Why do some guys use cock rings or rings that go around their balls in sessions, espically when its not meant to be involved in the focus of a session?
I have tried wearing a ball stretcher a few times. Besides the fact that it feels nice to have it tugging your balls, I've heard it should help in preventing ejaculation (my sessions usually end in a handsfree wet o).
Why do some guys use cock rings or rings that go around their balls in sessions...?
@cko23 is correct, cock rings, testicle cuffs and ball stretchers all can impart added erotic stimulation to one's play session thus increasing your arousal level. Additionally, these devices can make reaching an ejaculatory orgasm more difficult due to their effect of limiting the ability of the Cremaster muscle to pull the testicles up close to the body when nearing the PONR and the onset of the ejaculatory reflex. This effect is beneficial for men seeking to induce multiple prostate based dry orgasms and the ability to prolong their pleasure sessions without incurring the male refactory period which typically follows an ejaculatory orgasm.
Good Vibes to You !
I ejaculate way too easily, including during aneros sessions.
I tried some cock rings and/or ball stretchers but my balls are almost always very retracted so it's almost impossible to "stretch" them.
When I can eventually during the session the pressure becomes very high and eventually a ball will "escape".
I don't know how I can do to make my balls more loose 🙂
@RSilva : i don't know what type of stretcher you have been using, but with the one i use, 'escaping' is impossible, as the stretcher is very tight around the ballsac. I even had to do some modifications to loosen it up a bit.
@RSilva : i don't know what type of stretcher you have been using, but with the one i use, 'escaping' is impossible, as the stretcher is very tight around the ballsac. I even had to do some modifications to loosen it up a bit.
Well I have some and all have the same "problem".
I have this: https://www.lovehoney.eu/product.cfm?p=35315
I also try to adapt cock rings or whatever to try it, but it either can't prevent a ball from slipping in or it gets really painful when I get more aroused.
I don't think it's the problem of the ball stretcher, I think it's me.
My balls are almost never "loose", only with a lot of heat or something. Most of the time they are retracted.
If I get aroused they retract a lot as if they're internal organs.
It's even extremely difficult to "pick" one in this case as they're so inside the body.
I don't know if they're too big for the scrotum or whatever.
Here is a video of me having a session, notice how although the scrotum kinda has the ball shape "drawn" they are a bit inside the body.
I have premature ejaculation don't know how much this affects it.
I don't even know if it's "normal", apparently people have way looser balls but I don't know if I'm still in the normal range.