I've been an Aneros user now for about 6 months. The journey (such an appropriate word for it), has been amazing. I'm noticing that each session is better than the one before. My biggest issue was trying to avoid my penis during these sessions. I thought I had mastered it, but things have changed somewhat. My last few sessions have been incredibly pleasurable. The p-waves get more and more intense. More of my body gets involved--my legs tremble, my stomach flutters, my nipples are on fire, and my head spins! My penis alternates, getting hard and soft again, seemingly at will. I haven't experienced a super-O yet, but, because of the pleasure the Aneros has been giving me, I don't care, though it certainly feels as though I'm getting close. I get to a point, usually about 45 minutes into the session, where the sexual part just takes over and I masturbate myself into an incredible super-T, and those get better each time! I'm left breathless, content, and I sleep incredibly well. I know I need to separate the two areas--the prostate and the penis--and, as I said, I thought I had it solved, but now it's getting tougher. Have any of you had this experience? Were there steps that you took that helped you? I know greater things await me if I could just keep my hands off my dick! I've read the "Penis, Not" words, and the words of others with similar experiences, but I get to that point where I just can't stop. Well, newbies and veterans, I await your responses.
@jb1057 Welcome to Aneros and congratulations on your progress! IMHO, you are doing nothing wrong. When I started Aneros about a year-and-a-half ago, I had ejaculated much more frequently, usually following each session. Lately, however, I practice "semen retention" and "male chastity" and somewhere in your future, you may want to consider these. As you progress with Aneros, you will discover ways to separate prostate pleasure from "traditional" penis pleasure. Often, the two are intertwined! You are on the path to sexual self-discovery; it is an incredible journey! The Super-Os will come in time; just relax into your sessions and don't try too hard to achieve them! Good luck to you and please keep posting!
Maybe check this out. https://www.nateliason.com/multiple-orgasms-men/
The whole not touching your penis thing is preached on this site a little too much IMHO. I figured it out before I read the article in that link, which is sorta a simplified instruction. But I've tried to follow it to see if it does a decent job explaining the feelings and what to do. It's not bad!
@goldenboy what do you mean exactly by male chastity and what is semen retention ?
@Kaly As used in the Aneros forums and blogs, male chastity essentially is refraining from all sexual activity, such as masturbation and sexual intercourse, usually by making the penis "off-limits" to touch. Hence, no ejaculation is normally possible while in chastity. This may be accomplished "solo" like I do, using a male chastity device or "cage" (like my CB-6000S) or a chastity "cup" (essentially a jock/cup). I retain the key for my cage at all times. Alternatively, a male chastity "cage" or "belt" can be initiated by another party and he/she (the keyholder) holds the key. The male does not have the key at all in this case. He may be released periodically or not at all at the discretion of the keyholder.
Semen retention is the practice of refraining from ejaculation for a period of time, e.g. SR Day 7 or SR Day 21 or SR Day 100. The penis is NOT off-limits like in chastity. There is information on the Aneros forums on the "21-Day No Ejaculation Challenge". I recommend it if you are interested. Semen retention can be practiced without chastity. But while practicing chastity, chastity and semen retention usually go hand-in-hand.
Remember that these practices are not for everyone; and initially both can be trying and difficult to accomplish. But the upside is an increase of sexual stimulation from the absence of sex for the male. Sounds like a misnomer or contradiction, but, believe me, it works! IMHO, semen retention is practiced by more Aneros guys than male chastity. Much more info. is available in the forums/blogs and also online at other sites. Feel free to PM me if you need more details. Good luck!