Chastity is the qui...
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Chastity is the quickest way to Super O

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I have had the aneros for 2 years now and have had good times with it. No dry o or Super o yet but have had some very good feelings with it in me. It would get to the point of me getting so horny sometime I would jerk off to completion because the aneros would drive me over the edge. I think my best sessions come when I have laid off the masturbation for a week or two. Enforcing chastity on yourself is probably the best way to enlicit a good session. Do you guys feel the same way? And if so how long do you do chastity for for good results?

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@aneros_user113118 I couldn't agree with you more! I practice self-imposed chastity all the time now and gave up masturbation (didn't quite give up porn yet but working on it). I couldn't be hornier! No wet dreams yet. I only "cheat" when I have to and usually my wife is involved. IMHO, Aneros and chastity go hand-in-hand. I try to have a session or two every week.

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I think my best sessions come when I have laid off the masturbation for a week or two.

High arousal levels are needed for the best pleasure effects (see the discussion thread Are you "aroused"?).

Enforcing chastity on yourself is probably the best way to enlicit a good session. Do you guys feel the same way?

The process by which you achieve a high arousal level varies with each individual. The thread Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence addresses this topic. Your arousal level is somehat dependent upon your hormone levels which can dramatically change following every ejaculation. Many men have found reducing the frequency of their ejaculations has increased their general level of arousal and made their Anerosessions more pleasurable both in intensity and duration. Chastity, temporal abstinence, semen retention, whatever you want to call it, does seem to have positive effects for many men. This is partially due to stabilizing the hormonal roller coaster caused by ejaculation. Getting to homeostatic hormone levels may take some discipline but a good way to start would be taking on the 21 day challenge post.

And if so how long do you do chastity for good results?

IMHO, an ejaculation every 4-6 weeks and weekly prostate 'milkings' is probably adequate to maintain above average arousal levels without triggering huge hormonal swings due to too frequent ejaculation. Such a regime makes it possible for you to enjoy an Anerosession whenever you have the time and proper environment. Your age is a factor, so there aren't any hard guidelines here. Please see this article and my post on ejaculation frequency in accord with Taoist teachings.
Good Vibes to You !

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