i like the refined much better because it doesn't smell like coconut. if i lived alone, unrefined would be ok, but, i can't go around exuding coconut scent every time i've had a little private time. that would be embarrassing. i will say the unrefined smells divine, and would undoubtedly be spectacular in food, as reported by buster.

big guy, the quick melt in a spoon w/ hot water is a good tip.

i also have a vision of using a lighter. it would be particularly evocative and hilarious to be melting white stuff in a spoon and sucking it into a syringe, to inject into my body for an endorphins high... new age junk and works! (making the term ass-crack even more applicable).

i'll keep y'all posted.


Hey darwin,

Yeah, I use the refined form for the same reasons... it would be way too hard explaining why I and the whole house have taken on an exotic tropical fragrance... ;-). I don't do a lot of sun bathing, so the old "it's only suntan lotion" ploy wouldn't work :D.

I have yet to try the liquid oil in the syringe- let me know how that works for you. I also have the oral syringe from Walgreens, but have been using it exclusively for commercial lubes.

Ass-crack... heh... 😆

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got a chance to try it.

i put a glop of oil into my left hand, where it melted, and, with a few false starts, was able to suck it up into the syringe using only my right hand.

a downside to the walgreens latex-free syringe is that it is kind of fat, about like the eupho. it takes a cooperative butt to get it in comfortably. it needs to go in past the internal sphincter to deliver the goods. one thing you don't want is to tear or annoy your anus during the procedure, as that will definitely detract from your session.

i injected 3mm of liquefied coco oil.

the session was pretty good!

but... after a half hour, when i was done, i removed the peridise (largest), and was sad to see that it felt dry, not slippery.

so i consider that run of coconut a partial failure.

i will try more lube next time, to see if that corrects the problem.


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I do consider the lack of "sticking power", as you have noted, to be a bit of a liability with the coconut oil. I have noted this as well and find that going beyond an hour is somewhat uncomfortable.

I am curious what compelling reason folks have for not liking good old Crisco as an adjunct or a primary lubricant. It is a processed product, and like coconut oil totally edible. It does "stick" better than coconut oil, and as far as I know is broken down nearly as easily in the body as the coconut oil.

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The Lone Rider, The current formula for “Crisco” shortening is : soybean oil, sunflower oil, fully hydrogenated palm oil, mono- and diglycerides, TBHQ and citric acid. Hydrogenated oils are trans fats that alter the body’s metabolizing of cholesterol, (lowering HDL and raising LDL levels). The older formula had very high levels of trans fats. While the current formula has lowered the trans fat level to less than 0.5g per serving (1 tblsp.), it is still present. At this level it probably poses only a minor health risk as a food source but it is unknown what effects its absorption through the rectum might be. Additionally, @Zaneblue has reported the negative effects of soy products on her "Orgasmic Diet". These are probably only minor concerns for healthy individuals but you must use your own good judgment regarding what you put into your body.

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Thanks for sharing the link.

I can see where the ingredients in Crisco might present some issues. Perhaps a "Crisco-like" solution may be in order. There is a product called Spectrum Organic All Vegetable Shortening. It consists of full non-hydrogenated mechanically pressed palm oil. It has zero trans fat, and is cholesterol free.

The consistency is very similar to Crisco, and it is relatively cost effective relative to Crisco.

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The coconut oil suppositories got me to thinking, what about coconut oil softgels? I did a quick search, and discovered 1000mg softgels at Vitamin World: . You can even buy 4000mg softgels at GNC: . Would these work, or is the softgel a problem?

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