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Butt buzz

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What is the butt buzz? I have started to notice it once in while during some sessions. It feels like a very low vibration in the anus. Is that the part of the process of rewiring?

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Yes, that is a very positive sign for my session. This buzz and almost vibration like feeling of the prostate will grow and become more intense (possibly, each journey is different I suppose) and when my internal musculature responds with the right pressure and clamping I reach the super o. It's often accompanied with my cock getting rock hard and the sensation of its growth is exquisite. The feeling throughout my pelvis becomes so intense and it shoots through the entire cock with vibratory pleasure that, as my journey progresses, gets to be stronger and more orgasmic with each passing month. There is usually a feeling of a balloon rapidly expanding within as well, which I assume is my prostate but for all I know it is a ghost sensation. That may or may not indicate the super o is inbound. About one third of the time, this physiological response is accompanied by that pelvic sensation climbs rapidly up to my head and I lay awash in orgasmic pleasure bliss throughout my body and I can't help but let out lengthy moans.

That is my experience. It's taken about a year and a couple of month to reach a pretty high level of consistency with it. Your experience will be different and I can only relay what I feel. I am able to achieve the intense pelvic / penis oriented super o nearly 100% of the time if I don't ejaculate the previous three days, and usually if I go about five days with a couple sessions on the third day I will get the full body super o on the fourth or fifth day.

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This buzzing vibration I feel only happens once in a while. I'm starting to think there is a correlation to length of time I abstain from ejaculating to getting positive results. I find like you if I hold off for 3-5 days from ejaculating I tend to get the butt buzzing, good feelings. Unlike you I haven't gotten the super o yet, but I haven't been doing this as long as you. I only have about 2 months in so far. I'm hoping it isn't much longer before it happens

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Well, I think those who rewire quickly are physiologically primed and/or the right personality type to follow the key recommendations such as session frequency and length, focusing on the mental aspect, limiting external stimuli, penis not during a session, uncouple ejaculation in the immediate time surrounding a session, etc.

I know you hope it happens soon, but I would temper expectations and just enjoy the ride and look at it as a healthy way to develop mental focus along the way. While the buzzing is a precursor for great pleasure in my experience, it took many months and various stages of development for that buzz to blossom fully.

In a span of a couple months my body would respond in one way, which would completely change for the next couple of months, until once again arriving back to the old sensations and methods but more powerful. It really was a windy road of self discovery of which we all must walk. I do think there is a minority few who access great pleasure before six months, and about a year seems to be a more realistic expectation from what I gather - while that is a totally ad hoc observation.

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Well I'm in it for the long haul. I'm sure it will happen at some point. Hopefully sooner than later. I was making some progress but think I have hit a plateau of sorts lately. I will continue doing 3-4 sessions a week, 1-2 hrs and whatever happens I will enjoy the ride. From what I have read once the super o happens, you know it and there is no mistaking what it is as it's extremely powerful and kinda overtakes you.

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I get this too, almost feels like electricity. It's an awesome feeling. Just enjoy it 🙂

I agree that holding off with normal masturbation definitely helps bring forth the butt buzz!

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