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Chronic Prostatitis for 6 years with weak orgasms. Need advice on prostate milking

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Hello all, just want to share my story here hoping that someone has an answer. I suffer from chronic bacterial prostatitis for 6 years now and the main symptoms that I have are weak unsatisfactory orgasms, low libido, and low sensitivity in penis. I know that these symptoms are caused by the bacterial infection in my prostate. I went to many urologists over the years and none of them have an answer for why I have these symptoms. In 2015, I went to this doctor and I told him about my prostatitis condition and told him about the symptoms that I just described and he believes it's the prostatitis causing those symptoms. He asked me if he can perform a DRE. I'm pretty certain a lot of people on here know what DRE is but for those who don't, it's when a doctor puts his finger up your ass and massage your prostate to feel if it's enlarged or not. Well when that doctor did this to me, 1-2 drops of prostatic fluid came out. Later on that night, I masturbated and guess what? My sensitivity came back, my orgasms were stronger and my ejaculate looks more healthy (before it was really watery instead of a healthy white substance). At first I didn't attribute the improvement in symptoms to the DRE. I thought it was something that I ate or drink that improved the condition of my prostate. Then I realized it was the prostate massage/milking that helped improved my orgasms, libido and sensitivity, which makes sense because when you milk the prostate, it gets rid of the trapped bacteria-filled fluid from the prostate which improves the symptoms. Unfortunately, after about 2 days, my symptoms came back which makes sense, as the fluid in the prostate gets filled back up and the bacteria colonies multiply again.

For years I didn't know why my orgasms were weak, I thought it was some kind of chemical imbalance in my brain or something but now I'm starting to believe it's because of the bacteria in the prostate. I mean the prostate has a lot of nerves and it's the "G spot" for men, so if it gets infected then it is not surprising that it would affect sensation and feeling. This is why I stopped going on the chronic prostatitis forums to search for answers and instead decided to go on this forum for answers since this forum talks about prostate massage and milking and improving orgasms.

I had this for so long and I missed out on a lot of opportunities with women and it affects me on every level. Living with weak orgasms and low libido and low sensitivity really takes the pleasure and quality out of life and right now I'm just really desperate to restore my sexual functions back to normal to the way it was before I had prostatitis. I been and still am depressed about this condition. I just really want it to go back to normal.

My orgasms and the contractions associated with my orgasms are very weak and unsatisfactory. Before developing this disease, my orgasms were really good. I was able to have that pleasurable feeling that you feel right before orgasm, the feeling that something is about to burst, that there was going to be a "big finale", if that makes sense. It's that anticipating feeling. And then finally during orgasm, there's that "big finale" and the release would feel extremely pleasurable and intense and satisfactory afterwards. After getting prostatitis, I don't experience that anymore. It's almost as if orgasm/ejaculation just provides a small relief instead of the pleasurable satisfaction I mentioned. There's no big finale and the contractions don't feel as good as before. And the length of those contractions are a bit shorter than before. And I notice these weak orgasms were directly related to the color of my ejaculate. Whenever it was weak, my ejaculate would always be more watery instead of white looking.

My orgasms just feels like there is a lot less pleasure and a lot less intensity and satisfaction than before. I notice the length of each contraction is a lot shorter than before I got this disease. The number of contractions I get is less too. I think before this disease I would get like 5-8 contractions, all of them were intense and pretty long. Now it's only 3-5 and very short in length.I don't feel satisfied after having these weak orgasms, in fact it leaves me frustrated and depressed.

I know that if I get rid of the bacteria from my prostate, it would improve my orgasms a lot and in order to get rid of bacteria i need to milk my prostate and remove the trapped fluid from there and maybe combine prostate milking with an antibiotic. That's my plan. But I really don't know which prostate milking tool/toy to get that is right for me. I'm a really small guy, asian descent, only standing at 5 feet 2. I am not experienced with the aneros, I only tried the aneros 5 times in order to milk my prostate and cause fluid to come out but it didn't help me achieve that so I stopped using it. It was the SGX. I just need to find a prostate milking tool that would help me milk as much fluid out from my prostate as possible. I've read that the Njoy Pure Wand is capable of that but it seems fairly big for a small guy like me. The diameter on the small end is 1 inch and 1.5 inch on the bigger end. 1 inch on the smaller end might be too big for a guy like me and I'm scared of damaging my prostate by using something that is too big. That is another thing, I am really afraid of hurting myself and damaging my prostate permanently by either being too rough or by using something that is too big for my prostate. I'm afraid of causing more problems for my prostate and making things worse. I've thought about buying the Therawand Premium which has a 5/8 inch diameter which is around the same size as an average finger, but the problem with the Therawand is that it wasn't made specifically for prostate contact, in fact the manual that comes with it says specifically NOT to use it for prostate contact so it makes me a little nervous about using it off label for prostate milking whereas the Njoy Pure Wand was designed specifically for prostate contact except that with it's 1 inch diameter it may be too big for me. So I don't know which one to get and I don't know of any other good tools.

I really just want a safe tool that I can buy, preferably one that looks like the Njoy Pure Wand with two bulbs at the end but has the same diameter as the Therawand (5/8 ") but so far I haven't seen any tools like that.

Can anyone show me any safe and effective tools to use for the purpose of prostate milking and causing a release of prostatic fluid? Or should I take a chance and go with either the Njoy Pure Wand or the Therawand Premium? It would be great if there's a tool that can do that and is safe and can milk as much fluid as the urologist when he performs a prostate milking or even more.

Also I just found out recently that I have very low vitamin D levels. My vitamin D level is at 12 which is dangerously low. I just started on a vitamin D supplement (2000 IU) and I notice some improvement in my libido and sensitivity in penis. However my orgasms are still weak. I heard Vitamin D is connected to prostate health which makes me wonder, is low vitamin D levels contributing to my weak orgasms as well? I know that the bacteria is but I don't know if the low vitamin D levels is also the I guess I have to wait until my vitamin D levels are back in normal range to see if it makes a difference in my orgasms. I'm pretty sure it's mainly the bacteria causing the weak orgasms. and lastly:

Does anyone know how bacteria can cause orgasms to be weak? Does it affect the nerves in the prostate? I know that it's the bacteria but I don't know exactly how the bacteria causes weak orgasms?

Anyways sorry for the long post, just desperate for some answers and help. any help is much appreciated, thank you for reading.

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@onepunchman Thanks for sharing your story! Right-off, I will say that IMHO, none of us here on the Forum are "qualified" to medically comment on your condition. But I have a couple of suggestions for you. First, I did read that chronic bacterial prostatitis may need more than one treatment with antibiotics to be effective. Have you been seen by your urologist recently?

Secondly, IMHO, contrary to your belief, regular Aneros use will "milk" your prostate. You may not see the fluid immediately but it will find its way out of your prostate. Just because you don't see it after a session does not necessarily mean that it didn't work. I would suggest continuing your Aneros use (with the SGX). I have the SGX too and like it. You may at some point consider purchasing another model that may be a bit more aggressive on your prostate, say the Helix (or Helix Syn). Then you can assess the effect they have on your symptoms. You should plan to do regular sessions, perhaps 2-3 times a week and observe the effects on your libido, your erections and your ejaculations. Good luck to you and please let us know of your progress!

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@goldenboy Hey thanks for the reply. I think for my case, I would need to find a device that can cause fluid to come out of the prostate in order to get rid of the bacteria. I'm not quite sure if the Aneros was designed for that purpose since it relies on the anal muscles to apply force which IMO isn't enough to cause fluid to be expelled. I've used the SGX for 1-2 hours and still saw no results out of the 5 or 6 times that I used it. I think that the amount of force that is needed to cause fluid to come out would be the same amount of force as a doctor's finger when he is performing a DRE or a prostate massage on a patient. Would be nice if there is a Gspot dildo that has the same diameter of an average finger that allows the user to rotate in order to target the left or right side of the prostate similar to how a doctor does it.

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@onepunchman, I am sorry to hear about your ongoing struggles with prostatitis, I know it is a difficult condition for doctors to effectively treat as many cases are actually not due to bacterial infections but other seemingly unrelated causes. You did not mention whether or not the doctor had the emitted fluid cultured to determine if there was in fact a bacterial infection. This should have been done so that a correct medication targeting the offending bacteria could be chosen.

There are some urologists who believe a treatment regime combining antibiotics with prostate massage to be very efficacious, perhaps a few believing prostate milking to also helpful in the healing process. As @goldenboy noted, we're not doctors here so you have to critically weigh any opinions offered here with your own doctor's educated opinion.

As @goldenboy also noted, your Aneros prostate massager may provide some milking effects but my own experience has shown it to be only minor. I've written extensively about prostate milking here on the forum and I think the njoy Pure Wand is an excellent device to accomplish a real prostate milking. While I do appreciate your concern for the sizes of the ball ends, I think you will find the small 1" diam. end easily accommodated with proper relaxation and lubrication. As you become more accustomed to that end you will eventually be able to accommodate the larger end ball as well. That tool will provide very good control as to the amount and location of pressure to be applied to your prostate, the seminal vesicles and general rectal tissue massage as well.

In between milkings using your Aneros will also provide increased incentive for your prostate to willingly participate in emissive behavior and perhaps ramp up your pleasure quotient too!
Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel I had prostatitis for years but got diagnosed with "nonbacterial prostatitis" in 2016. I didn't believe that my case was nonbacterial though, I feel like most if not all cases are bacterial but the problem is detecting the bacteria since most of the times the tests are unreliable. Last year I did sent a semen and prostate fluid sample to an independent lab and they found several bacterial strains that grew on the culture. They also foundt he antibiotic that works to kill it but it was a fluoroquinoline antibiotic, which is a very dangerous antibiotic that seems to cause people more health problems so I avoided taking it. I'm going to see if I can find a safer antibiotic that would work against my bacterial strains. I also believe that prostate milking combined with the right antibiotic can help a lot.

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​​​​​ ​@rumel hey do you think using the Njoy Pure wand every 2 days is too often? If i decide to buy it i plan on using it that often because when the doctor did the prostate milking on me my orgasms, libido and sensitivity improved but only for 2 days. After 2 days my weak orgasms came back. Would it be a problem doing a milking every 2-3 days using the Njoy?

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... hey do you think using the Njoy Pure wand every 2 days is too often?

Personally, I think that may be too often but I also think it depends on a number of factors. I do a milking about once every 7-10 days as I mentioned in @Spectre 's thread Is abstinence the trick?. I would suggest you try doing a gentle milking about once every 5 days for a month and see if your condition starts to improve. That may be sufficiently frequent enough, if not, try once every fourth day for a month. When I say a gentle milking, I mean only use a minimal amount of force, take your time (allow 20-30 mins of slow stroking with your wand), concentrate on relaxing all your pelvic floor muscles whilst doing it. Don't expect much ejaculate to be released, even a few drops should be considered a successful milking session at this frequency.

Would it be a problem doing a milking every 2-3 days using the Njoy?

I think there might be a problem with too frequent milking, in that your prostate may not have sufficient time to fully recharge itself which might then lead you to attempt a more forceful or vigorous massage to get some fluid discharge. This could be then become painful, injurious or perhaps even permanently damaging to your prostate, obviously a situation you will want to avoid. I think you will need to exercise patience to allow your body to get accustomed to this new practice regime, be gentle and loving in your action and intent and things may gradually improve as your system slowly flushes out the years of bacterial detritus and toxins.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks for the advice @rumel

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Hey @onepunchman just wanted to say I have quite a similar story to you although I have different symptoms. Yours are not what I have been led to believe are the main symptoms of prostatitis so if you do have it you got off lightly!

I am also small and I own a variety of products including the njoy pure wand. Although size wise it is ok (small head) I have rarely used it. I think this is mainly because it is quite awkward and you have to be a lot more hands on and know what you are doing compared to other aneros products. The only one that I have tried and was too big is the Vice... ouch.

Particularly as you are new I would recommend the aneros route first, but if you have the cash buy both. The njoy big end has added benefit of being great for ladies 😀

I am not experienced like a lot of guys on this forum, so only wanted to give advice in respect to the prostatitis and sizes. I wasn't really sure if they were helping or not but I had a good session with the helix trident last night and went from being in a lot of pain with other horrible symptoms to barely noticing it tonight. It is still too early to tell if this is coincidence but I have not been pain free in quite a while and it doesn't usually disappear so quickly so I am hopeful. I didn't leak loads but there was some there, I think early on and for people like us this is more likely to be the case but as you progress on the path this should improve and you will get more. Experts do you agree?

Another factor which will affect a lot of your symptoms are diet,exercise and stress ... somethings I need to pay more attention to.

Could you pm the test lab you used please?

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@Marco_Polo yep most people that have been diagnosed with chronic prostatitis tend to have a lot of pain. I don't really experience much pain, the only time there is pain is when i sit for long periods of time or eat spicy food. however, i don't think i got off on it lightly since this disease has been affecting my sexual functions to a great extent. living with weak orgasms, low libido, and not much sensitivity in penis is like living in a world of black and white. i mean if i can't enjoy or experience that kind of pleasure in life then it's not much of a life. i'm missing out on a lot and it's been this way for 6 years, it really affects me in a physical, mental, and social level. i think sexual symptoms of prostatitis are equally bothersome as pain symptoms...each symptoms has it's own unique difficulties. I envy many users on here that are able to have Super O's and mind blowing wet orgasms and for me i can't even experience a normal orgasm or derive any pleasure from it....what i would give to have my orgasms and sexual functions return to normal.

i think that the helix trident could be working for you if you notice results that quick, have you thought about combining prostate massage with an antibiotic? I'll pm you the lab that i used, it is 99.9% accurate and can find all the bacteria in a given sample and they can even tell you which antibiotics work to kill it. as for the prostate milking loads, i'm not too sure how much should come out but what i can say is that when i received a prostate milking from a urologist, a lot of fluid came out i think i had like 4-6 drops that came out so i'm really hoping the Njoy pure wand can milk around that amount or more. also, i been told by another member on here that jerking off while having the aneros in would help to get rid of more fluid compared to normal masturbation w/o the aneros. and yes i agree that diet exercise and stress plays a big role in symptoms

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I am in no way saying what you are suffering from is not horrible but..

The reason I said you got off lightly is most of us have the regular symptoms plus yours... and if you feel like you need to urinate all the time.. even straight after going.. you are in so much pain that you are rocking backwards and forwards, crying and drugging yourself senseless just to get some peace or a good nights sleep you don't have a libido either, plus when you do you get rewarded with lack of good sensations and more pain and irritation afterwards. Forget sex.. you don't have a life and can barely hold down a job, socialise or do anything normal. That is why it is up there in terms of life impact with crohn's disease and heart problems.

I envy them too and am in a similar boat, so am glad we both found this place and these tools. There is hope for us yet 🙂

I am already combining them with antibiotics! Thank you for the link, I had read about people who had success with DNA testing and that was my next go to, I have had all negatives so far but not sure I believe them and doctors have admitted false negatives can happen..

That is why I said if you have the money buy both, please tell me how you get on, part of my lack of use is the extra work and fear of unknown so I only recommend the aneros first as a stepping stone but would be keen to hear your results if you do use it.

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A lot of people have pain and low libido, and urinary symptoms but I only know like two people who has weak orgasms, low libido, sensitivity problems and urinary...Chronic Prostatitis causes a lot of suffering in general..i wouldn't wish it on anyone. The same for me the main thing that is stopping me from trying these tools is fear...fear of the unknown like you said and also fear of making matters worse but at this point i'm desperate for a solution and the benefits seem to outweigh the risks..hopefully. and i just don't like the idea of having to rely on a device to try and regain my sexual functions, like it should already be a given but I guess for our situation we do have to work for it. I'm trying to remain positive and hopeful that the more I milk my prostate with the wand, the more my prostate health improves and the less and less I have to do it to maintain the improvement until I get cured eventually. I'll definitely keep you updated in fact i was advised to start a blog on my experience which i might do as soon as i buy the toy. i owned an SGX before but i threw it away out of frustration that it didn't milk my prostate but now that there are people telling me to give it another try I'll definitely purchase another one but i'm going to see how it goes with the njoy pure wand first.

No problem man, I hope it works out for you! Please keep me updated as well would like to know how you are doing with the njoy wand and antibiotics. Also, i already said this in my original post but i feel like i need to say it again, I think there might be a link between low vitamin D levels and prostatitis. The many guys that i talked to that has prostatitis also had really low vitamin D levels including me so if you haven't already please get it checked. after starting on vitamin D3 supplement I felt some improvements in libido for the first few days when I took it and then after that the improvement went away but i'm going to keep taking it until my levels are back in the normal range and see if it helps or not.

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Do not let fear get in the way of the aneros, you can't really go wrong which is why I suggested first. It is a great training tool. You may not get out of it what others might at first but I would say it is harder to do any damage as long as you follow the instructions. I had the same problem with not getting results but I just put it in a box, bought more and read more.. progress is slow but I am trying to stay positive. Having said that I really should try the wand again, it is just not as convenient...

At times my vitamin D levels have been almost 0 but most of the time since discovering that I take supplements, for me the antibiotics stop most of the symptoms (only thing that really does) when I have an episode .but they do not cure, they just keep at bay. It seems to go down on it's own accord eventually but takes months.This leaves me with the options of either long term antibiotic use which concerns me or symptoms I cannot tolerate which scares me. I agree on not using floxacins, which are sadly some of the most effective. I have read so many horror stories about them and experienced the horrible side effects first hand, never again.

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