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Cannot find prostate

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Hello! I wanted to see if I like a prostate massage and tried to find it with my finger various times but to no avail. I don't understand this. I inserted my longest finger as far as possible but I simply could not find it.
The aneros has like 4 inches insertable length does this mean if your fingers do not have 4 inches insertable length but only like 3 inches then you cannot even reach the prostate?
I looked at pictures and on those pictures it looks like the prostate starts right after the mucous membrane at the entry. Does this mean you do not even have to insert the complete finger to reach it or what? :confused:
And is trying to find the prostate with the finger somehow dangerous? I read some sites about prostate massage and some of them said that this can be dangerous because you could hurt the prostate.

And is it normal that you cannot insert the straight finger but that directly after the entry there is something like a curve so that you have to bend your finger if you want to insert it further? I had expected the anal canal to be totally straight and not curved is this normal?

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Hello! I wanted to see if I like a prostate massage and tried to find it with my finger various times but to no avail. I don't understand this. I inserted my longest finger as far as possible but I simply could not find it.
The aneros has like 4 inches insertable length does this mean if your fingers do not have 4 inches insertable length but only like 3 inches then you cannot even reach the prostate?
I looked at pictures and on those pictures it looks like the prostate starts right after the mucous membrane at the entry. Does this mean you do not even have to insert the complete finger to reach it or what? :confused:
And is trying to find the prostate with the finger somehow dangerous? I read some sites about prostate massage and some of them said that this can be dangerous because you could hurt the prostate.

And is it normal that you cannot insert the straight finger but that directly after the entry there is something like a curve so that you have to bend your finger if you want to insert it further? I had expected the anal canal to be totally straight and not curved is this normal?

[COLOR="blue"]unfortunately it's not easy to get much of a finger or fingers and hand into yer ass ...

unless yer a contortionist

... you should however be able to reach the apex of the prostate butt it's highly unlikely that many guys can reach the entire gland without some sorta appliance - yer mate should be able to reach it however and it's a piece of cake for yer doc

unless yer reaching through yer legs (alongside yer junk) yer finger(s) will be pointing aft toward yer tailbone ...

so the pad of yer finger(s) won't be contacting the gland unless ya squash yer nuts with yer arm reaching yer hole from the front

... bite the bullet 'n go get a physical and ask yer doc - u deserve to know what yer doing

- rip

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I'm with Rip on this one.

I've got longer arms than the average bear. (97th centile for functional arm reach) Lacking an extra wrist or elbow it's physically impossible for me to get a finger lined up to do the deed on myself.

Remember though that you will be going through two anal sphincters, past the penis bulb and Cowpers gland area before you reach the prostate. Not easy!

As Rip suggests, ask a frient or sig-other to glove up or slip his/her finger in a condom and help with the search. If he or she slowly slides a finger in there, you will vocalize a very nice sigh or moan when that magic spot is hit. Most docs apply enough pressure so that you will say, "Ugn" instead of making a passionate moan. Take a deep breath and enjoy.

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I'm with Rip on this one.

I've got longer arms than the average bear. (97th centile for functional arm reach) Lacking an extra wrist or elbow it's physically impossible for me to get a finger lined up to do the deed on myself.

Remember though that you will be going through two anal sphincters, past the penis bulb and Cowpers gland area before you reach the prostate. Not easy!

As Rip suggests, ask a frient or sig-other to glove up or slip his/her finger in a condom and help with the search. If he or she slowly slides a finger in there, you will vocalize a very nice sigh or moan when that magic spot is hit. Most docs apply enough pressure so that you will say, "Ugn" instead of making a passionate moan. Take a deep breath and enjoy.

[COLOR="blue"]rook - yer not being frank and straightforward ...

havin' yer doc probe yer ass with his gloved finger is at best a neutral experience

... ya gotta be horny to enjoy yer asshole and its interior structures - you know that LOL

- rip

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Arm length is not the issue. If I lie on my back I can easily reach down there to my ass and insert the finger but I simply cannot find the "magic spot". I mean I reached around in there with my finger searching for a distinct spot which I could clearly identify as the prostate but I couldnt. There also was no spot which felt totally awesome which could have shown me that I hit the right spot and I don't know why.
Is it cause the prostate is totally deep in there or is it because even if you find the right spot you still don't feel anything unless you press on the spot? How shall I know where to press when I can't identify the spot?

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Hello, dunx.

It's no surprise you can't reach your prostate. I can't either. I had a massage therapist do the deed and she said it was about 4 inches inside. Any of the Aneros massagers can reach it, in theory, except for the Tempo and Peridise units. The Aneros Eupho seems to have the best shape and length for nailing the exact spot. And yes, you need to be aroused to really feel the right spot.



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That sucks. On my anatomy charts it looks like the prostate is right at the beginning and totally easy to reach.

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You may be more likely to reach and feel your prostate if you are sexually excited and you get into a squatting position. This allows gravity to pull your organs to the bottom of the pelvic floor. In this position your prostate will be as close to the anal opening as possible. Reach from the front of your body, using a well lubed middle (longest) finger, insert into your well lubed anus, slightly curling your finger toward your navel, gently palpate the anterior wall of the rectum. You should be able to detect a slightly rounded, firm, spongy, large marble shaped structure on the other side of the rectal wall, this is your prostate. This is an awkward position to hold for any length of time, requires good flexibility and may quickly become fatiguing as breathing is difficult with a constricted torso but at least you should be able to locate your prostate.

While it is possible to give yourself a prostate massage in this position, it is not likely to be very comfortable. Let your Aneros and your internal muscles do all the work for you! 🙂

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You've mentioned before that you've had massage therapists massage your prostate and I'm curious to hear how it went since this is something I would be willing to try. Did you do a google search to find a massage therapist in your area or did she mention that she did it. What was her demeanor during the session? Did you feel that you could vocalize what you were feeling or did you hold back and keep quiet?

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That sucks. On my anatomy charts it looks like the prostate is right at the beginning and totally easy to reach.

Here's a link to a wank vid (labeled gay butt it's solo) ==>

Steve gives himself a finger fuck - XVIDEOS.COM

note ol' stevie boy at 2:00 to 2:30 where he's reaching between his legs next to his nuts etc. and fingering himself with finger pads (and palms) up

... he's not in far but i'd guess he's in contact with the apex of his prostate gland

later in the flick he's reaching around his thighs and attacking his ass from the wrong angle ...

and no way are his arms long enought to hit the spot from that approach

... dunz i bet you can do that as well as steve!

if you wanna massage the entire gland yer gonna hafta call in for some assistance - butt at least you can get a feel for the territory if yer anatomy is reasonably normal ...

i know anuses and prostates reasonably well - at least anatomically

... and there's not that much difference from man to man

good luck

- rip

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I can actually feel sth which isn't very far inside and corresponds to what one can see on a lot of those prostate finding pictures. It also has a slightly different texture and feels a tiny bit buzzy but I'm not sure if I'm rubbing against sth else because it doesn't match with your descriptions.
That said, I don't get why one can't find it himself whereas a doctor or another person can. Why would the other person get further in? Can't you put in your own finger until your palm starts?

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Don't know that I can give a good explanation to that question, grayfox. I'm a doc and have performed many prostate exams yet, though I can feel mine, I cannot appreciate it's anatomic features with the detail I can on someone else. And it's not the length of the finger, as for myself as well as other guys the distance from anus to prostate is really quite consistent and easily reached. It's the angle of one's own examining hand and fingers I think that's the explanation.

The best way I've been able to feel mine is by squatting and sliding my left long finger in feeling toward the front of my rectum and with somewhat firm pressure gently sweeping the pad of my fingertip around to make out a rounded, firm structure about small chestnut size felt through the anterior (front) rectal wall. Honestly, just as in going to the urologist, that does not produce pleasurable feelings for me, but making very gentle caressing movements of my finger against the lower surface of the gland that's easily reached just inside the anus does. I assume this is the pleasurable point of contact for the Aneros massagers and explains, at least in my case, why I like the gentle tickling feel of the Eupho so much more than the blunt pressure feel of the Progasm.

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Interesting discussion. I bought a box of exam gloves just with the purpose of using them on myself. I've tried a few times to feel my prostate but have not been successful and found the experience rather "neutral". I haven't tried the squatting position though, so I'll try that sometime soon.

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I think it would be not uncommon for someone trying to feel this for the first time on themselves to have difficulty clearly identifying it, particularly given that self exam is far more difficult in palpating the gland than examining someone for instance as a physician would. It may be that the most sense "you're there" is would be a "oh, that feels kind of nice" feeling when gently palpating towards the front of the rectum right where it opens up just inside the anal sphincter muscles.

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I share my experience in hopes this will help...I experimented with anal play regularly during my teen years of masturbation. I didn't know then that I even had a prostate but I did know the anal penetration with a finger or small, cylindrical object felt good. In my mid-twenties, during a night of hot sex with my wife, she stuck her finger in me during foreplay and I came in a matter of minutes from the anal penetration alone. What a wonderful surprise for both of us!

As a guy growing up in the 70's I used to read Penthouse Forum a lot and there were numerous stories that stoked my teen fantasies, where a guy would tell of some hot, co-ed slipping her finger in his a@* in the back of a lecture room in college and how he'd cum on the spot, etc. So, even int he late 70s I knew I was not the only one aware this was a fun thing to do. In fact, when I worked for my parents appliance store in a small Midwestern town, I remember the old guys telling me about how during their years in the service they heard about (or experienced) Japanese Geishas that would out a string of pearls in a guys a&$ during sex and when he was about to cum they'd pull them out, causing an incredible orgasm. I was only 15 at the time but you can imagine this got my imagination going.

So, with this in find the prostate, slip a lubed finger in past your sphincter...the anal sphincter has an outer ring (the first band you encounter going in) and and inner ring (the second band at the top of the sphincter). Once you are past these, the prostate will be an inch or two further up the wall of your rectum, on the side closest to your belly button (the front side). With your finger you will feel a bump or spongy area on the wall of your rectum and internally, when you hit the spot, you will know because when you press gently on it, it will either feel slightly like you have to pee...or if you are erect, it will feel more like someone is gently pressing out from the inside of your glans (the head of your penis) and this will feel really good.

When my wife is doing this, after a few minutes, I'll begin to leak pre-cum and moan. Same with the Aneros. The reason drs. have you bend over or lay on your side and then I stick their finger in is that in this position it brings the prostate into a closer reach of a finger up the rear than if you stand straight. You can probably best reach you own in the same position or like SlimJim (a most excellent man!) has suggested. If you are gentle and aroused (erect is best because the internal cock...the part of your penis that is inside tyour body cavity, over 1/3rd of it's total legnth.... will push against the prostate in this state and fell very pleasurable) you should not worry about injuring yourself. We guys are pretty clear about the amount of pressure we want...just think of how you know how much you want your balls squeezed...same idea. We know what feels good and what hurts. As long as you or you and a partner keep it gentle, you're going to have a great time. Enjoy!

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