Buzzing in Penis
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Buzzing in Penis

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Yesterday when I was using the progasm I had a buzzzz in the base of my penis. It kept on building on me. I feel that if it lasted for longer and grew into a more intense one, I would have had an orgasm. Is this supposed to happen?
Related to this, is a pulsating feeling. I can feel my pulse with the progasm inside of me. I do not mind it, just wanted to know if this is a good sign.
A follow up question. When I insert the prograsm, I do not feel it inside of me. However, as the session goes on, I have these moments when I feel the progasm appearing inside of me. Those are enjoyable moments, and when I have this fullness experience, each time it moves it is pleasurable. Is one of the aims to train yourself to constantly have this fullness experience?

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You will in time be able to cultivate this buzzz into an orgasm.....when you start to feel this buzzz next time, dig deep and relax, maybe ad some nipple pleasure. Relax and explore and relax some more.

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Sounds like you are almost there. Concentrate on it, enjoy it, breath deeply into the abdomen, feel it grow. It should turn into an orgasm.

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Today I had my best results so far.
Today during my progasm session, after 5 to 10 minutes after starting, I had a growing pleasurable feeling in my penis. Even in the head of my penis. It was very mildly pleasurable, but still pleasurable.

I had an urge to tense up and contract, but I resisted, and tried to relax, and release my contractions, as much as possible. The feeling in my penis continued to grow on me. It grew to the point when I was in the "pre-orgasm" state. The feeling you get from normal masturbation before you reach the point-of-no-return.
It was again very mild, but it was there, it really felt like I was slowly building up an orgasm. The progasm inside of me felt a lot more intense and bigger, I was able to feel pleasurable feelings along the shaft of the progasm. For a bit I even thought that I am going to have an orgasm. But unfortunately I did not. It went away before it turned into an orgasm.
What did I do wrong? I just want 1 orgasm. At this stage I am not seeking any "super orgasm", I just want any orgasm, just one. Should I tense up, or contract more, when I get close? My urge intensifies when I get close, I really really want to tense up and then explode.

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I think it's actually a play off between tension and relaxation. I'm not sure I actually know how to definitively trigger an orgasm myself, it's not like normal masturbation where you just keep going and have an orgasm as the pleasure builds, with aneros it's all a bit more subtle. It just happens as you build the pleasure up to a certain point. if you are too tense then it won't happen, and even though most people advise total relaxation it's actually much more difficult than it sounds and a small amount of tension can help push you into an orgasm.

The other thing is that the more you desperately want to orgasm the less it is likely to happen, the more likely you are to start tensing up and 'blocking' it.

Some tricks I use: pretending I'm orgasming and doing some rhythmic PC contractions and suddenly I find it's started, totally concentrating on the pleasure in my head and imagining it building sometimes I then get lost in it and an orgasm starts, fantasy - thinking about sex and cumming inside someone, taking a quick break and relaxing then starting again, and finally feeling the sexual energy move into the penis (or abdomen) and imagining that causing an orgasm. I also use pressure on the perineum or even a bit of masturbation. Others use nipple stimulation to trigger orgasm.

And don't forget the breathing, it's vital. Experiment. Deep breaths are great but try everything and use what works for you.

Be patient, you sound really close, if you keep trying and don't get too frustrated it will happen eventually and then you will know what you are aiming for in future.

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For me when the orgasm is building it feels like climbing a tall hill up up and when I think it is at the top just totally let go and I stay on top for awhile and then is when the orgasm starts I feel release then it goes to my penis where it feels like cum is running out but there there is only precum there, I'm just saying this is how it goes for me.

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Sounds like you are almost there. Concentrate on it, enjoy it, breath deeply into the abdomen, feel it grow. It should turn into an orgasm.

I hit this point months ago and since then it has not progressed. Just saying. Also @mack the feeling of release should not be present, states so in the wiki.

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I agree with @mack it's just like climbing a hill and reaching the top, and there is a wonderful feeling of release as the orgasm hits, it's like the energy suddenly spreads out and you can enjoy it rather than working to build it. It feels like a tap has been turned on and the pleasure starts flowing.

Again, that's just how it is for me.

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Posts: 241 are well on your way to your first super O so just relax....sooner or later you will hit your O. I guarantee it.

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