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Bummer! All dressed up and nowhere to go...

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I bought my 1st Aneros(s) - MGX (?) and Peridise (Large) set from HI and have been using them since Mid/late January 2009. I have made some progress but haven't yet hit the big time.
A few weeks agoI decided to take the plunge and buy the Helix/Eupho Sublime Set as well as the Peridise Advanced Set, all of which arrived today.
In the interim I had my annual prostate check (physical exam was 'fine') and my urologist picked up high PSA levels which led to me last week having a prostate biopsy under general anaesthetic. I have since been told that cancer cells have been detected and I am due to have further tests to check for possible spread and then to start treatment.
My dilemma - is it safe to use my new toys in the interim or should I wait it out? Will I ever be able to use them?
My urine is no longer showing blood traces but my ejaculate is still quite bloody!
This is my first post since my burning bum episode (sorted thanks to a change of lube - now using coconut oil and / or shea butter), but I am a regular reader and appreciate the advice and support given.

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I would not use any of the models until cleared by your urologist. You should also let your urologist know that you are planning to use the aneros after you finish treatment so he/she can make the best informed decision regarding your healthcare plan. This way you should be able to avoid any post-op complications.


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I bought my 1st Aneros(s) - MGX (?) and Peridise (Large) set from HI and have been using them since Mid/late January 2009. I have made some progress but haven't yet hit the big time.
A few weeks agoI decided to take the plunge and buy the Helix/Eupho Sublime Set as well as the Peridise Advanced Set, all of which arrived today.
In the interim I had my annual prostate check (physical exam was 'fine') and my urologist picked up high PSA levels which led to me last week having a prostate biopsy under general anaesthetic. I have since been told that cancer cells have been detected and I am due to have further tests to check for possible spread and then to start treatment.
My dilemma - is it safe to use my new toys in the interim or should I wait it out? Will I ever be able to use them?
My urine is no longer showing blood traces but my ejaculate is still quite bloody!
This is my first post since my burning bum episode (sorted thanks to a change of lube - now using coconut oil and / or shea butter), but I am a regular reader and appreciate the advice and support given.

For your own safety, please check with your doctor before using them! I know that might be sort of an uncomfortable conversation with him/her, but it would be the best for you. I wish you well!!!


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(Note : Underlined Text is a Hyper-Link)

I can totally sympathize with your situation, having already gone through the same process which you are now facing. I was found to have T1 prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 6. I proceeded to research my options for treatment and finally decided on external beam radiation, treatments were completed by February, 2008.

The bloody ejaculate will last about a month.

During the period of time I spent researching and reading about prostate cancer when I ran across references to prostate massage there was a consistent opinion that men suffering from prostatitis or prostate cancer should not engage in massage activities. The reasoning for this most often being the potential problem of spreading a bacterial infection into the rest of the body (septicemia) or the potential problem of causing the cancer to mastatasize to other parts of the body. This is a subject you should definitely discuss with your doctor, without being shy or embarrassed. This Forum can not advise you as to the safety of any particular course of action. Every choice has its inherent risks and negative side effects. I can advise that you do a lot of reading and ask your doctor a lot of questions. If you don’t like the quality of information or options he/she presents, please get a second opinion.

You are facing some serious, potentially life altering, decisions here and I know how stressful it can be. The biggest thing you have going for you is some time to get the information to make a good informed consent decision about how YOU want to proceed. There is no need to make a snap decision. It is YOUR body and YOU should make the decisions.

Please feel free to PM me or email me if you would like to discuss this off the Forum.

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i had a biopsy but it was negative.

at that time, i asked my urologist about aneros use.

the reason i mention it is: YOU MUST DISCUSS THIS WITH YOUR DOCTOR.

you must NOT BE SHY about it.


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I bought my 1st Aneros(s) - MGX (?) and Peridise (Large) set from HI and have been using them since Mid/late January 2009. I have made some progress but haven't yet hit the big time.
A few weeks agoI decided to take the plunge and buy the Helix/Eupho Sublime Set as well as the Peridise Advanced Set, all of which arrived today.
In the interim I had my annual prostate check (physical exam was 'fine') and my urologist picked up high PSA levels which led to me last week having a prostate biopsy under general anaesthetic. I have since been told that cancer cells have been detected and I am due to have further tests to check for possible spread and then to start treatment.
My dilemma - is it safe to use my new toys in the interim or should I wait it out? Will I ever be able to use them?
My urine is no longer showing blood traces but my ejaculate is still quite bloody!
This is my first post since my burning bum episode (sorted thanks to a change of lube - now using coconut oil and / or shea butter), but I am a regular reader and appreciate the advice and support given.

I highly recommend you follow Darwin's advice. This is a serious issue that could have significant impact on your personal health (short and long term).

Talk to your doctor, don't feel that there will be any negative view from your Dr's. standpoint. If he/she makes you feel uncomfortable during the conversation then I'd venture to say you have the wrong doctor.

You should never feel that any Internet source is more valuable than a discussion with your physician.

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Thanks to all of you for your valued input and support. All duly noted.
I mark 25 years of marriage today and have therefore postponed my bone scan and next visit to the urologist until next week.
I'll keep you posted.

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I have now had the bone scan which, thankfully, was clear. It seems therefore that the cancer is localised and doesn't appear to have spread beyond the prostate.
I am now considering treatment options which include surgical removal of the prostate; external beam radiation; internal radiation 'seeding' of the prostate; and high-intensity ultrasound heat treatment ( a fairly new approach that, in essence, involves 'cooking' the prostate to destruction!)
Thanks again to everyone who responded to my previous post.
If anyone has personal experience that they'd be willing to share, either publicly or by PM, I'd appreciate the input (Thanks to Rumel for already sharing with me).

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