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do you have to breath the same time as you contract your pc muscles and anal muscles

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I don't. Just gentle belly breathing and unlike others I inhale and exhale through my nose. I'm also more into the 'do-nothing' mode with most of my toys. So calm and a meditative approach is more my style.

About the only "co-ordiinated" breathing I do is when beginning a Vice session in the "active" mode. (see B.F. Mayfield's suggestions for "passive" and "active" use of the Vice.)

"Actively," I try to pick up on the rise-fall of Vice's vibe and find a breathing rate that syncs to it. Usually that's about one breath for each 5 peaks of the Vice's pattern. (rate will vary depending on my oxygen needs) The goal is to not continue counting vibe cycles but make the synchronization a sub-conscious function that is "in background." Then switch to B.F.'s "passive mode," relaxing and drinking in the joy of Vice doing a gentle autofuck.

hth.... rook

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