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Buying my first model?

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Ok, I want to try out an Aneros massager, but I don't know which one to go for. The Aneros site seems to make the Helix sound most appealing, but I've read a review where someone said it was too short, so I'm tempted to go for the Progasm. However, people have said that this doesn't move as much. I'm gay, but haven't had much experience with anal sex, out of about five times I've only enjoyed it once, so I'm also tempted to go for the Progasm in the hope that it will help me practice with anal sex. Anyone got any advice on whether to go for the Progasm or the Helix?

Illustrious Member Customer
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Hi Shiva,

Welcome to the Forum.

The Poll results show the leading model recommended for beginners is the HELIX- see :

Among more experienced users the leading model is the PROGASM – see :

I personally own the MGX, HELIX and PROGASM models, I use them all on different occasions as my mood varies, as each has a slightly different feel/action. I concur that the HELIX is a good introductory model.

Good Vibes to You !

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You will always get good advice from the group that posts on this forum. However, let me just add--something that is rarely posted here--that if you are short all of this advice should be trumped by a recommendation to get the SGX. I am just under 5"6" and never fully understood that short guys just don't get the benefits of the olther models. After more than a year and a half of purchasing and experimenting with Helix, MGX, Eupho, etc. when I finally got the SGX everything took a new direction. So, if you are under 5"7" you should definitely make SGX your first purchase. Maybe later you can move on to other models. B ut some of the most successful Aneros users on this forum are pretty tall--so keep that in mind when they leave SGX of their list of recommended first models.

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Does height really have that much of an effect on where the prostate is located? I'm short (only 5'4"). So is it possible that if the massager is too big, it will actually go beyond the prostate and not stimulate it? I just really want to make the right choice, because I don't have much money (I'm only a student), and they are fairly expensive.

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I think height DOES matter; at least it has in my experience. Until I got an SGX I labored in limbo, pleasant responses but nothing to exult over. That has changed. I hope some other short folks will chime in with their experiences.

Illustrious Member Customer
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I’m assuming that your body is normally proportioned and considering your height, as 'Sirius' noted, the SGX might be a good option for you to initially try. With that model (which is a little shorter than the MGX), if it does not engage your prostate satisfactorily, you can get a full refund from the Aneros company – see their guarantee at

and subsequently purchase another model. Thus you can basically try it out risk free!

Good Vibes to You!

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