Anerosans: Several of you posted to help Marco Polo in his recent thread entitled "Advice for what to do when "it" starts... i keep losing it."
The suggestions were invaluable to me and hit close to home because whenever I am engaged in any orgasmic pursuit of pleasure, I use buzzwords to help clear my mind and focus on the pleasure being generated by my body, which generally helps the orgasmic intensity to build.
In the Marco Polo thread mentioned above, responders pointed to RELAX, RELAX, RELAX ( a method/buzzword set forth by Darwin.) Other men in that thread mentioned "clear my mind" and also "fall away from my own body." Still another poster mentioned his buzzword is "surrender control." Goldenboy set forth that a key element for him is knowing "when to let go of control." That would be an interesting point, Goldenboy, for you to explain the contours of knowing when to let go of control. That is new territory for me.
I thought it might be helpful for us guys who are in search of the holy grail of orgasmic delight in all of its forms--- Mini Os, Dry Os, Prostate Os, MMOs, Super Os and even anal Os--- to compile in one place what buzzwords or methods you use to clear your mind, relax and let the orgasmic delight in all of its manifestation in our male bodies happen.
For myself, I start with the buzzword, "Relax.........Make love to yourself." If my mind is too clouded with anything taxing to my psyche, I tell myself " No thinking......Just pleasure." That seems to clear and focus my mind on the pleasure. Since each aneros session is unique in many ways, if I get to thinking about other sessions which have been better or quicker on the pleasure draw, I tell myself "Relax, no comparison" and try to stay engaged in the pleasure of the present moment. Another biggie for me is "no expectation. Immerse yourself in the pleasure."
Also it seems to me that moaning or an affirmative response of "YES, YES, YES" seems to thrust me more into the orgasmic pleasure.
That is just an introductory short list on my behalf. I am wondering what buzzwords or mental epithets you men/anerosans use or employ to hasten you down your road to orgasmic pleasure, the ultimate of which is the super O.
Thanks for any sharing. I know much has been written on this process, but I think we men are all alike in clearing our minds and the similarities of what we do to engage orgasmic pleasure. It would be good to see those buzzwords or epithets here.
Eager for help in this area... I have a very hard time clearing my mind. I always feel like a helpless passenger being dragged along wherever my mind wants to go. If I try to slow down and linger on a thought or fantasy, my brain races through it and is off to the next thing.
i’ve found Rythmic Breathing fairly helpful. Have not tried meditations mantras or buzzwords yet.
Eager for help in this area... I have a very hard time clearing my mind. I always feel like a helpless passenger being dragged along wherever my mind wants to go. If I try to slow down and linger on a thought or fantasy, my brain races through it and is off to the next thing.
The mental aspect is the hardest for me to get right. The technique I use to relax is tough to explain. It's something that takes place in my mind that I can't really put to words. I guess I basically try to "zone-out" in the same way I might while sitting in a boring class. I guess that's actually a "buzzword" I use to help get me in the proper frame of mind. Best case I can clear my mind, but I usually still have some thoughts, but a lot less than normal. It's like I'm focusing my mental energy somehow. It can be a bit taxing on my mind at times because It actually takes effort usually. Not being able to stay relaxed is the main thing preventing me from having multiple orgasms. Once I have my first prostate orgasm it is very difficult to relax myself again. My body tenses up and it's tough to let go. When things fall into place for me and I do maintain a state of physical and mental relaxation I'm in orgasm heaven. That's basically the gold standard I strive for during my sessions.
In fact, fantasizing about previous sessions actually helps me get in the mood and is good incentive to resist the urge to ejaculate.
I find that thinking of the Aneros as a relaxation aid is a big help too.
@Turnrow I go back to "basics" in my sessions now. The Aneros were intended (through HIH) as medical devices, among other things, to relieve BPH symptoms. When I feel the need, I use a prostate massager that I got from my urologist and that helps me. I find that this mindset not only gets me to relax but to give up control of the session. So whatever happens during the session above and beyond the prostate therapy is an additional pleasure. But I'm not specifically looking for a Super-O or anything else for that matter during a session. It is a fantasy of sorts but it is rooted in the reality of prostate physiology.
Focus is definitely a key to getting where we want to go. I think buzzwords and short phrases area great way to focus. I did something similar early on in my journey and it definitely helped. The one phrase that rang with me was 'make love to yourself'. That was one of my approaches because in essence that's what we are doing.
Getting into the frame of mind while using an aneros is very much like meditation where you focus on a specific thing (like breathing for example) and then turning your attention to the pleasures your body is giving you.
What helps me is repeatedly counting every breath from 1 to 10. Just completely focus on the counting and don't let yourself be distracted. Most of the time that results in loss of control and the start of a super-o.
I don't know if this helps, but I have been taking daily walks lately.
During those walks, I leave my phone at home and I just go a direction that I feel like. I don't plan on going anywhere and I also don't know how far I will go. I try to just enjoy the fact that I'm outside and head back whenever I feel like it. I smile at ppl, I look at nature and when I arrive back home I usually feel better. I don't clear my mind to walk, but it's the walking that clears my mind.
If you contrast this with being late for work or finding directions to somewhere you are not sure of. God, I hate that.
Wow Men. Your responses are so great and helpful. @karvec1959 , your buzzword to make love to yourself is ME all over. @jeykr Please tell us more about your breathing methodology. Is it relaxed breathing, deep breathing or what.@boy Thanks for the explanation of this being physiology of the prostate. As analytical as you are, it would be great to see your take on the steps or factors in that prostate physiology leading to the orgasmic pleasure we men like.
I have thought of another few of my own buzzwords. When feel tension along with building orgasmic pleasure, I tell myself, "Relax, release the tension" while directing my mind to where I feel that tension and relaxing that area. Another buzzword I use is in circumstances where I am feeling orgasmic pleasure but want to take it to the next level. I tell myself, "feel the bliss" and find that as crimsonwolf or neros stated, in a matter of a couple of to several seconds that bliss (or whatever I am directing my body to do) comes into fruition. So patience and relaxing and mental effort are keys to working with buzzword for me.
I also like to focus on pleasure by telling myself, "Savor the pleasure" or "Relish the pleasure" "focus, focus focus," "enjoy enjoy enjoy." I use these buzzwords individually depending on whatever is popping into my mind as the pleasure develops.
That's all for now. Please guys, keep on sharing what you do in this mental exercise of pleasure. @Mitaru Good luck on those walks. Your analogy to our successful aneros journey is intuitive.
Focus is definitely a key to getting where we want to go. I think buzzwords and short phrases area great way to focus. I did something similar early on in my journey and it definitely helped. The one phrase that rang with me was 'make love to yourself'. That was one of my approaches because in essence that's what we are doing.
Getting into the frame of mind while using an aneros is very much like meditation where you focus on a specific thing (like breathing for example) and then turning your attention to the pleasures your body is giving you.
I like very much @karvec1959's description and definition of Aneros focus.
For me, buzzwords are very personal and often launch me into delightful Aneros sessions almost every time I ride my Aneros tools. Every guy has his favorite buzzwords.
Here are some of my most favorite buzzwords:
1. Jocks and cups: Like @goldenboy, I wear a jock and cup to bed most every night. The athletic cup contains my "junk" and the cupjock holds everything (cup and genitals) securely in place securely as I sleep like a baby in bed.
2. Nipple diddling. I enjoy diddling my nipples gently in bed, during my sessions, and often in Aless. Diddling is powerful foreplay which prepares me for sessions and in Aless, I rehearse the sweetness of my Aneros experience.
3. The Kegels. I can do the Kegel Exercises at any time of the day and even all places if I choose. Kegeling and diddling accentuates both the power and sweetness of wearing a jock and cup. The athletic cup supporter unit which I wear exercises most powerfully my genitals, prostate, and anal musculature. Rhythmic breathing during this powerful and sweet exercise makes even more so.
4. My perineum. The P-tabs on my Aneros devices have developed this most powerful and sweet spot of my anatomy. My perineum is fairly close to my cock root, I believe. I should add that most athletic cups these days are contoured and reach under a guy's scrotum. The bottom edge of a guy's cup sits on his perineum and even massages it. That has been my experience and it is a very sweet experience. Also the pouch and leg straps of jockstraps and cupjocks join together at a guy's perineum and also massage it.
5. My Cock root/Prostate/Penis shaft/Glans penis connection. When I diddle myself, i.e. use various strokes on my nipples and aureolas, and even caress my hairy pecs, I feel various textures of very sweet sensations reflected in my cock root, prostate, penis shaft and my Glans. All this is enough to send me into Aneros orbit! 😉
6. The Mount of Sexual Arousal and the PONR. Here we have very powerful imagery. I experienced climbing this mount most powerfully when I achieved my first orgasm and ejaculation of semen (a total, yet most pleasant surprise) as an adolescent. The PONR (Point-of-no-return or point-of-ejaculatory-inevitability is at the summit of the mount of sexual arousal. As a guy masturbates or has coital sex and he approaches the PONR, he begins experience the rarefied haze of exquisite pleasure on the plateau near this summit. A guy who surfs or edges when he masturbates can enjoy long masturbation sessions before reaches his PONR. Masturbatory surfing or edging is a powerful exercise for developing ejaculatory control. The longer he masturbates in a session, the more powerful and pleasurable will be his orgasm and ejaculation of his semen as he crosses the though exquisite haze of his PONR. I am very grateful for @goldenboy for his extensive writings and thoughts on the PONR.
Some of my favorite phrases which I use in Aneros foreplay, Aneros sessions, and Aless: While many meditators, certainly Yoga practitioners, may use OM, I use "Oh yeah!" sometimes loudly as an ejaculatory phrase and more often, gently under my breath to coalesce with my foreplay in bed at night, or with my Aneros sessions, or when I am enjoying Aless. Often on session mornings upon wakening after a night of sleeping wearing my jock and cup, I feel in my genitals an exquisite sweetness very close to PONR. I will use the phrase, "Let's get going!" several times. I am primed for a session. Very rarely now that session is a dud.
Finally I will add that the brain is the most powerful sexual organ, especially when it comes to imagination. It is known that the hormones and stimuli that causes a boy to enter puberty and adolescence arise in the brain. I believe horniness in males to want to have sex also arises in the brain, i.e. to have erotic or 'dirty' thoughts. I am grateful for @goldenboy's extensive writings and thoughts on male chastity. What better way to develop such horniness for Aneros, but to engage in the 21 day challenge of no sexual activity!
@Turnrow, thank you for that interesting question. I can tell that at the beginning of my journey, I really had to sooth my frightened soul with words like "I won't do myself no harm, I can let go." It helped to suppress inner obstacles and to let my gland take over command.
About two years later it all has become mostly a wordless communication of my conscious mind with my subconsciousness and my prostate's consciousness.
On the one hand it's focus, on the other hand it's awareness, both together are starting a nonverbal blissful communication leading to pleasureful feelings culminating in ecstasy and orgasms.
I am just sitting here at the desk typing this comment, stopping my verbal thinking and turning my view inwards. Focusing on my gland or my nipples or my heart I tune into myself with full attention to every little part of my whole body and to its entirety, receiving blissful feelings from any body part until arising vibes let vibrate my whole being, starting an erection, an aching in my testicles or some involuntaries. Letting go now leads to chairgasms or more due to my mindset, the circumstances as privacy and available me time.
Please try this wherever you like and feel comfortable, whether in your bed before going to sleep or when resting on your couch or on any other favorite place. This evening I took a rest on the couch and let it go for a little Aless. What I noticed was that gentle involuntaries let me stretch and loll a bit like a cat when one ruffles its fur. Closing thumb and middlefinger of both hands and vocalizing my feelings a bit like charivari too nourishes and cherishes my bliss.
Good vibes to you, let go, and the best is yet to come! 🙂
@BigGlansDC What a wonderful catalog of your psyche and the things that spur you on to orgasmic pleasure. Thanks for posting. Your "oh Yeah" is a buzzword of mine too. I long for the day that dwelling near the PONR becomes a way of life and a constant encourager of our male sexuality.
@SOwithoutAneros Thanks for your journey from buzzwords to wordless communication between your conscious mind, your subconsciousness and your prostate's consciousness. I will add the buzzword "let go" to my repertoire and hope that I can get where you are focusing on your gland or nipples feeling blissful feeling all over your body. What you guys describe is surreal in pleasure way beyond the point and shoot days of masturbation as teenage boys.
I think of this like the "bed spins". You know, you get hammered and lay down and the bed starts spinning. I finally just started relaxing and enjoying the fall and the floating. Once I gave in and learned to enjoy it it was wonderful. Sad part was, some time after I started to enjoy it they stopped. Haven't had a case of bed spins in decades. I think there is a lot to just getting your mind out of things, letting go, and knowing you'll be fine if you do.
Cool post.
I find that expectations before a session are the number one fun killers, and that buzzwords can help or hinder; because I equate 'yesyesyes' with sex, I kind of avoid it, since Aneros sessions have lots of maybes, sort-ofs, and huhs? I dig the relax mantra, but I also rely on words that accentuate the immediate pleasures, like 'oh,' 'oh my,' 'wow,' 'no way,' and my favorite, 'mmmm,' like I just but into the best cookie I've ever tasted. These words keep me focused on the actual pleasure, and stop me from tripping over any expectations-- I only ooh and aah the fireworks I'm feeling at that exact moment, without wondering if there are more. I also tell myself what a beautiful man I am as a caress my nipples, belly, etc. It sounds really sappy, but it does accentuate arousal. Try it. And making love to yourself is a critical distinction; masturbating this ain't. Sessions are something much deeper and subtler.
I also meditate regularly, and can offer this: Don't overthink thinking. You psych yourself out when you think you're not supposed to think of anything. Same as with Aneros- worrying sucks. With my meditation, images popping into our minds is natural and expected- the point is to throw the images away, let go of the emotional attachements as you jettison the image. We aren't supposed to go 'Ommm' and have no thoughts at all. A bit of relaxation and breathing, without resisting thoughts or images, will really help. Let your thoughts go where they will, and try tossing them in a mental trash can or fireplace as they pop up.
@Mitaru: Love the walk and ditching all things digital. So important to unplug from the articificial stuff, and plug into the real. You're a man of my own heart, and excellent meandering to you.
@BigGlansDC: Always illuminating reading your posts. Thanks. And forgive the same Q over and over, but could you post your favorite jocks, cups, etc? I still use your Kegel regimen, and always feel better for it.
@SOwithoutAneros: I like the fine point you put on the dialogue between self and soul. It makes me think of the colony of consciousnesses a human being really is, rather than just a single awareness behind our eyeballs. Harmony comes from listening and letting go, sho-nuff.
@goldenboy perhaps said it best, as is his wont: give up control, and whatever happens, happens. Learning to defuse the detonator of our linear, penis-based sexuality is difficult, because with traditional weiner fun, there's always a finish line. We have to learn to abandon the idea that a delight awaits us- the delight is in the present, nowhere else.
Best of Pleasures, boys.
My journey has has taken a serious turn in the last few weeks.I got the 950 and the ET recently I don't know if they are the reason.I used to wait two or three days at least to have a powerful session ESPCIALLY if I ejaculated with intercourse.Well I had back to back sessions sat and sun,with intercourse sunday nite.I felt a little urge at noon today and popped in the 950 with O expectations.Holy smokes I my nipples were like pencil erasers and I had to stop a diddling a few times to catch my breath.The fact that this all came as a suprise was incredibly arousing.Any w
I accidently hit the post reply,but what I was going to say is I still plan on no more then 3 sessions a week,as I want this to be a part of my life but not my whole life.
@evergreen, you can delete your accidental posts, when logged in, by clicking on "Edit" below your post, then choose "Delete" from the blue buttons below the editor. Cheers!
@Zenopause : You said in this thread above:
" I find that expectations before a session are the number one fun killers, and that buzzwords can help or hinder; because I equate 'yesyesyes' with sex, I kind of avoid it, since Aneros sessions have lots of maybes, sort-ofs, and huhs? I dig the relax mantra, but I also rely on words that accentuate the immediate pleasures, like 'oh,' 'oh my,' 'wow,' 'no way,' and my favorite, 'mmmm,' like I just but into the best cookie I've ever tasted. These words keep me focused on the actual pleasure, and stop me from tripping over any expectations-- I only ooh and aah the fireworks I'm feeling at that exact moment, without wondering if there are more. I also tell myself what a beautiful man I am as a caress my nipples, belly, etc. It sounds really sappy, but it does accentuate arousal. Try it. And making love to yourself is a critical distinction; masturbating this ain't. Sessions are something much deeper and subtler.
I also meditate regularly, and can offer this: Don't overthink thinking. You psych yourself out when you think you're not supposed to think of anything. Same as with Aneros- worrying sucks. With my meditation, images popping into our minds is natural and expected- the point is to throw the images away, let go of the emotional attachements as you jettison the image. We aren't supposed to go 'Ommm' and have no thoughts at all. A bit of relaxation and breathing, without resisting thoughts or images, will really help. Let your thoughts go where they will, and try tossing them in a mental trash can or fireplace as they pop up."
What wisdom from a man who has only been on this site since April of this year!!!!!!!!
I wanted to repeat those wise words and memorialize them for myself and others. The making love to yourself element is for me critical for any orgasmic success. Like you, I do love my body and the pleasure that comes from relaxing and as BigGlansDC says mentally enjoying and encouraging my brain/thoughts to build the orgasmic pleasure to greater intensity.
Keep sharing your wisdom bro.
I`m new to the forums and the do nothing , relax and breath method . I`ve had some great sessions the last few weeks that I hope continue to get better. The challenge is still to let go of my thoughts and allow my body to take over. I have to constantly remind myself to just breath and relax . When I do the sensation is so great I start to get into it too much instead letting it occur. Still a fun journey to be on.
Thank you for the lovely compliment. I'm grateful that something I write helps. I get so much from this forum, and the things that really stay with me are the simplest and sweetest. Men aren't taught to love ourselves, and that inhibits so much. I think crossing that milestone enables all the other pleasures. Such a strange journey...all the best along yours, friend.
@traveler 22
This forum has changed me perceptions about self and pleasure. Thar be treasure here, mate. Welcome aboard, and sitting well in order, smite the sounding furrows!
Best of pleasures,
@Turnrow Sorry for the late reply. I got this breathing technique from the Headspace app (I can only recommend trying it out, since relaxation/clearing your mind plays such a big role in all of this). You pretty much just want to breathe in for two seconds, count to 1, then breathe out again for two seconds and count again.
What it does for me is it keeps my attention away from the prostate/Aneros so I can't control anything that happens down there. This is really helpful for the "do-nothing" approach.