Y'all may have seen these toys by now, its shaped like a dildo but there is a big hollow rectangular chamber inside opens to the top and bottom of the shaft with a little long thin silicone "rod" inside that can flap up and down so the flapper goes outside of the insertable part of the toy. Its supposed to stimulate the g spot or prostate. Like a tapping thing. Of course, being the orgasmic adventurer that I am (and horny perv) I got one months ago, its the other end of a magic wand. The thing was too hard to insert easily or comfortably and after a minute I didn't use it again. Shelved it, maybe the wand will be nice for my wife.
I got a butt plug one recently that maybe would be better. Its even app controlled. You can hook it up into a network of other people and they can randomly control your toy. Not into that, but that's where the tech is at now. So 3 days ago I was all into a session and decided I'll try this new butt plug version of the flapper thing. NO DO NOT USE THESE IN YOUR ASS!!!
Omg it felt fine at first and it gave me an orgasm that made me babble like a weirdo, but then when that ended it felt just wrong inside me. I turned it off and pulled it out. It fucking made me bleed a little inside!!!! Not bad, I didn't have blood on any of my other toys even the one I used after that, and nothing came out, no blood in stool, it was just a tiny little bit from a small amount of internal trauma. I've been perfectly fine since. I did some prostate work yesterday and I was still fine.
So if you're searching for fun toys, whether advanced or beginner user or if you're somewhere in between, these are not designed for the rectum. You might think it is but its not. If it was softer and not so rigid it could be nicer, but as they are right now, stay away!! Stick to dildos and things with less moving parts if you want to go beyond Aneros toys
Yeouch !
I've been wondering about the ones with a "tapping" or "milking" bead, these look less violent. But everything I've seen has 3 fast speeds and I'm looking for slower simulation and probably more speed options. I thought they might be the next "big thing" in prostate stimulation but now I'm starting to think that the whole mechanism that allows this motion must be quite rigid. So not sure about that...
@zentai hard to describe the sensation. "Rigid" is close to the right word. The flapper part is dense enough for there to be noticeable and needed stimulation contact. But it might be moving too fast and too hard. Its the housing the flapper is in. Its way too rigid and I know it needs to be so the flapper can move freely, but the housing and dildo part of both of the toys I have with flappers, the housing is too solid and painful.
I have a few automated silicone toys. One that has a large rounded head that rotates in both direction at different speeds, it heats up to body temperature on its own, and has vibrators in the mid-body part and the perineum anchor part. Its good without vibration on.
I also have an "inchworm" one can't describe it another way: it has a ring between the body and silicone skin coating that moves back and forth up and down the cylindrical body of the toy, and it runs back and forth across your prostate, and can make for unbelievable orgasms!! Vibration too and its not so strong so its okay in short bursts.
These are fine. Also the rotating beads ones, that stimulate the anus etc., those are good. A bit intense but good. But the flapper thing, the moving part and housing are both recipe for pain.
What's the name of that "inchworm" one ? I'm curious about something like this but there are so many options and variations, it's hard to pick something.
I really wonder about what some of these toy companies are thinking. It's one thing to hide yourself behind the "for novelty use only" disclaimer, but some of these designs are just wacky and unsafe. They still make "anal toys" without a flared base, now that's silly, but having a flapper butt plug that is not safe to use anally is on another level...
I've noticed that even as they are packing more tech in sex toys, prices are going down, so that's good, but I'm still worried about buying these new ideas and then finding out I just threw my money away on something that is not even useable.
It seems like a sorry state of affairs with a lot of this stuff. I've seen lots of cool thrusting electro-stim prostate massagers, but I'm not going to guinea-pig myself on half of this crap, because I've already had bad experiences with even the most basic of molded plastic massagers, with razor sharp seams and various other edges that I wouldn't consider safe for anal insertion. Like, how hard is it to get basic safety right?
I'm at a point where unless a company can establish a trusted brand, then I consider it safe to assume they don't give a shit whether their product is safe or not, and they're fully prepared to disappear into the night at any moment. I've seen the same dog-shit model of prostate massager I bought off Amazon sold several times under different company names, so I'm done with trusting any of them.
I've never been brand-loyal, but I realize that's because I never had to be before, since all the worst shit was filtered out for me by stores who had basic standards.
I know what you mean, I've seen the same model, a sort of Helix-Progasm hybrid thing, sold under 3 different names, with 3 different prices, on the same site. I spent a fair amount of time sanding and polishing just to get some models to be safe for use. And I was disappointed every time by the lack of performance. Of course when something starts at around 50 bucks and a few months later you see it on clearance for $9.99, that's a bit of sign that something is amiss. Some of these are not much better than dollar store quality, that is, if the dollar store sold sex toys.
It's not exactly like I need more devices, but I guess these sellers "get" me with some exotic shapes, and get me wondering, "hey, what if ?" Well it pretty much never pans out...
It's not exactly like I need more devices, but I guess these sellers "get" me with some exotic shapes, and get me wondering, "hey, what if ?" Well it pretty much never pans out...
I think my THC sessions cured my "exotic shape" wander-lust. Being deeply open to whole-body pleasure and having the brain-chemicals flowing changes so much more than a difference in shape. When I started getting ghost-auto-fucked without having anything inserted, my whole prostate-massage world turned into an impossible mystery of brain-soup and subconscious hangups.
What's the name of that "inchworm" one ? I'm curious about something like this but there are so many options and variations, it's hard to pick something.
I really wonder about what some of these toy companies are thinking. It's one thing to hide yourself behind the "for novelty use only" disclaimer, but some of these designs are just wacky and unsafe. They still make "anal toys" without a flared base, now that's silly, but having a flapper butt plug that is not safe to use anally is on another level...
I've noticed that even as they are packing more tech in sex toys, prices are going down, so that's good, but I'm still worried about buying these new ideas and then finding out I just threw my money away on something that is not even useable.
Dang the inchworm one I can't remember, and the toy doesn't have the name of it on it. I think I got it on Amazon like 5 years ago, which means no one makes it anymore lol but I'll try to find it.
I'm finding lately that toy companies (if you can even say they are "companies") are merging tech that makes women get off in new ways with toys for male body parts. Like the thrusting dildos. I doubt any are strong enough to bypass the strength of the anal sphincters and actually keep fucking the guy's ass so he can have an orgasm or at least his orgasm can continue from the never-changing thrusting. There is a reason women scream "don't stop, just like that, DON'T stop!!" because the rhythm of the stimulation gets them there. That's why I could never cum from riding a dildo or using my hand to propel it in and out of me. I couldn't make myself keep going. Not till I got a Hismith could I have monster Os from dildo penetration, because that machine never slows or stalls regardless of how strong my ass clenches down during orgasm.
A vagina only contracts so much, but not strong enough on average to prevent the thrusting dildo from slowing down or jamming. So they make thrusting dildos for men to use, but an ass and a pussy are completely different musculature. Do the toy companies care?? NO!!
If only the companies, well the people working at them and running them, could pay attention to the ways the human body works, they could really develop some amazing shit. Like, really amazing revolutionary stuff if you think about it. Like this flapper toy for instance. Like you said Zentai, its DESIGNED for anal use, but its not good for anal use, hence it is not designed for anal use. Companies continuously try to mimic what fingers and penises can do inside pussy and ass. But have they ever thought, for just a second, that maybe, just maybe, a finger or penis is not the BEST thing that can create an orgasm? Maybe fingers are played out when it comes to prostate stimulation. There are little balls inside the toy's body that moves up and down and mimics the "come hither" motion of a finger on a prostate, or g-spot. There are rotating heads that supposedly work the same spots. Now there is this flapper thing. It moves so fucking fast its like lightning speed you can't even see it as it moves. So it just winds up being a vibrator. All these things either don't target YOUR spot/s, they are too similar in method of attack on the spots, and they are too powerful so they just lose all their novelty and become a vibrator.
I've tried a lot of toys...once. I keep thinking "I want a toy that does this, that stimulates my prostate like that" and then when I use it, it doesn't do half of what I hoped it would do. The companies are getting close but they fall back on their old standards: bigger is better, faster is better, more powerful is better, and technology is king.
Don't worry too much about finding info on the toy, something similar will probably pop up at some point during my toy shopping online expeditions.
You're right, they do apply tech for women on men's toy willy-nilly. I've seen prostate toys with air pulse technology (like the clit sucker toys), with the suction on the perineum. I don't think this would do much, it's not an horrible idea but it's not the best application, either. Now if they did something really new, like having some kind of recirculating balls that always go UP, or maybe 3 balls close together doing a wave motion, then this would get my attention. Or some real oscillating motion. Plus give me low speeds, please. As low as a cycle every 5 seconds. Then smooth adjustments from there. Not just fast, faster, fastest...
I do think we'll get "there" at some point, but it looks like this will be more by random designs rather than something really targeted.